"Major General Liu Xu, are you going to withdraw Princess Madeline's banner?"

"That's right, let's use it properly! Cough cough, who made us so good!"

Liu Xu blushed, it was a sad thing.

Ruanfan King, I am afraid that many people think so now...

"However, he finally avenged the sniper, and his mother should feel at ease in heaven."

The topic shifted to more serious matters, Tina was silent, and Liu Xu said directly to the commander of the army: "Take control of all the sub-naval forces, investigate their situation clearly, and execute those with bad circumstances in the name of justice." If the circumstances are minor, dismiss them directly."


The commander of the unit responded, and then left with a lot of people. His business will be more heavy next, and if he doesn't finish it quickly, he may not be able to keep up with the warship.

"Major General Liu Xu, are you going to report to the headquarters now?"

Liu Xu thought for a while, and finally agreed, and said, "Then tell Long Beard, so that he won't explode in anger when he finds out." Then he took out a speckled phone from his pocket insect.

Navy Headquarters, Sengoku Office!

"Bolu Bolu... Bolu Bolu..."

A spotted phone bug suddenly woke up from its deep sleep, and a series of strange sounds came out of its mouth.

Sengoku, who was looking at the scenery of the headquarters from the window and didn't know what to think, heard the voice and walked over to the phone bug and pressed one of the buttons.

Next to him is Garp, who has been nibbling on doughnuts and refreshments all day long.

"I'm Warring States, are you?"

"Hey, long beard, hello, it's been four months since we parted, and I miss you so much."

The phone bug had an exaggerated expression, with a bit of banter and a bit of teasing.


Warring States sputtered in his heart, the voice was absolutely unmistakable, it was the guy who painted a purple lightning bolt on the navy flag, he must be thinking that the navy was struck by lightning in his heart.

Can't go wrong!

Beard?When did I get called bearded?It's not a good name at all.

Um?It is indeed long beard, or braided.

"Major General Liu Xu, what's the matter with you?"

Although his heart is broken, Warring States still maintains a consistent serious image.

"Ahem, Marshal of the Warring States Period, what, tell you something, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Liu Xu had a smile in his eyes, his voice was really nostalgic, I really want to see what the expression of Zhan Guo is like over there.

Zhan Guo's heart jumped, this guy won't make trouble again, right?The last time the matter was made so big in the Chambord Islands, if Madeline hadn't stepped forward, the matter would have been difficult to resolve.What has this guy gotten into now?Could it be that a naval base was overthrown?

"Go ahead, just be quick."

"Well, I'm here in the East China Sea, and I took over a naval base in one pot."

Liu Xu was indeed straightforward and told the matter directly.


Chapter 2377 Don't Overdo It

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"What? What are you talking about, you bastard!?"

Zhan Guo stared angrily, unable to believe that this guy really did such a thing, does he want to betray?

The fiancé of a Heavenly Dragon Princess betrayed her, so, how do I issue a reward order?

Liu Xu can tell from the expression of the phone bug that the expression of the Warring States period must be very exciting and tangled.

However, the banter ends here.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, let me tell you about the situation! We..."

At the moment, Liu Xu told the whole story about Jamaica Island and the naval base, without deliberately adding any vocabulary or making up any lies in his favor, every word and every sentence was true.

After listening to Liu Xu's report, Warring States fell silent, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

How could something like this happen to the naval base in the East China Sea, where the navy and bandits colluded to harm the people in the weakest sea area?

The wise general and the Warring States Marshal, his ingenuity is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and he thinks far more than others.

"Major General Liu Xu, how many people know about this?"

"As far as my people are concerned, outsiders should know relatively little about the situation in the naval base. Maybe people in Jamaica know a little bit, but they are not very sure."

Liu Xu answered truthfully, vaguely thinking about what the Warring States period wanted to do.

"Major General Liu Xu, minimize the impact of this matter. Break through and stand up, and announce the trial of the East China Sea Naval Base by the headquarters. This time you have made a great contribution."

Um?It seems that what he thought was a bit different, he hadn't thought about minimizing the impact, but he didn't expect him to take such a way.

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be a very feasible method.

The Navy Headquarters sent people to the four seas to clean up some navy scum, and the guys who affected the justice image of the navy seemed to be able to improve the status of the navy in people's hearts.

"Long beard, you are so insidious!"

Liu Xu sighed in admiration.

The old face of the Warring States turned black all of a sudden, damn, do you think everyone wants this?This is helpless, right?

"Major General Liu Xu, leave this matter to you."

Throwing away the shopkeeper, this move was very beautiful, Liu Xu rolled his eyes, and suddenly his face turned pale.

"Marshal of the Warring States, there is one thing I want to tell you! About the whole East China Sea."

Suddenly such a serious look made Zhan Guo a little uncomfortable. What's wrong with this guy? "Say it!"

"I want to clean up the entire East China Sea, not only the pirates, but also the navy. As long as they are scum, I will clean them up."


With a loud noise, the phone bug jumped up and panicked.

"Major General Liu Xu, let go of your thoughts. You will cause the navy to lose a lot of vitality. Also, how can you do it alone?"

"Marshal of the Warring States period, it is imperative to clear the East China Sea. This is to maintain the image of the Navy. If you continue to keep some scum in the Navy, I can't imagine whether the image of the Navy will be so tall. Marshal of the Warring States Period, the justice in my heart makes me I can't let go of such an idea! To clear out the navy scum and pirate scum in the East China Sea, even if I do my best alone, I will finish it!"

The Warring States period was silent, things were not so easy to deal with, and the East China Sea was not as simple as it seemed.

"Hahaha...Liu Xu, I didn't expect you to have such ambitions. The old man is right."

Garp, who had been nibbling on donuts silently, also spoke at this time, but he was full of praise.

"Huh? Lieutenant General Garp, are you there?"

Liu Xu was in a mess, almost startled by the laughter, thinking that the Warring States period was crazy!

"Liu Xu, the old man supports you, but you have to be careful. Although the East China Sea is the weakest sea area, there are still some special existences after all. You'd better be careful."

Garp reminded kindly that this young major general who walked out of his warship had given him a lot of sustenance.

"Warring States, have you forgotten our lofty ambitions when we joined the Navy? Now that we are old, it is rare to have such a young man to help us complete it. Why should you worry so much?"

Zhan Guo, who had been silent for a long time, trembled, as if feeling a little nostalgic, and finally said seriously: "Major General Liu Xu, don't go too far."

In a word, a smile appeared on Liu Xu's face.


With the consent of the Warring States Period and Garp's support, Liu Xu felt relieved all of a sudden, and things went smoothly unexpectedly.

Originally, I thought it would take a lot of effort to get Warring States' consent, but I didn't expect Karp to step in and promote the completion of this matter.

In the eyes of people in the whole world, the East China Sea is the weakest sea area, but it is not necessarily the case.

There are many powerful masters in the East China Sea, such as One Piece, Garp, and the future Ace.

Rather than saying that the pirates in the East China Sea are the weakest, it is better to say that the pirates left in the East China Sea are not strong enough.

Donghai is like a cradle of genius.

Now, to clear the entire East China Sea of ​​navy scum and pirate scum, this seems a bit like turning the whole East China Sea upside down.

It would be a lie for Liu Xu to say that he was not excited. Anyone who has the opportunity to do such a thing will feel unspeakably excited.

Tina and the others looked at the smirking Liu Xu and shook their heads. Major General Liu Xu started to get nervous again. Does clearing the East China Sea make him so excited?

"Major General Liu Xu, you should wake up, Tina is helpless."

Tina had a smile in her eyes, but she really looked worried.

Liu Xu came to his senses immediately, put away the phone bug, and said with a smile: "Tina, that's why you don't understand. Next, I'll let you see what justice is in my heart. Well, let's talk to you again. Compare yours, maybe you will have a different opinion, maybe you will change your original thinking."

Tina frowned, justice is justice, and the justice of the navy is to destroy pirates, it's that simple.

In the Navy headquarters for many years, although she has seen many things and understands that the Navy has some extreme practices that conflict with her original justice, but she instinctively abandons this conflict and does not think about it, constantly Catch pirates.


Chapter 2378 The Town That Begins And Ends

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After walking out of this extremely luxurious naval base, Liu Xu went straight back to his warship.

"Let's go, next stop, Rogge Town!"

When everyone returned to the warship, Liu Xu ordered.

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