"Don't, don't, you, you can't kill me, Major Moss and I are friends, you can't kill me."

"court death!"

The bloodthirsty light flashed in Columbia's eyes, and the black fist slammed directly at the butcher's head, punch after punch, without the slightest pause.


"Ah! Let go, let me go!"

In the cottage, the butcher screamed again and again, and the black fist kept falling on his head, making him feel the breath of death.

Columbia's fists kept falling, ignoring the butcher's screams. In his heart, there was only endless murderous intent.

Liu Xu and the two watched silently behind him. The enemy was in front of him, and he had to deal with it himself, so that the pain in his heart could be relieved a little.

After a while, the butcher's screams stopped, Columbia's fists stopped attacking, and his eyes stared down, the butcher's head was bloody, blood, brains, and bones were cracked.

Suddenly, Columbia roared.


Roaring like crazy, Columbia personally ended the life of the enemy, but the lost life can never be revived.

Liu Xu and Liu Xu sighed at the same time. After four years away from home, it was a huge blow to anyone to encounter such a thing as soon as they came back. I hope he can overcome this hurdle.

After killing the enemy, Colombia's mood gradually stabilized. He picked up the sniper rifle and directly filled the heads of those thieves to ensure that no one could survive.

"Major General Liu Xu, please give an order!" Tina saluted, her expression serious, her eyes burning with flames, "Please bring those who have failed justice to justice!"

"Okay, this time, I will clean up these scum instead of the Navy headquarters!"

Tina's words shook his heart, this time he came to the East China Sea, so let's completely change this sea area!


The officers of the Navy headquarters are directly three ranks higher than the officers of the local base.In other words, if a major of the Navy Headquarters came to a local base, he would be at the same level as a brigadier general.A colonel like Tina, that is, a colonel at the level of a general who arrives at a local base, is directly on the same level as a local lieutenant general.

Liu Xu, on the other hand, was directly at the same height as the Marshal.

A Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters has the absolute right to speak and the highest power in the local base.

"Sniper, follow me to the naval base. The navy bears a lot of responsibility for this incident. I'm really sorry!" Liu Xu turned and said to Columbia, who was gradually calming down.

Columbia was trembling, looked straight into Liu Xu's eyes, and suddenly said: "Mr. Captain, I will definitely become the strongest sniper, please let me follow you forever, and watch you ascend to the highest throne!"

As he spoke, he landed on one knee.

"Sniper, we're already partners, aren't we?"

Liu Xu was stunned for a while, and quickly helped him up.

"Yes, Mr. Captain!"

Columbia bowed and seemed to return to the original gentleman state.


Chapter 2371 Naval scum, cut first and play later

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


On the balcony of the warship, the three of Liu Xu stood by the railing. The deck was already full of soldiers, and there were broken wine bottles everywhere. Some soldiers were already slightly drunk.

According to Liu Xu's words, the three-day carnival is now only the second day.

"Your Excellency, Major General, what are your orders when you gather everyone together?"

The combat captain saluted and straightened his back.

Liu Xu considered carefully, brewing what he wanted to say.

"I didn't want to spoil everyone's carnival, but now a very unfortunate thing happened. Our sniper, Columbia's mother, was brutally killed by bandits on the day we landed!"

Sluggish, startled.

The soldiers below were stunned for a moment. Was the gentleman's mother killed by bandits?

"Your Excellency, Major General, please give an order, let us wipe out these hateful bandits!"

The battle captain spoke on behalf of all the soldiers. The soldiers put down the wine glasses in their hands, and the samurai swords and guns were ready and ready to go.

"Major General, please give an order!" the soldiers shouted loudly, "How dare you attack the gentleman's family, you hateful bandit."

Columbia's body trembled slightly. He had never thought that these soldiers would be so angry. This was something he had never thought of.

Liu Xu pressed his hands down and said, "We have wiped out the bandits, but we discovered a more serious matter. The bandits here actually colluded with the officers of the nearby naval base and killed the villagers here."

Silence, the deck became silent all of a sudden, and the hundred combatants looked at Liu Xu with blank expressions, unable to believe what they heard.

A nearby naval base officer colluding with bandits?

God, how can there be such a bad thing?

"What I said is true, there is enough evidence. Now, I ask everyone to stop the carnival and go to the naval base. Do you have any opinions?"

Liu Xu let out a loud roar, and the strange purple lights in his eyes flickered, and an electric arc appeared around him, making a "crackling" sound.


The soldiers shouted back.

The battle captain also raised his samurai sword and said, "Your Excellency, Major General, please bring these guys who have slandered the justice of the navy to justice!"

A stern smile curled up on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, and he nodded, "Very well, now everyone is ready to go to the naval base and execute the justice of the navy!"

After speaking, the soldiers on the deck shouted loudly, the soldiers put away the anchor, and the helmsman quickly turned the direction and went straight to the nearby naval base.

"Major General Liu Xu, do you need to report to the headquarters first?" Tina asked beside her.

Liu Xu thought for a while, and said, "No need, lest you grow a beard and make irresponsible remarks. It's the most refreshing thing to kill first and then play. Sniper, take a good rest, and leave the rest to me."

Columbia bowed slightly. Although he intends to participate in the battle, it is really not suitable now.

He needs a quiet environment and needs to be considerate of his partners.

After all, his identity is not the navy.

If he participated in the battle, if someone made things difficult for him, Liu Xu might find it difficult to explain.

"Understood, Mr. Captain."

After finishing his sentence, Columbia turned around and left, returning to his room to think silently.


The navy, as one of the three major maritime powers, has many bases along the great route.

And in Four Seas, there are also naval bases sitting in town, and there are quite a few of them.

Jamaica Island is very close to the entrance of the Great Airway, and there will naturally be a naval base near this island to intercept passing pirate ships.

Further on, there are places like Rogge Town.

What happened on the island makes people very angry. Liu Xu's idea is very simple, kill the enemy of the sniper, and then kill the navy that caused the bandit Hengxing.

His thoughts are so simple and rude.

It sounds noble and honorable to bear the name of justice.

The navy enforces absolute justice, but many people sometimes distort absolute justice, resulting in a lot of ruthless people.

Justice, everyone has unique opinions in their hearts, and the justice that everyone thinks about will be somewhat different from others.

"Tina, the justice of the navy is to maintain the maritime security of the world. The name of justice lies in people's hearts. If the justice executed is contrary to the lives and wealth of most ordinary people, then this is distorted justice."

On the balcony of the warship, Liu Xu considered carefully.

His ideas are different from those of others, and perhaps this idea seems a bit deviant in the eyes of the Navy Headquarters and even the world government.

The sniper has gone back to rest as he intended, and the next battle has nothing to do with him.

Tina frowned slightly, such words made it difficult for her to adapt.

What has been instilled in this department is absolute justice, although it has been confused.

"Major General Liu Xu, Tina doesn't understand what you said."

The corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched, and he said, "I don't understand, cough cough, forget it, there will be a time when you understand."

"Report to your Excellency Major General, you have arrived at the naval base!"

It seems that Tina is still reluctant to admit certain things in her heart.

Just when the two were a little embarrassed, a soldier battle captain called out loudly, breaking the embarrassment of the two.

"This kid has a future."

Liu Xu praised decisively and angrily, wishing to go down and give him a big hug.

This is the standard firefighter, where there is a fire, there is a place to fight.

"Land in quickly and find out the guy who slandered justice."

With an angry shout, Liu Xu directly elementalized and landed on the deck, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

It is really not an easy task to change a pure naval thought.


The soldiers roared angrily, their samurai swords were already raised high, and they were waiting to kill the enemy with their hands.


Chapter 2372

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


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