Regarding this matter, some strange voices continue to appear within the World Government.

However, the World Government did not take action against Liu Xu after all, and seemed to be letting it go.

Eliminating people protected by the world government without being arrested or obliterated by the world government, for a while, rumors about Liu Xu's identity became more and more popular.

Liu Xu didn't know the voice from the outside world. He only knew to fight, fight, and fight with the man in front of him.

For three months, I have been challenging day and night, day and night, as long as I have the strength and the spirit, I will continue to challenge.

From the initial defeat to the current competition, the level of swordsmanship has continued to rise, and the application of the network has become more and more mature. Only the six styles have been put on hold, and there has not been much progress.

It was a sad, humbling thing to challenge this man.

However, the situation has changed a lot now, and I can finally satisfy myself.


The two knives faced each other, and Liu Xu stared at each other's eyes with sharp eyes. All the strength in his body was used, and a depression was stepped on the wooden deck under his feet.

The eagle-eyed sharp pupils also looked at each other's eyes, and the eagle-like sharp eyes made people shudder.

No one is willing to back down, confront each other, and never back down.

Suddenly, the tip of the knife staggered.

Liu Xu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body fell forward involuntarily.

"Your sister, I can't do it."

With a thought in his heart, Liu Xu clenched his teeth and exerted force on his feet. His overturned body abruptly turned twice, avoiding the black knife stabbing straight in front of him.


The thunder knife was stuck on the deck, and Liu Xu was on one knee, with one hand resting on the deck to stabilize his body.

Hawkeye withdrew his knife in an instant, stuck Heidao Ye in his back, and turned to face Liu Xu.

"You have made great progress, and you have already allowed me to use the world's strongest black knife. You are a genius swordsman."

Thumbs up, that's definitely a thumbs up.

In three months, he was forced to the point where he had to use a black knife to deal with it. Liu Xu has indeed made great progress in these three months.

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled brightly, stood up and said, "Of course, genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration plus one percent talent, although this one percent is very important."

"The next step is your knife. When you can use it handy, you will succeed."

Hawkeye pursed his lips and smiled.

"Huh, I'm tired, go to bed."

As soon as Liu Xu said this, he felt that his whole body was soaked in sweat, and he returned to the balcony on the third floor.

"I'll take a shower first, we'll continue later, okay?"

The Thunder Saber returned to its sheath, and purple lightning flashed by.

Lightning ability?

Many people know that the ability of devil fruit can be used on weapons.

The power attached to the devil fruit seems to be able to increase the lethality a lot.


After receiving no response, Liu Xu turned around and looked up the deck, but there was no eagle-eyed figure on the deck.

"This guy is really distressing, so he ran to sleep so quickly."

Liu Xu muttered a few words, and suddenly saw a small dot on the sea surface out of the corner of his eye, and looked up suddenly.

The black boat, ups and downs in the turbulent waters, sailed towards the distance.


"Run away? What is that guy in such a hurry for?"

Liu Xu was taken aback, it was definitely Hawkeye who was right, but why did he run so fast?I won't eat him again.

Three months is not too much, not too much, enough to establish friendship with these men at sea.

The friendship with Hawkeye, who is both a teacher and a friend, is very wonderful.

"Hawkeye, wait for me at the position of the world's number one swordsman, and one day I will challenge you."

Shouting at the little black dot that was almost invisible, Liu Xu let out a sharp breath, saying goodbye this time, I don't know when we will meet again.

"Dear Captain, we are about to reach the East China Sea, do you need me to lead the way?"

Columbia said softly on the side, and bowed slightly.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "It seems that you are very familiar with Donghai, well, I'll let you lead the way. Tina, you can speed up."

"Yes, Major General Liu Xu, Tina understands."

Tina saluted, and then quickly conveyed his order.

Originally planned to reach the East China Sea in more than ten days, but now due to the battle with Hawkeye, the process has been delayed again and again, and even replenished several times on the small islands along the way. .

The battle between swordsmen and swordsmen is not only the improvement of swordsmanship, but also improves a lot in other aspects, such as combat experience, the use of their own advantages, etc. This is a very good training.

Basically, it can be said that he hasn't left his hand for three months, and he is becoming more and more familiar with this sword. He has practiced the third strike of Zilei's seven strikes.


Chapter 2363 Who is the overlord of the East China Sea?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


East China Sea waters, dark purple warships!

After coming to the waters of the East China Sea through the Upside Down Mountain, I had a good experience of this retrograde current, which is indeed magical enough.

"This is the East China Sea? It's really a calm sea."

Liu Xu covered his forehead with one hand, and looked left and right in the distance.

Calm, very calm seas.

Different from the weird weather of the great route, the blue sky and white clouds here seem to have always been good weather.

In the great route, it may be sunny and sunny at one moment, and stormy at the next moment.

The weather of the great route is the most elusive.

And entering the new world is even more brutal.

Columbia smiled behind him and said, "Dear Captain, the East China Sea is the weakest sea area in the four seas. The pirates here are not very strong and the bounty is very low. It seems that there is only one person with a bounty of [-] million Baileys. ."

The East China Sea is the weakest sea area.

However, many heroes have been born in this sea area, such as Roger the Pirate King, Lieutenant General Garp, Dragon of the Revolutionary Army and so on.

Here, perhaps, is also a cradle of genius.

"Sniper, you understand this place, and the next thing will be left to you."

Liu Xu laughed, really relaxed and happy. If the sniper is familiar with the East China Sea, he doesn't have to think about the sailing.

It seems that he never has to pay attention to sailing, because there is Tina, a free coolie, who studies navigation charts all day long and works out the best sailing route.

"Yes, Mr. Captain."

Columbia bowed, then stepped off the balcony, and explained the sailing route to the helmsman.


Leisurely, this should be Liu Xu's life now.

Lying on the beach chair, the Thunder Knife was out of its sheath, vividly shining under the reflection of the sun, reflecting a strange purple light.

"Thunder Saber, Thunder Saber, when will we be able to use the seventh strike of Purple Thunder! Besides, it seems that after the seventh strike, there will be stronger moves!"

Thinking of this, Liu Xu kept staring at the knife without taking his eyes off it.

"Well, the swordsmanship has improved a lot, and the domineering has also improved a lot. Now it should be the sixth style of the Navy. The supreme throne is really exciting."

Thinking of this, Liu Xu felt a surge of pride and ambition. He has never forgotten the declaration of coming to this world.

The strongest, the position of the strongest!

"Lei Dao, when I ascend the highest throne, you will be the one to witness the bloody journey along the way."

He said something by accident, Liu Xu reacted with a dumbfounded smile.

Isn't it a waste of effort to say this to this thing?

But, the situation was beyond his expectation.

When he finished speaking, Lei Dao trembled slightly, as if responding to his words.

This change caught him instantly, it was not an illusion, it was definitely not an illusion.

Perhaps, it has already reached the step Hawkeye said.

Get up, swing a knife forward, a flat knife.

"Yes, that's how it feels, handy, like a part of your own body."

Under the knife, Liu Xu was full of joy, dare love this thing's ambition is not small, actually want to witness the highest throne?

Hey, well, let me show you what the highest throne will look like.

"Report! Your Excellency Major General, the Pirate Fleet is found ahead."

The soldier's report interrupted his joy, and he broke away from the joy of Lei Dao.

"Pirate Fleet? How many are there?" Liu Xu asked as the Lei Dao returned to its sheath.

"Fifty ships, about [-] people, a huge fleet."


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