Liu Xu coughed hard, a fleet of fifty pirate ships?Is this the rhythm against the sky?Can my own warship do it?

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, fifty ships?Wouldn't it be the pirate group?

"Observe closely, crack down on the evil pirates, and enforce the justice of the navy."

Decisive, upright and serious.

Well, the Oscar statuette is all right.


A huge sailing ship with three decks, the bow is in the shape of a panther, and an hourglass is drawn on each side of the skull on the flag.

Behind him, forty-nine smaller sailing ships, the entire fleet is very powerful.

On the huge sailboat, a man shrouded in golden armor looked at the warship in the distance.

"Cut, even a small warship dares to block my way, courting death."

Arrogant, confident, ruthless.

This may be his first impression, the overlord of the East China Sea, Crick.

Klick, with a bounty of [-] million, owns [-] pirate ships, and is the largest pirate group in the East China Sea.

As the warship approached, Liu Xu saw the person on the dreadnought Saber through the binoculars. Judging from the pirate's flag and the other party's clothes, he directly confirmed the other party's identity.

Seeing Klick in the gold armor, Liu Xu sighed fiercely, this is so extravagant, it is such a waste to use gold to make this armor.


Resolutely, without the slightest hesitation, he directly issued an attack order.

Since it is an arrogant guy like Crick, then there is no need to show mercy. Let him understand, who is the real overlord of the East China Sea?

In my memory, this guy seemed to be preparing to enter the Great Route three years later, but just a week after entering, he was blasted out by the panic-stricken Hawkeye, and chased him all the way to the East China Sea.

As a result, this guy also thought that Hawkeye had such a powerful power by eating some devil fruit, and insisted that he was the number one in the world.

It's a sad ending, it's a sad thing.

The cannon quickly adjusted its angle, and the soldiers bombarded it without saying a word.

Now, they finally have a chance to show off their fighting power.

"Bang bang bang!"

The artillery spewed out fire snakes, and twelve shells were fired instantly.


Chapter 2364 Solved a sailboat with one shot

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



Crick froze for a moment, then smiled dismissively, cannonball?It's too weak to compete with his fleet in the bombing of shells?

Also, someone dares to take the initiative against Donghai Ba, this is simply a big joke.

Needless to say, the pirates under his command were ready, and in an instant, hundreds of artillery shells fired in salvos, bombarding the warship.

"It's not a gentleman's job to bully the few with the more."

Columbia smiled lightly, appeared on the deck in an instant, untied the sniper rifle behind his back, aimed, pulled the trigger, aimed, pulled the trigger, and changed the magazine.

In one go, the movement is elegant and perfect.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of explosions continued to be heard in midair, and dark bullets shot out from the muzzle.

The pirate fleet's shells exploded directly in the air under Columbia's sniper rifles, but there were still many leftovers that continued to bombard the warships.

Hundreds of guns were fired, and Liu Xu sat on the beach chair without the slightest worry, and didn't even need to look at the shells.

The soldiers on the deck raised their rifles and fired at the shells one after another, destroying quite a few shells at once.

It's just that dozens of them were directly bombed down.

The warship was about [-] meters away from the dreadnought battleship Sabre at the forefront. This distance was very close, and the shells reached the warship almost instantly.

"The sill prison!"

At this time, Tina, who was beside Liu Xu, suddenly made a move. She opened her hands, and black iron bars stretched out from her left and right arms.


Tina responded calmly, and when the shells were about to fall on the warship, her arms were combined, and the iron prisons on the left and right sides were instantly closed together, and the shells passing through the iron bars were trapped in an instant.

"Bang bang bang!"

Although they were trapped, the shells exploded directly, and dazzling fire came from the iron bars.


Tina snorted coldly, the shells couldn't damage her iron fence at all.

Afterwards, she released her ability, and directly aimed at the sailboat that was getting closer.

The first wave of the Dreadnought Sabre attack failed!

"Really, can't we solve it in a gentle way?"

Columbia shook his head slightly, fifty warships, the pressure seems to be not small!

"Dear Mr. Captain, please allow me to make a fuss."

Turning around, he bowed slightly to Liu Xu on the balcony, but why are these words so weird?

Liu Xu laughed loudly, and said, "Let's go, let's post it and have a look."

I really look forward to, what kind of things can this sniper do?

Columbia smiled and nodded in response, turned around again, and pulled the bolt.


One shot!The muzzle of the sniper rifle burst into flames, and the pungent smell of gunpowder flew towards one of the sailboats along with a black bullet.

"You want to fight us with just one gun? You're overthinking your capabilities. The navy's combat effectiveness is too weak."

Creek laughed, why is the navy so weak?What a let down.

The people under him also laughed loudly, this is really too funny, a warship wants to fight such a huge fleet?Suicide!

But soon their faces froze, and the black bullet landed on the bow of a sailboat with a whistling sound, and sank directly into it.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent explosion in the sailboat, and the whole sailboat was torn apart in an instant and sank directly into the sea. The pirates inside had fallen into the water before they could react.

The air stood still at this moment.

Gun, one shot to settle a sailboat?

Damn, is this a secret weapon developed by the Navy?

Liu Xu was also a little surprised. This sniper is really getting tougher and tougher. Is this how he dares to get mad?He has seen sniper bullets before. Although they are specially made, they should not have such a powerful force.

By the way, the domineering armed color must be skillfully applied to achieve such an effect.

Envy, the snipers are armed and domineering, but their own is only a sight, it seems that I have time to ponder how to cultivate the armed domineering.

The warship quickly shifted its direction and headed directly towards the pirates who fell into the water.

"Damn, is this looking down on me?"

Klick was furious, this attitude was obviously looking down on himself, the overlord of the East China Sea, this was courting death.

With little need for him to give orders, the cannons of the sailboats were already in action, and the overwhelming shells flew towards the warships from the air.

"Hmph, that's really interesting."

Liu Xu chuckled, and his body quickly became elemental.

"One million volts. Thunder Shield!"

A huge shield made of thunder and lightning suddenly appeared, directly blocking the side of the warship, blocking the falling shells.

"Bang bang bang!"

The shells kept exploding, igniting dazzling sparks on the Thunder Shield, but they never broke through the Thunder Shield's defense.

"The sill prison!"

Tina acted again, this time targeting the soldiers who fell into the water, controlling the prison to pass through their bodies, and finally forming an iron ring to directly imprison them.

"The formation of black guns!"

Tina opened her hands, and black iron rods appeared, constantly smashing them at the sailboats.

"Wow, what is this?"

"What a powerful woman."

The pirates on the sailboat yelled loudly, and the black iron rods that kept hitting them looked too ferocious.

Run, run quickly.

With this idea in mind, some pirates quickly hid in the sailboat, and the black gun also came at this time.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The black spear landed on the sailboat and fell continuously, the sailboat gradually tilted and sank under the black spear.

"Tina's move is good. It sinks the ship directly. It's simple and rude. Well, the sniper's is also good."

Liu Xu thought silently in his heart, until now he had really seen Tina's strength, she was indeed very tough, she deserved to be the colonel of the Navy headquarters.

Threshold fruit ability person, superhuman type, anything that passes through her body will be locked, this is her ability, a very simple and practical ability.

The Colombian attack continued, and black bullets flew out from the sniper rifle. Each bullet directly destroyed the sailboat, which looked even more ferocious.

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