
Chapter 2365

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The coordinated attack of the two reduced the number of fleets to less than ten in just a few minutes.

This, this is brutal.

Klick was completely dumbfounded, this, does this make people live?Still let people not be pirates?

No, this must be a dream, wake up quickly, ah, wake up quickly!

Sadly, the originally majestic and huge fleet was directly destroyed by two opponents in just a few minutes. About forty ships, this number he can't afford!

"Damn, damn, damn!"

After Klick was sad, he roared angrily. It's too shameful for the majestic overlord of the East China Sea to be bullied like this by a warship of unknown origin.

"Kill them, kill them quickly."

Klick shouted angrily, and the remaining warships continued to fire shells.

It's just that their shells have been reduced so much that with the assistance of the soldiers on the deck of the warship and the twelve cannons, none of them landed on the warship.

The attack failed, and Klick's eyes were gloomy, staring at the people on the balcony of the warship.

"Damn, you are looking for death."


The golden armor on Klick's body suddenly opened, and more than two dozen black gun barrels were aimed at the man on the balcony.

"go to hell!"

With a loud roar, the black gun barrel spit out fire snakes continuously, and dense bullets flew towards Liu Xu.

There are more than [-] gun barrels arranged in the golden armor on Klick's body, all of which are hot weapons with huge lethality.

He himself is a man of infinite strength, but also a mean, arrogant, and ruthless man who always thinks he is the best in the world.

Wearing steel armor, diamond gloves, needle armor, gas bombs and other weapons, the main weapon is a big gun, which will explode with gunpowder at the same time as the attack.

This is a very advanced weapon. At least in the East China Sea, he became the "overlord" with this kind of equipment, which made his self-confidence burst, and wandered around in the East China Sea all day long, frightened everywhere.

Now that he encountered such a warship, his heart was instantly unbalanced.

Two people, relying on two people, actually destroyed more than [-] pirate ships of their own, this is a rhythm that is against the sky!

These guys must have something special to possess such powerful power.

They must be killed and those things taken for themselves.

Finally, Liu Xu on the balcony, he simply understood that he was a person who could only defend and did not have much attack power.

Countless bullets flew towards Liu Xu. Liu Xu kept his eyes on the equipment on Crick, and clenched the Thunder Knife with his right hand.

"It's time to try it out."

Crazy flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, with a bright smile on his face, he twitched his right hand lightly, and the thunder knife came out of its sheath.

The purple lightning flashed by, and Liu Xu quickly drew out his knife, waving it airtightly in front of him.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Crisp sounds kept ringing in front of him, and Liu Xu's bright eyes were fixed on the front, looking for the trajectory of the ballistic.

If the speed is infinitely slowed down, you can see that the moment the bullet approaches, the blade of the thunder knife collides with the bullet, directly changing the trajectory of the bullet, and falling into the water from both sides of the warship.

"how is this possible?"

Klick's eyes widened. How could someone be able to attack immediately with a bullet?What a joke.

The speed of the attack increased, and the fire snake kept spewing out from the muzzle.

"Oh, I accidentally left a pirate ship, my sire is too violent."

Columbia put away the sniper rifle and looked at the sea ahead, um, it's a pity!

Of the fifty pirate ships, there is only one dreadnought battleship Saber left.

Countless pirates fell on the sea and were struggling, and some corpses were floating.

The navy soldiers on the deck raised their guns and shot down, shot after shot, constantly taking the lives of the enemy.

"Sniper, this doesn't fit your image of a gentleman."

Tina also ended the battle, or she was too lazy to catch the pirates who fell in the sea. There were too many pirates to control, so the soldiers should simply reduce the number.

Columbia smiled slightly and said, "Yes, beautiful Miss Colonel, I am too violent, and I deeply blame myself."

Tina was stunned, then shook her head, her eyes turned to Liu Xu on the balcony.

Liu Xu was still resisting Klick's fire attack. Bullets kept falling into the sea from both sides of the warship, and some even directly penetrated the pirates on the sea surface, ending their lives.


The last bullet deviated from the track, passed through the forehead of a pirate on the sea, and sank into the sea.

Klick's face twisted, completely unable to believe what he saw.

The ammunition is used up, but the opponent is unscathed. Can this world be more crazy?

"Impossible, how could someone beat me, the overlord of the East China Sea."

Crick became restless and roared again and again.

Liu Xu laughed, this time the attempt was very successful, he accurately captured the ballistic trajectory and changed the trajectory with a knife, confirming the results of his swordsmanship training during this period of time.

"Mr. Captain, your strength has improved a lot!"

Columbia jumped directly onto the balcony and stopped his body firmly.

Liu Xu grinned and said, "There are more exciting ones, let's try them now!"

As he raised the thunder knife in his hand, his eyes became sharper instantly, and the breath of the whole person changed in an instant.

Sword, he is a sword that has been drawn.

"Zi Lei seven strikes, the first strike, Spring Thunder kills!"

With a swipe of the knife, a purple knife light flew out from the blade's edge, and the dazzling purple light reflected the sea into purple.

"What? What's going on?"

Creek was stunned, what happened to that man?Why is there such an attack?What is that purple light?

The other pirates also stared blankly at the purple light. This was a situation they had never seen before, and with their knowledge, they could not understand what it meant.

The sword light swept across the sea, and the sea on both sides swelled, directly hitting the fearless battleship Saber on the opposite side.


Chapter 2366 Slash the ship with two knives and kill with one finger

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



The huge sailboat shook violently, and Klick, who was startled by the purple sword light, was dumbfounded for a while. What exactly is this guy's ability?Why haven't I seen such power?

He didn't react until the sailboat shook. This guy actually wanted to destroy his boat, which is unforgivable.

"Attack, gunner attack."

Klick roared, and the gunners on the sailboat immediately got ready.

However, just when they were just moving, there was a loud noise from the sailboat, and a crack appeared in the middle of the third deck, a wide crack, and sea water surged up from below.

"not enough!"

Liu Xu, who had been cut with a single knife, frowned. His own knife could not directly destroy the sailing ship like Hawkeye. Is it still so far away from the position of the world's number one swordsman?

Liu Xu put aside his inner thoughts and swung the knife again.

Another purple sword light appeared, in the same position, with the same power.


The sailboat made a fragile sound, and the pirate on it looked at the crack with horror, his legs were already trembling a bit.


In the end, the sailboat could not withstand the second attack, and was directly disconnected from the middle, falling to both sides.

"Ah! Help..."

"Run away!"

The pirates ran to the highest place in horror, and some jumped directly into the sea.

From the sky, the sailboat was directly cut off in the middle and quickly sank into the sea.

"Two knives, it took two knives to destroy this sailboat, hey, it was still a bit worse after all."

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "Sword skills still need a long time to improve, well, let's practice comprehensively when we have time in the future!"

The huge sailing ship tilted and sank, and pirates constantly emerged from the sea surface, breathing the air greedily.

The sailboat sank, and those who failed to get out of it were doomed to sleep on the bottom of the sea forever.

"Cough cough!"

Klick coughed a few times holding a piece of driftwood, and the heavy armor with super defensive power on his body became a burden at this time, dragging his body continuously to the surface of the sea.

If it weren't for this piece of driftwood, I'm afraid I would be drowned by the sea.

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