The second one hit a cannon, and the jet-black bullet directly destroyed the cannon and formed a wound of more than two meters in diameter on the hull.

The third one hit the bow of the ship, directly piercing through and breaking the stone.

The fourth bullet hit the center of the building on the deck of the sailboat. The pitch-black bullet went straight through the wall, and the huge building wall was covered with cracks.


With a crisp sound, Columbia took off the magazine, took out another magazine from his arms and quickly loaded it, with graceful movements and smooth flow.

Powerful, this is the result of the domineering armed color added to the sniper rifle.

Armed with domineering power, coupled with ingenious control, the power exerted by each bullet is different.

"Twelve rounds?"

Liu Xu counted silently. There were eight shells fired by the sailing boat, which were directly killed by him with a sniper rifle, that is, eight bullets. Now add four bullets, making a total of twelve.

Understanding the strengths and conditions of one's partners is crucial to any battle.

Only a fool would think that his strength can fight against the whole world. There may be invincible people, but Liu Xu is still far away.

The powerful lethality brought by the twelve bullets stunned Walpo's men.

This, is this still the power of a sniper rifle?That's a cannon in a sniper shell, right?

After completing a round of shooting, Columbia quickly reloaded, and twelve pitch-black bullets flew out one after another.

"Ah! Run!"

"He's attacking again."

"Retreat for now, Your Majesty the King."

The people of the Drum Kingdom on the sailboat screamed again and again, and even wanted Valbo to evacuate with determination.

As soon as he appeared, the cannon hadn't exerted any power before he was overwhelmed by the power of a sniper. Walpo's heart was broken. He had never encountered this in such a long time since his debut!

Twelve bullets fell on twelve people.

And, explode quickly.

Different from ordinary bullets, his bullets are specially made for this sniper rifle, and with the addition of armed domineering, the power is extremely sturdy.

The power of the explosion spread to the people around him. Twelve bullets took the lives of more than [-] enemies in a single attack.

One disadvantage of naval warfare is that it is not as convenient as land warfare. Although there are cannons and other means of attack, it is still more difficult to charge.

The bow of the warship has a collision device. In the face of the pirate ship, it can directly use the speed to hit the enemy's ship, which is also one of the commonly used methods.

"Bump past!"

Liu Xu's eyes were like lightning, the thunder knife was hanging from his waist, and his hand was tightly grasping the hilt.

The speed of the warship suddenly increased, and it was ready to go. It sprinted towards the opposite sailboat. The soldiers on the deck were gearing up, and it was finally time to perform well.

Here, the distance from the sailboat is about seventy meters.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from inside the warship, and Hawkeye appeared beside Liu Xu almost instantly.

"Hawkeye, what do you want?"

Liu Xu frowned, what was he doing at this time?

Hawkeye squinted at him, and then focused on the sailboat again.

"The swordsman's slash, the courageous momentum, the unwavering belief, the invincible sword, and the body that breaks through the limit."

Saying so, Hawkeye slowly drew out the black knife on his back. Ye.

"Do you want to participate too?"

Liu Xu seemed to know something, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes, the hawk-eyed slash?Really looking forward to how far his strength has reached.

"I'll use this world's strongest black knife to show you what the world's greatest swordsman is!"

As Hawkeye said, Heidao Ye swung forward suddenly, and saw a shock in the air, and a green light suddenly appeared in this column, extending from Heidao Ye's blade, falling straight down to the sea, facing the sailboat ahead. rush over.

The sea water rose from left to right under the green slash, glowing with crystal white light.


The slash hit the hull, and the dazzling light almost made everyone's eyes close unconsciously.

The sea surged, and the green slash passed through the bow of the sailboat, broke through from the stern, and reached the sea behind.

"What, what's going on?"

After the slash, the green light subsided, and the people on the sailboat were still in shock, not knowing why.

Suddenly, there was only a "creak" sound from the sailboat, and a crack appeared from the bow to the stern, and a wide crack appeared in everyone's eyes.


Chapter 2360 The Slash of the World's Greatest Swordsman

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Divided into two, directly divided into two and fell to the left and right.

The collapse of the hull caused rough waves in the sea, slapping on the warship and the damaged hull.

"Split, split, split."

The people on the sailboat were stunned, their pupils shrank rapidly and trembled, and after realizing it, they clung to the tilted hull and ran towards Gao.

All of a sudden, ghost cries and wolf howls came from the cut sailboat.

A slash completely shattered their confidence.

Liu Xu has been staring at the green slash from the eagle eye's slash, and even the glare of the bright light can't make him close his eyes.

It's not that the strong light can't make him close his eyes, but that he doesn't want to close them.

Not everyone can witness the slash of the world's number one swordsman.

It's a great learning opportunity to experience it so up close and personal.

He already has the sword intent, and what he needs to learn now is the fighting methods and moves.

Hawkeye's slash this time was simple and rough, directly destroying the sailboat.

And how powerful swordsmanship is needed to destroy it?

Hawkeye, the well-deserved number one swordsman in the world.

A slash, the waves are turbulent, shocking the Quartet.

From his shot to the green slash behind him, Liu Xu never saw how he did it, is it domineering?Is it sword energy?Or the power of the black knife?Or a simple vacuum slash?

Just like the use of "Lanjiao" in the Sixth Form of the Navy, if the speed and strength are sufficient, the use of a knife can also swing a vacuum slash, but is that the case with Hawkeye?

It is impossible to guess, everyone looks at things from different angles and draws different conclusions.

Hawkeye's slash is still a mystery.


After a long time, Liu Xu clapped his hands and sighed deeply.

Hawkeye finished with one blow, and decisively closed the knife.

"Liu Xu, you have the will of a top swordsman, and your achievements in swordsmanship will definitely not be low in the future. It's really interesting. I look forward to your surpassing me and surpassing this world's strongest black sword."

Looking at the young man in front of him with sharp eyes, he was surprised by what he said, that he cared so much about such a brat.

Perhaps, this is the expectation of a swordsman!

Liu Xu grinned and said, "Of course, I will definitely surpass you. No matter how long the time is in the future, I will always succeed one day."

Sailing during the day, practicing at night, day after day, this kind of life has long been used to.

When sailing at sea, many things will be restricted.

Maybe finding someone deep in the mountains and practicing desperately can quickly increase your strength, or maybe constantly finding strong people to fight can increase your actual combat experience.

However, that kind of life is too monotonous, and life will lose a lot of fun.

The sailboat sank under Hawkeye's slash, and the people on it fell into the sea, relying on pieces of wood to float on the sea surface, feeling only grief in their hearts.

In other words, who would be the one who swung such a slash?

"Bring these people up."

Tina once again shouted to the soldiers on the deck who were distressed because they could not use their power properly.

"Yes!" The soldiers responded loudly, "Now we have to waste food again."

"I don't know if Liu Xushao will be killed by the world government..."

The soldiers whispered to each other, but they were not slow, and the ropes were ready to start moving.

However, this time things are not destined to end so easily.

"Wait a moment!"

Liu Xu looked at the actions of the soldiers and immediately stopped them. The soldiers turned their heads in doubt, with questioning eyes.

"Snipers, kill them."

Accidentally, instead of ordering the soldiers to do anything, they spoke directly to Columbia beside him.

Startled, everyone was stunned, only Hawkeye's eyes remained sharp, without the slightest change.

Columbia didn't expect such a result, but he reacted in a breath, bowed slightly and smiled and said, "Yes, respected Mr. Captain."

After speaking, the sniper rifle was raised, aimed quickly and pulled the trigger repeatedly.

Remove the magazine, replace it with a new one, and repeat.

In less than two minutes, the hundreds of Valbo's subordinates on the sea were directly killed by sniper rifles, including Valbo.

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