Basically one every second, the movements are smooth and smooth, without the slightest pause, even when changing the magazine.

For almost two minutes, everyone on the warship was silent, only those who fell into the water on the sea were screaming, and some even dived into the water, trying to escape the shooting.

However, it was all in vain, Columbia's excellent marksmanship ended everyone's life.

After shooting, Columbia closed his gun and straddled his back. There was still a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and his clothes were neat.

Calm, wise, elegant, these are his pronouns.

Tina was already sluggish and dumbfounded when Liu Xu gave the order.

Major General Liu Xu, you, old man, played too many cards, something is going to happen!

"Major General Liu Xu, it may be difficult for the World Government to explain, Tina is very sorry."

"Tina, I will not hand these people into the hands of the World Government, and then they will be released by the World Government. That way, it is unfair to the people of the entire Drum Kingdom. Killing them is the best choice, and everything will have consequences. It's up to me."

Liu Xu knew what she meant, but he had no complaints or regrets. As long as he believed in what he thought in his heart and followed the thoughts in his heart, he would have no complaints or regrets and never feel guilty.

"Liu Xu, you are a very surprising man."

Tina was silent, Columbia followed it earnestly, and Hawkeye was direct and sure.

Liu Xu didn't answer his question, but asked instead: "Hawkeye, when do you think I will succeed?"

Hawkeye was silent for a while, and finally said: "I don't know, when you succeed, I hope you can challenge the world's strongest black knife, this is my bet!"

Surprised, Hawkeye can say such a thing?challenge him?Challenge the world's largest swordsman?

He has always been calm and calm, but the eagle eye of his own way would actually say such a thing?


Chapter 2361 Don't Take Out Your Knife

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu clenched the hilt of the knife and challenged him as a swordsman. When will this day come?

"I will, one day I will find you and pull you down from the seat of the most powerful swordsman."

Liu Xu smiled brightly.

His words, with absolute confidence, others practice hard, then I will put in twice as much effort as others, if others have better equipment, then I will look for better equipment than him.

Lei Dao, Da Kuai Dao [-] Knife, is already a rare famous sword in the world. This sword has not shown its due strength so far.

It can only be known from Hawkeye's words that this knife is very unwilling and has been stained with the blood of many swordsmen.

So is it unwilling because there is no suitable master for it, or because it didn't drink the blood of a more powerful swordsman?

"Make good use of this knife and make it your partner in your swordsman career!"

Hawkeye said so, then turned around and entered the building.

Liu Xu smiled confidently, while Tina and Columbia next to him were calmer.

The past few days seem to have gotten used to it. It seems that Major General Liu Xu (respected Mr. Captain) has never been very polite when talking to Hawkeye.

"Fill up all the gold, silver and jewels, and use these corpses as snacks for the good creatures in this sea!"

Liu Xu gradually relaxed, but turned his attention to the sailboat. It looked like a king of a country, so there shouldn't be much gold, silver and jewelry on his sailboat, right?

The soldiers did not hesitate and acted quickly. The warship stopped beside the sailboat. The soldiers took the small boat to the huge sailboat and directly searched for the gold and silver jewelry inside.


After more than two hours, the warship sailed in the established direction against the sea breeze.

On the balcony, Liu Xu in black and white short clothes took off his justice coat, held the unsheathed Thunder Knife, put on his horse stance, and slashed forward one after another.

Next to him, Hawkeye looked at the endless ocean leisurely, his eyes swept across the opponent's body from time to time.

Tina was already studying with a nautical chart, and when Liu Xu said she wanted to go to that place, she would take out this nautical chart and check it over and over again to find the best route.

Columbia was sitting on a beach chair, with a small table in front of him, on which the sniper rifle was placed and wiped lightly.


After more than two hours of continuous high-intensity swinging Thunder Knife, he also felt a little tired after practicing the Sixth Form of the Navy and his body gradually became stronger. His arms were numb and his brain gradually went blank.

There was no other distracting thoughts in his mind, and all his thoughts were on the Thunder Saber.

One knife after another is the simplest slash, so as to increase the proficiency of this knife.

Hawkeye said that this knife is not reconciled, so he has to find out why this knife is not reconciled.

It has become his own weapon, how can he let this knife be underestimated.

His training may seem stupid, or ignorant.

There are no fancy sword moves, no dazzling slashes.

However, this is the most basic kung fu, the most solid kung fu.

The Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder is also a magical skill that can only be displayed on the basis of a large number of basic martial arts all year round.

"Ten thousand!"

The [-]th chop was completed, and the training that lasted more than two hours was finally completed.

Liu Xu stopped slowly, and looked down at the knife in his hand, which was highly compatible with him in terms of color and name, but did not respond. After all, this knife is just like other knives, only cold, sharp, and strong. . Hard, no other feeling.

The numbness in both arms gradually disappeared. Liu Xu walked to his beach chair. The knife was not inserted into the scabbard, but placed directly on the table. Down, his eyes always stay on the knife.

An hour later, Liu Xu was still looking at the knife.

"Liu Xu, you have put your heart into it, but this knife still hasn't responded to you. You still need to work harder."

Hawkeye can't stand it anymore, this kid won't just keep watching it, right?

"Mihawk, why don't you compete with me!"

Suddenly, Liu Xu raised his head abruptly, staring at the other party with his starry eyes, his eyes were firm, unyielding, and persistent.

Hawkeye was stunned for a moment, to learn from each other?To learn from him?Is this the rhythm of courting death?Mihawk?Did you even call it by name?It appears to have come with determination.

In this regard, he felt a little helpless. If we start a discussion now, would it hit him too much?If he was hit so hard that he couldn't bear it, then maybe a great swordsman in the future would disappear from now on.

So, Mihawk is tangled up.

"Liu Xu, you have worked hard enough, go on steadily, there is no success overnight."

"No, I never hope to reach the sky in one step. I want to have enough battle experience. Let me see what the battle between swordsmen is like."

"Just fighting me alone is not enough."

Hawkeye responded calmly.

"Then look at you as the first opponent, I need to make more efforts."

Hawkeye was silent for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face.

"If that's the case, then come!"

With that said, Hawkeye took off the knife hanging around his neck.

Liu Xu grinned, grabbed the Thunder Knife and rushed forward, slashing it down with a single stroke, simply and rudely.

"Hey, hey, don't underestimate me, don't take out your knife, take it seriously."


The small knife touched the blade of Thunder Knife, and the huge force made Thunder Knife tremble slightly.

"Very good, come again!"

Liu Xu laughed, withdrew his hand and drew his knife, and slashed down again, with great force, and the whistling wind sounded.

Eagle-eyed sharp pupils stared at his sword, turning his body gently to avoid the opponent's repeated attacks.

The battle between the two started on this balcony.


Chapter 2362 Advances in swordsmanship by leaps and bounds

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Dark purple warships in flight, on deck!

The figure was flying, and the sound of "ding ding" kept ringing, a black knife and a purple knife collided instantly, only the shadow of the sword flickered, and afterimages appeared.

"Major General Liu Xu's swordsmanship has improved rapidly, and Tina is very happy."

On the balcony, Tina watched the battle below intently. This has become one of her habits, or it has been a habit in the past three months.

"Mr. Captain is working hard!"

Columbia smiled slightly, wiping gently with a sniper rifle in his hand.

Three months, three months have passed since Hawkeye boarded the ship.

During this time, enough to change a lot of things.

What happened in the Kingdom of Toner Cartridges caused an uproar, and caused a shock in the first half of the great route.

Rear Admiral Liu Xu of the Navy Headquarters actually slaughtered the king of a kingdom protected by the world government, and he killed him mercilessly.

What is even more surprising is that Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman, is actually on board his warship.

It's a crime, this is the rhythm that scares people to death.

In the Navy headquarters, Karp laughed while holding the newspaper. The content of the newspaper was shockingly about Liu Xu's extermination of Walpo.

Warring States chose silence, and the world government also chose silence.

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