The dense and verdant bamboo stands in two rows along the path, and the green bamboo leaves are gradually enclosed at the top, forming a round arched roof, which is isolated from the strong sunlight and the scorching heat of late summer. .

"How much work does it take to build such a manor?"

Liu Xu just wanted a unicorn to bomb this place, how could it look like a naval base?This is basically a manor.

"Major General Liu Xu, this..."

Tina's eyes were cold.

"The East China Sea is too calm, so these guys have the leisure to do these things. Tina, I don't need to say more about the existence of the navy. I don't think this naval base has any meaning."

"Tina agrees."

Tina pushed her glasses and agreed decisively.

"Lead the way, I want to see Major Moss." Liu Xu casually ordered a soldier from the branch, who immediately stood upright and quickly led the way.

An extremely luxurious office can be described in two words: vulgar!

The office of Major Moss of the naval base has a gold-plated desk, a sea king leather sofa, a gold-plated bookcase, the walls are also gold-plated, and there are some pure gold carvings.Gorgeous crystal chandeliers, and the floor is covered with unknown carpets.

The entire office can only be described in two words, vulgar.

The office is decorated with gold-plated techniques, for fear that others will not know that he is a local tyrant.

After Liu Xu came in, one impression was: luxury, the second impression: vulgar, and the third impression: waste.

The navy, known all over the world for its absolute justice, has a base built like this in the East China Sea, the weakest sea area.From any angle, this seems to be contrary to justice.

"Major Moss..."

The soldiers of the branch opened the door and went in, saluted and opened their mouths, but Liu Xu stopped him halfway through the speech.

"It's none of your business, go out!"

He chased people away without saying a word. At this moment, his eyes had already fallen on the person in the office.

A middle-aged man in his thirties, with blue curly hair, sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, and a set of casual clothes, without any marks that can represent the identity of the navy, his eyes are full of greed, greed, and evil.

In front of him, a slender beauty was trembling with a frightened expression on her face.

Major Moss didn't care about the people who walked in, but started to unbutton his clothes on his own...

So blatantly preparing to bully women in the office, Liu Xu's face darkened again.

The matter on the island of Jamaica has not been settled with him yet, and now this kind of thing is seen here, isn't this a typical case?

"What's the matter, tell me!"

Major Moss didn't raise his head, his gaze was completely on the woman in front of him, it seemed that this woman was the most interested in him.

"Qiao Xie, let go of that girl..." Liu Xu gritted his teeth and swore bitterly, the purple lightning in his eyes kept flickering, purple arcs appeared on his body, and the sound of "cracking" kept ringing.


Chapter 2374 Do I have to say all three words 'Let me come'?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


This voice finally made Major Moss feel something, and suddenly raised his head and looked towards the door.

"who are you?"

He frowned, untied his clothes, and then reached out to the beautiful woman's hand without stopping.

Um?Looks like the navy too, huh?Justice coat?

In the navy, the first class and below all wear the basic uniform and hat of the navy. After being promoted to the rank of corporal, you can choose various dressing styles, and you can also wear casual clothes. When you reach the rank of lieutenant, you are allowed to wear a coat of justice to match the standard uniform. .

At the beginning of the school officer, that is, the major, it is allowed to wear justice coats and plain clothes.

Just from the justice coat and casual clothes, it is still difficult to distinguish the identity of the other party.

In the East China Sea, there are basically no high-level officers, so Major Moss did not get up and continued his actions.

"Must I say all three words 'Let me come'?"

Liu Xu frowned, is this guy challenging his limit?

To be so arrogant, to behave like this in front of so many people in the office, this...

"Why did you come?" Tina raised her eyebrows.

"Of course I'm here to...execute justice!"

"Arrest him!"

Liu Xu directly issued an order, and a dozen soldiers who followed Liu Xu rushed up and arrested the stunned Major Moss.

"Hey, bastard, let me go."

The disheveled Major Moss reprimanded angrily, wishing to slap these soldiers a few times to wake them up, he was the Shao Zuoye, the famous Major Moss.

The beauty was frightened, and ran out directly covering her chest.

Liu Xu didn't speak, and the others naturally didn't stop her either.


A strange purple electric light suddenly rose in the room, and a purple arc fell directly in front of Major Moss, hitting the floor hard.

The appearance of the arc made Major Moss dumbfounded, devil fruit person?How come there are devil fruit capable people here?

Although Devil Fruits are relatively rare in the East China Sea, officers at the level of Major still know the existence of these things.

"You, who are you?"

Major Moss swallowed, these people seem to be hostile!


With a crisp sound, the captain of the army shook his hand, um, this guy is quite slack!

"You, you, you hit me? How dare you hit me?"

Major Moss couldn't believe it, and then there was a burst of rage, his face was twisted, his eyes were cracked and he struggled desperately.

"Wake him up!"

He decisively issued an order. I came here today to settle accounts, so why should I use scruples?

With Liu Xu's order, the commander of the unit became even more handsome. Two soldiers grabbed Major Moss, and he slapped him fiercely with both hands left and right.


The applause continued to echo in the office, it sounded so harsh and refreshing.

Major Moss went from being mad at the beginning to being stunned at the end, these people are simply animals, how could they bully him like this in his office?

No, brother-in-law, come and save me, I'm so scared...

It took a full minute for the troop leader to stop his movements, stood aside and rubbed his hands, dammit, this guy's flesh is too loose, he didn't even feel it when he hit it!

"Sober now?"

Liu Xu walked over, two soldiers held his body directly, and kicked him to kneel on the ground at the same time.

Just looking down at him, Liu Xu's eyes were full of murderous intent.

The guy who harmed his friends and relatives will never forgive!

"Sober, sober, you, who are you?"

Major Moss spoke indistinctly, tears and snot flowing down her nose together, as if she had been greatly wronged.


With another slap, the unit commander slapped him decisively, and slapped him directly on the head, just like hitting a grandson.

"Bastard, you dare to have such an attitude when you see Major General Liu Xu."


Major General of the headquarters?There is a major general from the East China Sea Naval Base?Who are you scaring?

Major Moss didn't believe it at all, how could the major general of the headquarters come here to wander around so idle?Just like my own brother-in-law, he never came here to take a look!

But, why are these people so righteous?You still have the guts to rush into your own office to slap your face. This is not really a major general who is so idle to make fun of himself, right?

"This major, Your Excellency the major general, are you really..." Major Moss asked cautiously.

How he wished to hear another answer, then it would be time for him to show off.

The anger in Liu Xu's heart had already reached its peak because of thinking about Jamaica Island. He sneered and said, "Ms. Moss, then who do you think this young master is? You are so brave to join forces with bandits , killing the people of Jamaica Island, you say, should you die?"

Jamaica Island?Bandits?Hmm, that looks like the butcher's territory.

Major Moss's mind was spinning rapidly, now that the major general came here to find fault, could it be because the butcher offended him?

With this thought in mind, Major Moss had a flattering smile on his face, and said, "Major General, did the butcher offend you? Don't worry, I'll let him come over and apologize to you."


In a rage, Liu Xu kicked him out, and the two soldiers who were pressing him let go immediately.


Major Moss slammed his head into the desk, and a large bag appeared on top of his head, but he ignored the pain and crawled over directly.

"Your Excellency, Major General, please let me go. I will definitely teach the butcher a lesson. If I offend you old man, I will kill him to show you this bad breath."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the other party's trousers.

Liu Xu was so angry that he just wanted to kill this guy quickly.

Oh, I have a bad temper, I can't do without killing you.

"My young master just wants to kill you now, to comfort the souls that died because of you."

As he spoke, he kicked him again, sending him flying.


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