On the surface of the sea, thousands of pirates are struggling.

For the first time in the sea they conquered, they felt the emotion of fear.

The Click Pirates are giants in the waters of the East China Sea. No one dares to disobey them, even the navy here will not pay attention.

Fifty pirate ships, this number is far more than the warships at the naval base here.

There are five thousand pirates, and it is impossible to have them in the naval base.

Therefore, the Creek Pirates are the overlords of the East China Sea.

This idea has been instilled in their minds, giving them a natural sense of superiority.

But now everything has changed, and the sudden appearance of this warship made them feel terrified.

Fifty pirate ships were all destroyed.

Moreover, [-] pirates fell into the sea and became living targets for warship soldiers.

Each shot directly charged the life of a pirate, caught pirates, and killed pirates. The navy soldiers did a good job at this point, showing no mercy and no mercy.

Liu Xu on the balcony put away the thunder knife, the strange purple lightning flashed in his eyes, and electric arcs drew beautiful arcs around his body.

After elementalization, he directly elementalized and flew out towards Klick's position.

"Click, you never thought you would have such a day, did you?"

Floating in the air, Liu Xu's face was joking, the overlord of the East China Sea died by his own hands?

Well, that's a great idea!

Klick raised his head when he heard the words, just in time to see Liu Xu's mocking and mocking smile, and his teeth were itchy with hatred. If he still had ammunition, he would shoot this man without hesitation.

"Who are you? You are definitely not from Donghai."

With a dark face, the anger in Klick's heart was burning.

"Remember my young master's name, you must always remember it when you get there! Liu Xu, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!"

Liu Xu said with a smile, then pointed to Creek.

"Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"

The purple electric light flashed in the right hand, and the beautiful arc condensed in the palm, and the harsh sound continued to be heard, like the chirping of thousands of birds.


Klick's eyes were dull, what's the matter with these electricity?Does he have a power generating device?

The strange purple electric light reflected on Klick's face, causing his eyes to tremble slightly.

Suddenly, when he was wondering, the condensed electric arc in Liu Xu's hand suddenly shot out, forming a small purple beam of light that directly penetrated Klick's body.

"Ah! Pfft!"

Creek screamed and spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

In his heart, a hole the size of a fist.

Before Klick could struggle, his eyes darkened and he left this world.

The penetrating power of the Chidori sharp spear is very powerful, directly piercing through Klick's thick armor and piercing his heart.

After finishing Klick, Liu Xu returned to the balcony in an instant, lay down leisurely and looked at the struggling pirates with a smile on his face, without any sympathy.

It seems reasonable for the navy to kill these vicious pirates.

Pirates continued to die on the sea, and a large number of pirates were shot to make the other people understand that the other party was completely trying to kill them, and if they didn't run away, they would definitely die under the gun.

For a time, many pirates dived into the water and swam into the distance.

Liu Xu just glanced at it and ignored it, but Tina next to him was very strange, and asked suspiciously: "Major General Liu Xu, you don't plan to chase those pirates? Tina is very confused."

Tina was very conflicted, Major General Liu Xu, what are you thinking about, old man?Just now they were so happy to kill, but now they don't go after those pirates.

Liu Xu didn't answer her question, but asked directly: "Why did you go after them?"

Tina was taken aback, and said, "Major General Liu Xu, it is the duty of the navy to eliminate pirates. Why don't you uphold justice? Tina is very puzzled."


Chapter 2367 Tina, where is the next stop?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu rolled his eyes at her directly, and said with a chuckle, "Tina, that's why you don't understand. Killing them all is not the best effect."

"Although the pirates in the East China Sea are not very strong, they are numerous. It is very difficult to eliminate them one by one. Therefore, to deal with them, deterrence is the best method."

"The Creek Pirates, the overlord of the East China Sea, was destroyed by us. This incident spread through the mouths of these escaped gangsters. What do you think will happen to the other pirates?"

"Other pirates will definitely restrain themselves a lot."

Tina answered decisively, she is a very smart woman, and she already understood the other party's meaning halfway through what Liu Xu said.

From this point of view, that would be a good choice.

Leaving out some little guys, in exchange for the restraint of the pirates in the East China Sea, this is a good deal.

Liu Xu laughed and said, "Tina, you are so smart, ahaha, half as smart as this young master, that's great."

Tina's head was full of black lines in an instant, major general Liu Xu, can you stop boasting so much?You are not selling melons, so don't boast.

Columbia also smiled, sitting leisurely on the beach chair, sorting out the magazines, and taking care of the sniper rifle in his hand.


A few days passed quickly, and four days had passed since the Creek Pirates were wiped out, and Liu Xu and others sailed leisurely for four days.


As always, Liu Xu waved the thunder knife in his hand.

This time, instead of simply waving it as usual, he attached the lightning ability to the Thunder Saber, making the originally purple and black Thunder Saber glow with dazzling purple light.

On the beach chair next to her, Tina was studying the nautical chart carefully, drinking tea from time to time, but she was relaxed and at ease.

Columbia lightly wiped the sniper rifle, looking at the gun body, his eyes were a little empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

With the thunder knife back in its sheath, Liu Xu walked to his own place and took a sip of the iced drink.

"Sure enough, drinking a cold drink after exercising is the most refreshing."

Liu Xu stretched his body, but he also saw someone who was in a daze.

"Sniper, your gun dropped."


Dark purple warship, on the balcony!

Columbia sat upright, with the sniper rifle lying flat on the table in front of him, one hand wiping lightly with a white cloth, the dark and bright like the first quarter moon hanging in the night sky, his eyes were slightly dull, and he never left the sniper rifle in front of him.

Godless, this word can't be more appropriate to describe it at this moment, and he didn't even notice that the black jazz hat on his head was distorted.

When a gentleman can't detect a little problem with his image, it shows that the gentleman has a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Liu Xu also thought he had a certain understanding of Colombia, so he opened his mouth to guide.

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Columbia quickly came to his senses, his pupils trembled slightly, and a gentle smile soon appeared on his face.

"Dear Captain, what did you just say? I'm sorry I didn't hear you clearly."

Standing up, his body bowed slightly, and the gentleman's demeanor seemed to return to him again.

"Sniper, is there a place or a person you miss here in Donghai?"

Liu Xu chuckled, with a look of concern in his eyes.

Columbia smiled slightly, took off the black jazz hat on his head, and said, "Dear Mr. Captain, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

With his head half lowered, the corners of his mouth quickly turned into a touch of bitterness.

Liu Xu didn't catch his bitterness, but said directly: "Sniper, you don't have to fool me, there must be something that makes you worry, tell me!"

Columbia was silent, not saying a word.

As soon as he didn't speak, Liu Xu became entangled.

Big brother sniper, say whatever you want!

After all, they are all on the same boat, so why are they so secretive?

To no avail, Liu Xu turned to Tina and asked, "Tina, where is the next stop?"

Tina got up when she heard the words, and said, "Major General Liu Xu, the next stop is Gaya Island."

"Okay, stop at Gaya Island directly." Liu Xu said without the slightest hesitation.

Columbia's body trembled, and the bitterness in the corner of his mouth became more obvious.

He looked up and sighed softly.

"Dear Mr. Captain, why are you bothering? This is just a trivial matter."

"Partner matters, no matter how small, should be taken seriously. On my ship, let alone those soldiers who work hard every day, they are more subordinates. And you and Tina, strictly speaking, are mine. partner."

Liu Xu didn't play around like usual, but was very serious, with a straight face, without the slightest impurity.

"I understand, Mr. Captain, don't you mind telling me about my past?"

Columbia whispered softly, then sat on the chair, and nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

"Of course, tell me!"

Liu Xu grinned, Tina was also a little curious, put down the nautical chart in her hand and listened carefully.

Colombia, Donghai was born, and his hometown is located on the island of Jamaica.

There is only one village on the island of Jamaica, which is relatively prosperous, and Colombia was born here.

Like all ordinary children, he had a carefree childhood, a mother and a younger sister. Although his life was not very rich, he lived a happy and comfortable life.

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