Naval base, today is destined to be an uneasy day for here.

A dark purple warship came quickly from a distance, ignoring the instructions of the sentinels in the base to slow down for inspection, and rushed directly into the harbor of the base to stop.

"Who is it? Disembark immediately for inspection!"

At the harbor, a man who looked like the captain yelled, his eyes fixed on the deck of the warship.

Well, it's a soldier in the navy, and it's a nice warship.

But, why is this flag so strange?Could it be some pirate group pretending to be it?I really saw a ghost, don't you know the military and bandit family?

Some of the surrounding soldiers had already rushed over and surrounded the warship in a semi-circle. The rifles in their hands were aimed at the people above, and they looked a little anxious.


The ladder was lowered from the side of the deck and landed on the harbour. A man in a black and white short dress and a justice coat walked down. Beside him was a beautiful short dress woman, also wearing a justice coat.

Behind him, there are a hundred navy soldiers with serious expressions and majesty, holding rifles and hanging samurai swords around their waists.

The chilling breath was blowing towards the face. There was a world of difference between the elite navy of the headquarters and the soldiers of the local base, and there was a world of difference just in their aura.

"Sign up!"

The captain of the navy swallowed, and then roared.

"Swish! Kacha!"

Needless to say, the naval soldiers behind Liu Xu raised their rifles and pulled the bolt.

The captain of the warship soldiers stepped forward and looked coldly at the squad leader.

"Rear Admiral Liu Xu of the Navy Headquarters, Colonel Tina has arrived, so hurry up and put away your weapons."

Navy headquarters?Major General?Colonel?Damn, is this a bluff?When will such a big man come here?

Thinking of this, the head of the unit roared: "Where did the pirates come from, dare to rush into the naval base and report their names, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!"

The captain of the army yelled back and shouted: "Presumptuous, I order you again to put away the weapons in your hands, or you will bear the consequences!"

More than a dozen rifles were aimed at the division commander, and the other headquarters soldiers were directly aimed at the other division soldiers. At this moment, there were only a dozen or so soldiers in the division.

With such a big battle, the squad leader immediately flinched.

"Please, please wait, I need, I need to report."

The squad leader took two steps back, slightly panicked.

He was so arrogant and arrogant when he came to the naval base. Damn, this may really be someone from the naval headquarters.

Then he turned around and yelled at the soldiers of the branch, saying: "Bastard, don't put down your weapons yet. This is the major general from the headquarters. Do you want to die?"

The soldiers of the branch put away their weapons with a "shua", and the soldiers of the headquarters did the same.

The unit commander stepped forward and looked at the unit commander. Suddenly...


Crisp and sweet, a sudden slap slapped the division commander into a daze.

"There are no rules at all. Could it be that life is too leisurely to see that the major general of the headquarters does not even have the most basic rules?"

With a decisive sentence, the stunned detachment leader suddenly woke up, and he quickly stood up and saluted.

"Your Excellency Major General, Your Excellency Colonel!"

The corps commander then stepped back and returned to the ranks of the soldiers, his cold eyes swept across those soldiers.

Through Tina's training, the strength and mental outlook of these soldiers have already changed, with perseverance, chill, discipline, and iron blood.

"Your Excellency, Major General, I'm going to invite Major Moss over here." The squad leader asked cautiously.

However, Liu Xu didn't even look at him, and said, "No need, since he enjoys it so much, I'll go find him in person."


The arrival of the major general and colonel of the headquarters was a sensational event for this naval base known as the weakest in the East China Sea.At this moment in the harbor, the navy of the branch looked a little sad.

Liu Xu's eyes swept over these soldiers, feeling deeply regretful.

There is no temperament, no discipline, iron blood, and strictness that a soldier should have.

These soldiers looked like soldiers and ruffians.

"Is this what you usually do?"

The strange purple lightning flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, and the look in his eyes made people puzzled.

The division commander was embarrassed for a while, what's the problem with this major general?Can you understand a little bit?

"This, Your Excellency Major General, we have always been like this, is there any problem?"

Cautiously speaking, the squad leader was very nervous, this Major General seems not to be trifled with!

Sure enough, it was the same as he thought.As soon as Liu Xu heard this, his expression changed, and he became gloomy in an instant.

"Lazy and unwilling to make progress, can you be called a navy soldier? It's just tarnishing the image of the navy."

Huh?Your Excellency Major General lost his temper?The squad leader is depressed, what are you doing so well?Can we still have a pleasant chat?

"Major Admiral, it's been like this since we joined the Navy, is there any problem?"

act recklessly!Such a word flashed in the mind of the commander of this unit, "Damn it, this is the cusp of the wind and the waves, and it's hard to die. Can you die if you don't pretend?"


No nonsense, Liu Xu directly appeared behind the squad leader with a razor and kicked him away.


Before the division commander could react, he fell directly into the sea water, fluttering and struggling, with bursts of soreness all over his body.

"You can reflect on it for me in it. Little ones, type it in for me."

Sturdy, is this the rhythm of directly attacking the naval base?Is there such a cruel thing?


The soldiers in the headquarters were very cooperative, and finally they were able to fight. They fought fiercely. If something happened, Colonel Tina would take the stand. If it didn't work, Major General Liu Xu would take the stand. If it didn't work, there would be the great Princess Madeline. on top.

The branch soldiers were dumbfounded, this, this is the headquarters to attack the branch?God, is there such a thing?No way, buddy, I'm going home for dinner, the headquarters of the Navy is crazy.


Chapter 2373 Beast, let go of that girl...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Hundreds of soldiers from the headquarters rushed out at once, and the commander of the unit bore the brunt and fired the first shot directly at the naval base.


With one shot, the arm of a stupefied soldier of the division was abolished, and then he kicked him in the abdomen, causing him to lose his combat effectiveness in an instant.




The continuous gunshots sounded, and the soldiers of the headquarters moved very quickly. In the blink of an eye, more than [-] soldiers from the branch had been turned to the ground, and they kept rushing towards the gate of the naval base.

The naval base, which is called a base here, is more like a large courtyard.

It covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres and is surrounded by white walls several meters high.

On the iron gate, the blue and white navy flag fluttered in the wind.

Outside the door, ten soldiers stood guard in two factions. They were also a combination of rifles and samurai swords. The neat navy uniforms and training caps looked majestic.

It's just that the momentum is slightly inferior, lazy, it seems that this place is too lazy.

It is about a few hundred meters away from the harbor

.Originally, the harbor could be seen directly from the gate, but now rows of towering trees were planted tens of meters outside the gate as decorative greenery, and the harbor could not be seen at all.

The gunshots came from far to near, and the ten soldiers were stunned. Could it be that there is no training?Why is it so lively?No, no one went out for training today!Uh, the last training seems to be a month ago, right?

Hundreds of navies rushed from a distance, directly passing through the groves used for greening and decoration, and their movements were staggering.

Before the soldiers at the door could react, a hundred soldiers had already rushed in front of them, aiming their rifles at their heads.


Ten soldiers directly dropped their guns, ten against a hundred, if they still fought, it would be brain cramps.

Moreover, it seems that the other party is also a navy, so let's see the situation first.

With such self-comforting thoughts in mind, the ten soldiers dropped their guns with peace of mind.

Liu Xu came up behind the soldiers, and when he saw the bear appearance of these ten soldiers, he also sighed.

No matter where you go, there will always be some similar people.

However, since I came to this place, I have to bring different changes to this place.

"Open the door!"

The commander of our unit gave a cold shout, and the ten soldiers on the opposite side shook their bodies and quickly opened the door.

"You are not bad, being a first-class soldier is too inferior. When this matter is over, you can directly be promoted to a first-class."

Liu Xu has paid attention to this guy, he executes orders efficiently, has a good sense of justice, and has good leadership skills. He is a person who can be promoted.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Major General."

The captain of the army saluted, although he was pleasantly surprised, he did not show too much exaggeration.

The door opened, and Liu Xu almost swears when he saw it.

Extravagant, too extravagant.

It is said that this is a naval base, it is better to say that it is an extremely luxurious manor.

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