But here in the Navy Headquarters, an unpleasant thing also happened.


There was a loud bang in the Warring States office. A man who was [-] meters tall, had green shawl and long hair, was well-built, was wearing a justice coat, and had a crossed scar on each cheek slammed the table hard, and his face was covered with a slap in the face. ferocious.

"Your Excellency Marshal, is this true?"

The man clenched his head tightly, anger burning in his eyes.

"Major General Rui, calm down."

Zhan Guo's eyes turned cold, hey, he dared to slap the table in the Marshal Ben's office, he was brave enough.

Major General Rui didn't notice his wink, and roared angrily, "Your Excellency, Marshal, how can you calm me down? Killing my wife's brother is completely disregarding me."

Major General Rui, now forty years old, is the brother-in-law of Major Moss.

Upon hearing what he said, the air bubbles on Garp's nose shattered in an instant, his eyes were sleepy, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, and lazily said, "Who are you? Why did you Put it in your eyes."


The Warring States period is speechless, is there such a way to make up the knife?After all, they are all colleagues, save face, don't be so blunt...

Rear Admiral Rui's face was aching again, his stomach hurts, this naval hero is too bullying.

"Major General Rui, you have to consider the consequences and don't do reckless things." Warring States still advised.

Major General Rui snorted and said, "Your Excellency, Marshal, I will think it over."

With that said, he tossed his coat of justice and walked out.

"Warring States, who is this guy, he kicked his nose on his face."

Garp still doesn't seem to remember who this person is.



Rogge Town, known as "the town of the beginning and the end", is the only place where the East China Sea enters the great sea route.

It is also the birthplace of Gol D. Roger, the previous generation of One Piece, and also the place where he was executed.

This is a bustling town with a large population density, and its business aspects can be called the best in the East China Sea.

On the sea, a dark purple warship slowly approached, and the combination of the navy flag and purple lightning attracted many people's attention.

There were even passing merchant mariners waving at the warship, to the effect: "Good job, you are so awesome, so curse the Navy..."

After confirming the purge of the entire East China Sea, Liu Xu immediately rushed to Rogge Town with his people.

As for how to deal with the naval base, this is not what Liu Xu has considered.

On the balcony on the third floor, looking at Rogge Town that was getting closer and closer, various information about Rogge Town flashed in Liu Xu's mind.

One Piece, the future Luffy, etc., one is a legend in the past, and the other is a legend in the future.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Xu suddenly shook his head severely, deeply despising himself.

"Now the young master is the protagonist, what do you want to do so much? Well, it's better to turn the world upside down."

Thinking of this, Liu Xu felt refreshed and smiled happily.

"Major General Liu Xu, how long are you going to stay here? Tina is very confused."

Tina looked at a document in her hand, rigorous, serious, and solemn, this is her work attitude.

Liu Xu laughed, and said, "Well, it depends on the situation of the navy here, and the pirates. If there are a lot of pirates, the stay time will be longer."

"Tina, just station yourself and see how the navy here is. If it's the same as the previous naval base, then you can't blame me."

Liu Xu laughed, but a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. What seemed to be a joke contained real murderous intent.

If you are in your position, you must seek your job. Since you are in the navy, you must do the navy's affairs well.

If you become a pirate, then do the pirate's work well, it's very simple.

"Major General Liu Xu, it's better not to be too bloody."

Tina is helpless, Major General Liu Xu, can you stop being so rude?Let's talk about it, okay?

Liu Xu almost jumped up when he heard the words, bloody?Oh, no, we have never been bloody, how can there be blood when a thunderbolt goes down?

With a painful and sad expression on his face, Liu Xu half-lowered his head and shook his head again and again, saying: "No, Tina, you let me down so much, how can you think so? My young master has never liked bloody things, so be kind. How good it is to make money. Cough cough, by the way, I was also ordered by the Marshal of the Warring States Period to clear the East China Sea."

All of a sudden, the responsibility was pushed to the Marshal of the Warring States Period again, without blinking an eye.

If Warring States hears this, they will definitely rush over from the Navy headquarters, and it will be the kind that swims directly without a boat.

Tina was decisively speechless, major general Liu Xu, can you show some face?We were by your side when you asked Marshal of the Warring States Period, and we heard it clearly. Can you stop being so brazen?

"Dear Captain, we have arrived at Rogue Town."

Columbia's voice sounded, and the warship stopped sailing.

"So fast?"

As soon as Liu Xu looked up, he had indeed arrived at Rogge Town. The port was crowded with people, and there were all kinds of people coming and going, including pirates and civilians.

"Huh? There is no navy. It seems that these pirates are still leisurely. That's okay, then just..."

Before he could finish speaking, he stopped, dumbfounded.

At the port, some people saw the warship stop and slip away decisively without saying a word. The speed was astounding.

"Here, are these people rabbits? They run so fast?"

Liu Xu turned to ask Tina.

"Tina doesn't know."

Tina shook her head.

Pirates, originally there were dozens of pirates in the port, but now there are not one left, only civilians and the like.

"Hey... little ones, stay put. Sniper, Tina, let's get off the boat!"

Liu Xu sighed helplessly, it was too weird and unscientific.


Chapter 2379 Is he really a major general?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


At the port of Rogue Town, a peculiar three-wheeled motorcycle full of metal texture came quickly from far and near, bringing a white smoke behind it.

More than [-] navy soldiers followed closely behind the three-wheeled motorcycle, armed with rifles.

In the car, a man with silver hair combed back, bare upper body, wearing a large coat with the word "justice" printed on the back, a pair of windshields hanging around his neck, two cigars in his mouth, and a handful of Hailou on his back. Ten-handed weapons made of stone, swallowing clouds and fog all the way.

Smog, a navy colonel stationed in Rogge Town, has a very good strength and is a natural devil fruit person.

The three-wheeled motorcycle stopped at the port after a handsome drift.

"What a nasty warship."

One sentence combined with the already somewhat vicious face made people feel a little sad no matter how they looked at it.

Liu Xu recognized the other party's identity at a glance, but when he was about to say hello, he heard such a tangled sentence, he swallowed the words directly, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"This girl is suspected of courting death!" Liu Xu said seriously to Tina and Columbia beside him.

Such a coquettish... coquettish warship is always eye-catching no matter where it goes. Is it envy or jealousy that this guy says that?

Smoker's eyes turned around on the three of them, and when he saw Tina, his pupils visibly shook.

How could it be her?

"So it's you, woman!"

Smoker was embarrassed all of a sudden, with an impatient look on his face.

Tina frowned, Smoker, this is a bit embarrassing!In any case, they all joined the navy at the same time, so be more polite.

"Smoker, don't change the topic yet, what happened to my young master's warship you just said? It makes people uncomfortable?"

Liu Xu turned into an element directly, and the strange purple lightning flashed by, and the person had already appeared beside Smoker, with his face twisted and crackling and talking a lot.

Smoker leaned back and said, "Hey, hey, don't talk so close, it's disgusting."

"My young master sprayed you on your face, seeing you look like a rogue, and said, what did you do, frankly, be lenient, resist and be strict."

Liu Xu is angry, this girl is really frightened, is it the rhythm of death?

Smoker was dumbfounded, what is this?commit a crime?What kind of thing can a navy captain do by himself?At most, it's just a few more cigars. Can this be a crime?

"Bastard, don't talk nonsense."

Smoker blushed so much that he almost had a fight with the opponent on the spot.

Liu Xu stepped back suddenly, with disdain on his face.

"Smoker, it's time for you to brush your teeth."

"Pfft! Cough cough...cough..."

Smoker choked on a very unremarkable cigar, until his face turned blue and his eyes turned white.

"you you……"

Smoker was confused, this guy was so angry that he didn't pay for his life, um, he seemed to be an officer, and the one who came with Tina couldn't be an officer from the headquarters, right?What a pity.

Liu Xu looked at it with contempt, but his eyes were fixed on his three-wheeled motorcycle. This thing is exciting to look at, and it should be pretty good.

Tina and the two also got off the warship, and the scene just now entered their eyes. A big "well" appeared on Tina's forehead. Major General Liu Xu, can we pay attention to our image?And you, a smoker, don't you know how to give in?

Columbia walked to Liu Xu's side, and stood behind him half a body away from him, watching the situation of several people with a smile.

"Boom boom boom!"

The navy soldiers also caught up, and they were all out of breath. It could be seen that they also ran a lot of distance.

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