"What an idiot, it took so long to arrive."

Smoker scolded, although his face was serious, but there was no blame in his eyes.

But the soldiers under him didn't know about it, they were mournful and sighed about their bad luck.

Your old man drives a mechanized car, and we run a manned car. Can this be compared?What is the comparison?

"Smog, after so many years, you will never be able to leave your cigarette."

When Tina spoke, her tone was that of a good friend who hadn't seen her for many years.

Smoker curled his lips and said, "Tina, after so many years, you haven't changed much! By the way, what are you doing here? Who are these two?"

Only then did Liu Xu recall that the smoker and Tina joined the navy at the same time, and they should have known each other for a long time, so, hehe...

"Smoker, this young master is Liu Xu, the major general of the navy headquarters, and Tina is this young master's loyal subordinate, what's the matter, are you convinced?"

Heck, Smoker doesn't even want to pay attention to this person anymore, even using such a thing as an argument, isn't this just using his official rank to suppress people.

Um?No, what did he just say?Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?Not the Major?

At this time, he seemed to be a little bit behind the scenes, as if someone just said that he was a young future.

No, no, you must have heard wrong.

"So it's Shao Zuo Liu Xu, what are you doing here?"

"It's the major general, not the major. Smoker, your ears are blocked by cigars, right?"

Liu Xu very much doubted whether this guy did it on purpose, or if he really smoked too much cigars and the cigars blocked his ears.

Absolute old smoker, Smoker's pockets and belts are full of cigars, and there is even a circle around his arm for cigars. This situation is too cruel.

"Really the major general?"

Smoker's face was weird, such a young major general?Why haven't you heard of it?

Looking at Tina again, the other party nodded lightly and admitted it directly.

"Che, he is really a major general!"

Even though he knew the other party's identity, Smoker still didn't show respect like the others, but just saluted and settled down.

He's very independent, has his own views on justice, and in general is someone to befriend.

It belongs to the kind with a kind face and a kind heart, but this mouth is sometimes a little bit too cheap.

Still, it's fine most of the time.

Liu Xu really knew this so he didn't really get angry, otherwise a thunderbolt would have passed by long ago, making him peel off without dying.


Chapter 2380 is all natural

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The white hunter appeared in the port to communicate with some unknown navies, which was a matter that received more attention.

Smoker's reputation in Rogge Town is not small. Over the years, he has prevented many pirates from entering the great route, making him famous.

It's just that because he is a lone ranger, he often doesn't obey the orders of his superiors, which has hindered his promotion. So far, he is only a naval colonel in one place.

Liu Xu thought he knew a lot about him, although he had no other communication with him.

"Smoker, tell me how many pirates there are in Rogge Town, um, what about the navy?"

Liu Xu said with a smile, not taking his previous attitude seriously at all.

Smoker curled his lips and said, "Why should I tell you, you won't go and see for yourself!"


Liu Xu's eyes widened all of a sudden, with a hint of disbelief in them.

An old smoker, having a personality is not what he pretends to be.

"Smog, show some respect to Major General Liu Xu, Tina is very angry."

There was a little helplessness in Tina's eyes. This guy's personality has not changed a bit after all these years.

Columbia smiled slightly, and said: "Mr. Smoker really has a personality, although he is not a gentleman."

Smog was speechless, who are these people, why are they so cynical, can you be direct?Well, someone came along with his idea.

"Smoker, if this young master asks you to say something, just say it. This major general asks you to do this. Will you die if you execute the order?"

Liu Xu roared, purple lightning flashed in his eyes.

Smoker froze for a moment, is there really someone so direct?Your Excellency Major General, your temper is a bit out of control!

With a kind heart, he is not good at expressing his emotions, and the words that come out of his mouth are often a little different from his heart.

"Major general is just a major general, don't use your identity to oppress me. There are a large number of pirates pouring in every day in Rogge Town, and it is impossible to find out how many. As for the situation of the navy, what's wrong? You are a major general of the headquarters. Why did you come to the East China Sea?"

After a series of words, the last question was what puzzled him the most.

The major generals in the headquarters basically stay in the great route, and few people will go to the weakest sea area of ​​the East China Sea.

Could it be that he was too idle to panic?

Liu Xu is not very clear about the number of pirates in Rogge Town, and now his answer is also very vague, and he only knows one piece of information.

In this era of great pirates, a large number of pirates flood into the great route every day, but the number of pirates that can survive there is very small.

Liu Xu struggled decisively, frowning tightly.

It would obviously be unrealistic to stay here all the time, and it was not in his character to be beaten passively.

He didn't answer, but Tina next to him answered for him.

"Major General Liu Xu is going to the East China Sea to clear up all the pirates here, and at the same time test the quality of the navy here."

"Huh!? Suppress pirates?" Smoker clenched his cigar tightly, his expression strange. "The pirates here in the East China Sea don't need you meddlers to meddle in your own business. I'm enough here."

Liu Xu frowned fiercely, Smoker, Aojiao is not like this, who is idle?Master Ben has a lot to do.

"Smog, as a navy, you should just follow your orders obediently. I'm too lazy to tell you too much, now take me to your base."

"Hmph, just don't get in my way."

"Wait, you said obstruction? Can you explain?"


Smog frowned, what happened to this guy?Why are there so many things?

However, his eyes shrank suddenly when he looked at each other, this guy, when...

Liu Xu, the strange purple lightning flashed out of his eyes again, and his whole body was filled with purple electric arcs. This is not a very special thing.

However, the sky at the port suddenly changed.

Originally the sky was clear, but now dark clouds covered the sun, and purple thunder and lightning flashed from time to time in the dark clouds.

"Is it the lightning power of the natural system?"

Smoker's brain was running fast, and he easily judged that the opponent was a natural devil fruit ability user.

There are relatively few Devil Fruit abilities in the East China Sea, especially those from the nature department, which are even rarer.

The abilities of the nature system are all-encompassing, and Smoker's smoke fruit is also a kind of nature system, which can be elementalized.

His combat effectiveness was originally strong, but unfortunately, he insisted on his own justice too much, and disobeyed the orders of his superiors, causing him to be only a colonel now.

"Smog, who do you think will get in the way now?"

Liu Xu's joking voice came, he was just being jealous.

The attack speed of thunder and lightning is much higher than that of smoke fruit. If it is attacked, smoke fruit does not have much ability to resist.

White smoke gradually emerged from Smoker's body, and drifted away with the breeze.

Smoker's eyes were fixed on Liu Xu, which meant it was obvious that he was also a naturalist.

The confrontation between the two was beyond everyone's expectations, and no one would have imagined such an ending.

Both belong to the navy, so why are you trying to fight here?

Liu Xu is really depressed, isn't it just to scare you, it's too ignorant, and doesn't give you any face, ahem, is it really going to put you down here?

"Major General Liu Xu, I'm enough for Rogge Town."

The attitude of the smoke man is obvious. There is no need for other navies here. With him sitting here, any pirates who want to go to the great route will be intercepted.

But, is it really that awesome?

Liu Xu burst out laughing, his bright smile made the opponent's smoky man feel awkward, did this guy treat him like a monkey?Damn it!

"Smog, you are very confident in your own strength, which is commendable. However, disobeying the orders of your superiors at will, this is not what a qualified navy should have. What do you say?"

In an instant, Liu Xu's face changed suddenly, and he looked at the person opposite him with burning eyes.


Chapter 2381 Smoke Fruit

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Soldiers, whether they belong to the world government or the navy, they will basically complete the orders of their superiors efficiently.

No matter which world you are in, soldiers take it as their bounden duty to execute orders.

Smaller sticks to the justice in his heart, ignores many of his boss's actions, and thus resists many of their orders.

From this point of view alone, he seems to be a very good person, but the long-term resistance attitude also makes him easily develop a kind of inertial thinking.

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