It wasn't until he met a wandering sniper six years ago that his life began to change.

After following that sniper to learn marksmanship for two years, he developed a passion for the mysterious and powerful profession of a sniper, and determined to become the number one sniper in the world.

Under the advice of the sniper, he embarked on the path of pursuing his dream.

Although he has experienced many hardships, he never gave up and kept working hard.

And this farewell, four years have passed.

During the four years, except for the occasional letter to the family, I never saw my mother and sister again.

Now, the warship landed in the East China Sea, making his heart agitated.

Hometown, what a warm word.

Family, what a happy word.

Colombia talked for more than an hour, with joy in his expression, especially when talking about his family.


Chapter 2368 Jamaica Island

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Another dream chaser who had to temporarily leave his family for his dream!"

Liu Xu sighed deeply, pursuing his dream, although he can get a lot of satisfaction on this road, it is a great joy to succeed in the end.

However, when embarking on this path, there are also things that are lost.

In the whole world of men and women on the sea, this kind of loss is often family affection and the like.

"Tina, replenish supplies in Jamaica Island, and hold a banquet to celebrate by the way, um, let's celebrate for three days!"

Without hesitation, Tina said with a relieved smile, "Yes, Major General Liu Xu."

Immediately, get up and leave.

Colombia trembled, a frantic excitement flashed in his eyes, and it took a lot of effort to maintain his image.

"Dear Captain, thank you so much."

Liu Xu laughed loudly, walked over and hooked the other party's neck.

"Sniper, why are you being polite to me, boy? We are partners. Well, let's visit my aunt by the way. Well, is there any food?"

aunt?Columbia smiled, nodded and said: "Of course, my mother's cooking skills are the best I have ever seen, even more perfect than the chefs on the warship."

Liu Xu touched his lips and said, "Food, it's really enviable. Well, let's go to the island to see what special ingredients there are."


The island of Jamaica, located in the depths of the East China Sea, is very close to the entrance of the great shipping route, and it only takes five days to sail there.

This is an ordinary pirate ship or merchant ship, and a warship can arrive in three days.

In the south of the island, mountains rise from the ground, a high mountain looks like a towering building.

By the sea, the golden sand is full of traces, and the coconut trees several meters high provide a place for leisure and cooling.

On the sea, a dark purple warship sailed slowly by the waves.

The warship, the dark purple warship was docked beside a rock on the edge of the beach. Liu Xu, who was dressed in casual short clothes and a justice coat, jumped off the warship and landed directly on the beach.

Behind her, Tina, who was also in casual short clothes and a justice coat, stepped on her feet and landed lightly beside her.

Columbia, on the bow, looked at the children playing and playing with envy and urgency on their faces, like elegant gentlemen walking down the wooden ladder.

"This is the island of Jamaica. It's such a nice atmosphere. The hometown of the sniper is very beautiful!"

Liu Xu covered his forehead with one hand and looked out. Just from the atmosphere on the beach, he could judge the atmosphere and customs here.

Liu Xu turned his head and shouted to the soldiers on the warship: "Boys, the warship is yours for these three days, let's have fun!"

"Oh! Have a party!"

"Where's the wine? Bring me the wine!"

"Banquet! Banquet!"


The soldiers were overjoyed. Banquets were still far away for them.

Compared with the existence of pirates, they have more discipline, and basically no officer is willing to let these soldiers carnival.

Liu Xu's idea is different. Since they are going to stop here for a few days, let them relax. Why are they so rigid?

"Mr. Captain, please allow me to chat with a few friends."

Columbia walked over, but his eyes fell on the men and women under the coconut tree.

The men and women under the coconut tree were also looking at them.

For this island, warships are really rare, and it may not be possible to see a warship arrive in a few years.

Liu Xu's eyebrows are the same, yo, dare you meet your former friends just after getting off the boat?

"Go, let's rest here and wait for you."

As he said that, he walked under the coconut tree beside him, where there were also beach chairs, which was really a pleasant place for both body and mind.

Columbia smiled and nodded, then walked towards the men and women.

"Ivan Harmon, Chrissy Kitchenman, Nessie Ackroyd, Bertrand Rayner, long time no see."

Columbia walked over with a slightly excited expression.

The people whose names he called stood up at the same time, exclaiming, "Columbia!"

"It's me, I'm back."

Columbia smiled and nodded again and again.

"You kid..."


Several people stopped talking for a full two hours. It was noon, and it was time to eat.

"Dear Mr. Captain, please accompany me to dinner at home."

Walking back, Columbia's face still had obvious joy.

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Then let's go!"

The village is a little far from the beach, and it takes about half an hour to walk there.

According to Columbia, this is a bustling village.


Walking on the road, Liu Xu's expression became more and more strange. Is this the so-called prosperous village?Why doesn't it look like it?

Although there are no buildings such as ruins, the number of people is too small, right?The vendors on the street closed their stalls early, and the doors of each household were closed. What does this mean?

"Colombia, what's going on here?"

Columbia also frowned, shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know, this place used to be very prosperous. Although the number of people in the village is relatively small, they all know each other. It shouldn't be like this!"

It's weird, full of weirdness everywhere, in stark contrast to the quiet and relaxing beach.

Silence, here is a completely silent environment.

"Boom boom boom!"

Columbia couldn't figure out the key, so he went straight to a nearby house and knocked on the door.

"Uncle Qianye Hui, Uncle Qianye Hui, I am Columbia, are you home?"

After a while, someone finally came out to respond, the wooden door was pushed open a crack, and a middle-aged man observed the situation outside through the crack.

"Yeah, it's really Columbia, boy, you're finally back."

After confirming the people outside, the middle-aged man inside opened the door directly, with a surprised look on his face.

A middle-aged man with a height of about [-] meters and a little thin, Chiba Hui.


Chapter 2369

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Uncle Hui, long time no see. What happened to the village? Why does it look so strange?"

Straight to the point, Columbia asked directly about the situation here.

Speaking of this matter, the face of Uncle Hui in front of him changed instantly, looking a little weird, with a little sigh and panic in his expression.

"Hey, it's still not the ghosts of bandits. In the past few years, their actions have become more and more frequent, and they have been robbing the resources of the village. Now not many people dare to go out at night."


Liu Xu in the back was puzzled when he heard this. Isn't this a small island that is not very famous?How could there still be bandits?

"Who are these two?"

Only then did Uncle Hui see the two people behind him clearly, and he seemed a little pleasantly surprised when he saw the justice coats on them.

"Uncle Hui, these are my two companions, Major General Liu Xu and Colonel Tina."


Chiba Hui's eyes lit up, and he continued: "Columbia, you should go home and take a look. The bandits just came here, and they seem to be in your area, so you should go and have a look!"

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