Chapter 2375 Laozi is also related to the headquarters...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Boom!" He hit the desk again, and the severe pain made Major Moss angry, so he stood up with a "boom".

"Bastard, I only give you face because you are a major general of the headquarters. Don't think that you can do anything just because you are a major general of the headquarters. I have something to do with the headquarters..."

Major Moss's anger gradually emerged, his eyes were bloodshot, this guy was too ignorant, he wanted to win over, but now it seems that he can't.

Liu Xu froze for a moment, then laughed.

"Hahaha, good, good, good, a little major dares to threaten a major general of the headquarters, then tell me, what does it have to do with you in the headquarters."

Liu Xu laughed angrily, this world is too crazy, a local major dares to threaten a major general in the headquarters, could it be that he can't keep up with the pace of the times?

Major Moss snorted angrily, walked to his sofa and sat down, lit a cigar and took a deep puff, with a look of complacency on his face.

Xiao Mian, I was bluffed by Lao Tzu.

"Hmph, Lao Tzu's brother-in-law is a major general in the naval headquarters, and he is a veteran major general. What, do you have any comments?"

With pride on his face, Major Moss only had to laugh wildly to vent his mood at the moment.

Major General?Veteran major general?

Liu Xu's expression was a little weird, as did Tina and the others.

Is this kid out of his mind?A major general's brother-in-law wants to pose a threat to major general Liu Xu?I don’t know that Rear Admiral Liu Xu is very close to the naval hero Karp, and Admiral Kuzan seems to have a good relationship. The Marshal of the Warring States Period and the General Staff of the Headquarters also came to see him off when he went to sea.

Also, don't you know that Major General Liu Xu is the man that Princess Madeline, a Tianlong native, has a crush on?

"A major general's brother-in-law, you seem very proud?"

Liu Xu's right hand was already on the thunder knife at his waist, and he was about to draw the knife directly.

Major Moss raised his head and said, "It's just so proud, a veteran major general and you, a major general who has never heard of it, which one do you think is more powerful? Hahaha."


"The child can't be saved."

An idea flashed through the minds of Tina and the soldiers in the headquarters. A young major general who has never heard of it is the scariest thing, okay?

It came out of nowhere, proving that it only took a short time for someone to be promoted.

Comparing a young major general with an old, ahem, let's say old major general, which one the headquarters will lean towards, does it need to be said?

"Bring this brainless guy here!"

Liu Xu didn't bother to say anything, the soldiers from the headquarters rushed up and caught him again.

"Let go of me, let me go, if you dare to touch me, my brother-in-law will kill you."

Major Moss roared again and again.

Liu Xu sighed deeply, what the hell is going on, why did he meet such an idiot.

"Beat, beat me to death, such filthy people don't deserve to live in this world."

After giving the order in one sentence, the commander of the unit threw his arms away without saying a word.

Coming here today, according to Liu Xu's idea, is to bomb and kill the leader of the naval base who is causing trouble.

Now it seems that things are not as simple as I thought.

Up and down the entire naval base, all the people are full of laziness and disgust.

Generally speaking, such a situation rarely occurs, and most soldiers in the navy stick to justice.

But there are always some exceptions, and this naval base is an exception.

The soldiers are all soldiers, perhaps this is caused by the leadership of Major Moss.

However, since they have changed the justice in their hearts, they should simply uproot the entire naval base and wipe out all the guys wearing the skin of justice here, so as not to harm others in the future.

At the same time, an idea gradually formed in his mind, perhaps this would be a very good choice.


The sound of slaps came again and again, and Major Moss begged for mercy again and again.

However, Liu Xu didn't mean to let him off like that.

"kill him!"

In a word, cold as frost, icy cold.

Liu Xu felt that only by killing him could he truly avenge the people who lost their lives in Jamaica Island.

This person is not dead, and there will be a second butcher in the future, and it is impossible for him to stay in the East China Sea forever.

Perhaps it was out of a certain thought in his heart, or perhaps out of the anger of his partner, this person must die.

The order made Major Moss angry, this guy actually wanted to kill himself?Does this guy really have a problem with his brain?

"No, you can't kill me, my brother-in-law won't let you go. You have to consider the consequences, kid, it's not something you can bear."

Major Moss kept yelling, but Liu Xu didn't have the heart to pay too much attention to it, and didn't even look at him.

The commander of the unit received the order and directly drew the samurai sword from his waist.

"No, no, I'll give you money, I'll give you everything here, I have countless wealth."

The action of the commander of this unit froze, watching Liu Xu fall silent for a while, what would he choose?

Um?Didn't start?

Liu Xu turned his head, but saw that the captain was looking at him, as if asking for his opinion.

"Stupid, what are you waiting for? Bailey is such a thing that there are so many Tianlong people, if you don't want to kill a few pirates, Bailey will come in with a 'squeak'?"

You just praised this guy for having a future, why is he so stupid?

The captain of the army suddenly realized that it seemed to be such a truth!

He easily got one billion Baileys from the Tianlong people, and if he couldn't do it, he would kill some pirates or something. Baileys would come right away. Why would there be any need to think about Baileys?

He moved his hand, ready to chop it down again.

As soon as Major Moss saw that the temptation of money was not enough, he changed his strategy instantly. He glanced at Tina at the door and said, "Woman, I will give you countless beauties. There are still good beauties in Donghai."


Chapter 2376 A naval base

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



Liu Xu's face was livid, and he traded a beautiful woman for his own life?Is this guy mentally ill?Even such indecent means were used.

Hmph, there are beauties you can send in private!

In front of Tina, do I dare to ask for it?

"Your behavior is disgusting, you'd better go to hell and repent."

Tina's face darkened in an instant, her eyes were filled with raging anger, and her fists were clenched.


The captain of the unit stopped again, and his eyes fell on Liu Xu again.

Liu Xu looked at Tina calmly, and said directly: "No one can save you, do it."

Speaking of the latter, he directly shouted angrily.

The samurai sword cut off and directly cut off the head of Major Moss.


Blood splattered, Major Moss' head flew up, landed on the ground and spun around several times before stopping, his eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe that he would die so simply until he died.

The body fell down, and the headless body poured out scarlet blood from the neck, directly dyeing the precious carpet on the ground red.

Tina secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally ended the life of this filthy guy.

When she thought of what she saw when she entered the office just now, her heart felt cold. She saw such a dirty thing, she couldn't do it, she had to wash her eyes well when she went back.

After solving this guy, Tina walked directly into the office, but there was a little vague worry on her face.

"Major General Liu Xu, will this matter be more troublesome?"

Killing the supreme leader of a naval base is not a trivial matter, and he has to report it to the Navy headquarters, otherwise, if the headquarters is directly angry, then Liu Xu's life may be difficult.

There may even be charges for this.

It is not worthwhile to bear a crime for such a dirty Navy headquarters.

Liu Xu waved his hand and said, "What's the trouble? Isn't it just to solve a corrupt guy? Look, look, such a luxurious office doesn't even have a beard. I think he should tear off his beard when he sees this office." gone."

"Major General Liu Xu, please pay attention to your image, Tina is very angry."

Long beard?Can you please stop calling the Marshal Lord that, although they do have such a long beard.

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, why are you angry again?Isn't it just to give him a nickname, and it's not to give you a nickname.

"Major General Liu Xu, if this guy really has a brother-in-law of a major general in the Navy headquarters, then you have to be careful. That major general may retaliate, but unfortunately I don't know which major general it is, otherwise we can find a way to resolve this matter Things, Tina is sorry."

Tina shook her head, unfortunately, it seems that this is not a pleasant thing!

Liu Xu was really speechless now, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Tina, isn't it just killing a major who endangered the East China Sea? It's not that serious! Besides, I even killed a Tianlongren, let alone him as a major? Even if the major general wants to make trouble, he has to weigh it Measure your own ability!"

It seemed reasonable, and Tina was speechless.

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