Liu Xu let out a soft drink, put away his playful thoughts, his eyes flashed with strange purple lightning, and electric arcs drew beautiful arcs around him.


After the warship was raised, it fell back, smashing heavily on the sea, causing a turbulent wave, and the sea almost submerged the deck.

"Heart Net!"

Combined with the ability of thunder and lightning, the domineering and domineering display quickly, and all sounds within a kilometer range are under his monitoring.

"Hahaha, Your Majesty the King, there is something good, it's a naval warship."

"Navy warship? Get it for me."

The two voices were quickly captured under Xinwang's monitoring, Liu Xu's eyes moved, king?Could it be the guy who doesn't know how to live or die?

On the calm sea, the dark purple warship was suddenly lifted up by something, and quickly fell back to the sea, breaking the temporarily peaceful sea.

"Who? Who is it?"

"Damn it, I was attacked."

The soldiers fell hard on the deck due to the sudden elevation and fall of the warship, suffering unbearable pain.

But he quickly stood up again, searching for traces of the enemy.

The two voices captured by Liu Xuxin Wang made him very concerned. Who is that bastard king?

To surprise a warship with such a pretentious name, and even give it such a ridiculous name, isn't it just a joke?

But soon another thought made him think of a possibility, and then he asked the two people who were on alert next to him: "Which sea area are you in now?"

"Major General Liu Xu is currently in the waters of Magnetic Drum Island."


Chapter 2358 Can only watch, not attack?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Drum Island!

This name allowed Liu Xu to confirm what he thought in his heart, Magnetic Drum Island, Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

So it was this guy?But shouldn't he be the pirate group after he was kicked out by Blackbeard?How come to attack the warship now?Could it be that he also had the habit of sneak attacking other people's ships during his tenure as king?

Is this the rhythm of death?

Liu Xu's anger was looming. Who would choose him instead of making a decision? What else could he do but die?

The king of a kingdom sneak attacking a navy warship, even if the world government tolerates it, the navy headquarters can't bear it, right?The Navy Headquarters endured it, and he, Rear Admiral Liu Xu, couldn't bear it either!

Valbo, the person with the ability to swallow fruit, superhuman, can eat anything to become part of the body, or synthesize it into other things.

Information about the Drum Island Kingdom played back in Liu Xu's mind. The Drum Kingdom was originally a large medical country, and doctors with various abilities were very popular here.

And since Walpo became king, under his iron law, there is only one doctor in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, so that the people are in dire straits, typical tyrantism.

The warship quickly turned its direction, and a huge shadow appeared under the sea in front of it. The originally calm sea began to churn and gradually rose upwards. The waves made the warship fluctuate.

"Ah! Look, what is that?"

A soldier was dumbfounded, staring wide-eyed at what appeared in front of him.

"It actually came out from under the sea. It's too strange. Could it be a coating?"

The soldiers were puzzled, and they had seen a lot of things while serving in the Navy headquarters.

It is not surprising that ships can dive and sail underwater after coating.

And if you want to talk about the weird place, it should be so far away from the headquarters of the navy, or the islands of Chambord. How did they coat it?

Ahead, a huge sailboat emerged from the water, and the huge hull caused the surrounding waves to emerge one after another of warships, and it was a problem for the soldiers to stand.

"Major General Liu Xu, this is the waters of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom. The sailboat that appears here should be the King of Bulli driven by the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom."

Tina spoke with a piece of information beside her, and the information was aghastly painted the appearance of the sailboat ahead, as well as the portraits of several characters, as well as detailed annotations.

"Tina, you are fully qualified for the position of deputy or secretary."

Liu Xu gave a thumbs up, he was able to sort out the information about the sailing boat ahead so quickly, he thought he couldn't do it...

"Tina has only read the information on this. The King of the Drum Kingdom, Valbo, has harmed countless people, and he has secretly assembled some vicious people to build this ship, specifically attacking passing warships, pirate ships, merchant ships, etc. .It's just that the world government didn't care because the attack on the warship happened only once."

More news about Walpo was narrated from Tina, and this information made people very tangled.

The world government doesn't care?I'm afraid it's because there are a lot of pirate ships attacked by the other party, so you can treat yourself as a free thug?

"And since this kingdom is recognized by the world government, it is also protected by the world government."


Liu Xu decided to spray. If the head of the world government was here, he would spray the other party to death without hesitation, and it was the kind that sprayed so much that the stars flew out.

Can a kingdom that has attacked warships still be protected by the world government?This is too nonsense, right?It is estimated that this is another method played by the world government. Free thugs are so relaxed and happy!

"That is to say, now we can only watch and not attack him?"

"Yes, in principle, this is the case, Tina is very sorry."

"Cannon ready, shoot!"

Without hesitation, Liu Xu issued an order directly, and the affairs on the warship began to move quickly, and the twelve cannons in the front row adjusted their angles.

"Bang bang bang!"

Twelve cannons were fired in unison, and the muzzles of the fire snakes were full of fire and snakes, and the cannonballs bombarded the sailboats that suddenly appeared in front of them with a whistling sound.

"Major General Liu Xu..."

Tina is tangled, Major General, that is the king of the kingdom protected by the World Government, and he will be held responsible for killing him.

"Tina, needless to say. As a king, you can't improve the lives of the people, but you can't harm the people. Besides, since he attacked passing ships for his own selfish interests, is such a person qualified to be the king of a country?"

Surprisingly serious, Liu Xu didn't play carelessly, and there was a strange purple light in his eyes.

Tina was stunned for a while, Major General Liu Xu, don't always surprise people so much, okay?

"As for how the world government will blame it, that will be a matter of the future."

Turning his head, Liu Xu smiled brightly, the determination and persistence in his eyes never diminished.

Tina nodded silently. Now that the supreme leader of the warship has spoken, the subordinates will follow the orders.

On the sailboat ahead, a man with red owl glasses and curly purple hair was sitting on a chair, holding a glass of red wine in his hand and laughing.

"Moo ha ha ha, take that warship down."

"Yes, Your Majesty the King."

Hundreds of subordinates are excited, this is the most interesting thing, robbing a warship, just thinking about it makes people a little excited.

"Ahh... Your Majesty, we are under attack."


Walpo spewed out a sip of red wine, how did the situation get reversed?Shouldn't we attack people?

Twelve cannonballs whizzed past and landed on the sailboat. Valbo was still immersed in the astonishment reported by his subordinates. The cannonballs had blown up beside him and blew it up directly.

"Ah! Damn it!"

Walpo's body was blown into the air, hit the wall all of a sudden, opened his mouth wide and screamed.

The people under his command were also panicked. It was the first time that they had robbed so many ships, and this was the first time someone took the initiative to attack them. This was too unscientific.

But they reacted quickly and organized their counterattack.

The cannon quickly adjusted its angle and bombed directly on the deck of the warship.


Chapter 2359 A cannon with a sniper rifle shell

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Bang bang bang!"

However, the warships of the navy headquarters still have a huge advantage in firepower. Although the other side's sailboats seem to be huge, they are not as powerful as warships in terms of firepower.

The speed of the shells was slightly slow, and they flew accurately towards the warship in mid-air.


After several loud noises, Liu Xu rubbed his ears and turned his eyes to the people around him.

Colombia, Colombia in a black suit has raised his sniper rifle, the scope is opened, and a plume of blue smoke rises from the muzzle.

"Sniper, well done."

Liu Xu chuckled, not stingy with his praise.

Columbia smiled gracefully, with a soft smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Dear Mr. Captain, please forgive my self-assertion."

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, this sniper is too interesting, can you stop being the same?That will form a big contrast with this young master, okay?

"Let go and do it, I'm here for everything."

There is nothing more heart-warming than this, a kingdom recognized and protected by the world government, apart from those vicious pirates and revolutionary army, who is willing to face them?That would be pursued and killed by the World Government, which is no fun.

"Understood, Mr. Captain."

After Columbia finished speaking, he pulled the trigger again and again, and four pitch-black bullets burst out from the muzzle of the gun.

The first one hit the main mast of the sailboat. The main mast with a diameter of more than one meter exploded directly under a bullet and slowly fell into the sea.

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