The superiors are basically a bunch of nonsense people who only think about their own interests.

Liu Xu went to the East China Sea to wipe out the pirates, and inspected the navy here.

In his thinking, it is very simple, this guy is definitely here for gold plating, and in the future he has the capital to say that he went to a certain sea area to eliminate a lot of pirates or something.

Youth, youth is a key.

Liu Xu looked too young, and his appearance in his twenties made it hard to imagine how he got the position of Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Threats, reckless threats.

"Do you think you can threaten me with this ability?"

Smoker smiled proudly, his smoke can be invisible, no matter how others attack him, he can't hurt his body.

Liu Xu shook his head secretly. Hawkeye had commented on his sword intent before: "It's too hard to break."

At this moment, these four words are perfectly suitable for Smoker, they are too upright, and this will lead to many hardships for him in the future.

"Smog, if you think your smoke fruit can compare with my lightning ability, then you can try it, and I promise to let you know what it's like to be struck by lightning in minutes?"

Huh?Thunder struck?

There was a drop of sweat on Simo's forehead, doesn't it seem appropriate to use the word thunderbolt here?

Just when he was about to entangle how to make the other party submit, a God-given opportunity suddenly came.

"Kill 'em and get the stuff back."

An angry roar came faintly into his ears.

"Damn it, hurry up and get back to the boat."

"Ah, it can't be done. If we don't fight again, we will lose too much."

The angry curses were getting closer, and Liu Xu and Smoker glanced over at the same time.


Liu Xu was dumbfounded, there was a pirate appearing, and he was running towards the port so blatantly, didn't he see this handsome warship here?Didn't you see the forty or so navy guarding behind Smoker?God, are these pirates out of their minds?

"This is the first time this young master has seen such rough-headed pirates. It seems impossible not to kill them. Oh, I have a bad temper."

Liu Xu's expression was exaggerated.

In the direction he saw, two groups of pirates were chasing toward the port. There were more than [-] people on each side. Those who ran at the front looked a little flustered.

Pirates fighting?

Liu Xu regained his energy all of a sudden, and was able to see such an interesting scene.

"Tina, sniper, prepare to get these two pirates down."

With an order, Tina and Columbia quickly prepared. Tina's threshold fruit was perfect for catching pirates.

Colombia's sniper rifles are absolutely lethal, open the scope and take the lead.


With a loud noise, a wisp of blue smoke rose from the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and a black bullet flew out of the gun barrel and shot straight at the pirate who was running at the front.

The gunshot made Smoker look sideways.

"This guy is not easy!"

Smoker made a judgment in his mind instantly, and then a lot of white smoke came out of his fist, just waiting for the enemy to get closer and give them a fatal blow.

The black bullet blasted at the feet of the pirate at the front with supersonic speed.


With a loud explosion, the bullet sank deep into the ground, and with the domineering blessing of the armed color, the bullet had a more powerful lethality.

The shock wave, the shock wave when the bullet landed on the ground, abruptly smashed the front pirate, and even the two or three pirates in the back were also directly smashed and flew away by the shock, and fell to the ground, with a dizzy head. Turn around.

"So strong!"

Smoker's expression changed. There was such a strong man beside Liu Xu. Could it be that his family sent him to protect him?It seems that this guy's family is still powerful!

Liu Xu didn't use the heart net to listen to his heart, otherwise he would have given up on those pirates, walked over to take off his shoes and slapped him a few times, as if he had relied on someone's influence to get to this position.

"Ten million volts. Thunder Knife!"

The purple lightning flashed, and the strange purple lightning in Liu Xu's eyes flashed again and again. His hands gradually spread out to release lightning, forming a five-meter-long lightning knife above his head, and slashed down at the pirates who were rushing from behind.


A strong purple light flashed, and the thunder knife fell in the air.


"Ahhh...wh, what's going on?"

The pirates who rushed over were screaming and howling, how could such a strange knife fall from the sky?And cut them directly, God, can you stop playing like this?

"White fist!"

Smog also launched an attack in an instant, his fists turned into smoke and flew towards the pirates who came later, his body maintained a strange posture, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth.


The smoke-like fist hit the pirate in the head, and with one punch, the pirate was directly thrown into the air and hit the partner behind.

"A smoke fruit?"

The purple lightning flashed past, and Liu Xu's body was already out of place, turning into a bolt of lightning and impacting past.

The three people attacked continuously, and there were only less than ten people who could stand at the moment when the Forty Togo Pirates could stand.

Sudden attack, before the pirates could react, Liu Xu had already appeared in front of one of the pirates.

"Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"

The purple electric light flashed in the right hand, and the beautiful arc condensed in the palm, and the harsh sound continued to be heard, like the chirping of thousands of birds.

Suddenly, the arc broke away from Liu Xu's palm and flew directly towards the pirate in front.


Chapter 2382 Very firm eyes, the hair all grown?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



With a muffled sound, the purple electric arc instantly pierced the pirate's heart, ending his life before he recovered from the shock. His body fell backwards, with a fist-sized hole in his heart. .

"I didn't expect this guy's fighting power to be quite strong!"

Smoker had to admit at this moment that he might be a little blinded by his appearance. This guy's fighting power was not inferior to his own, or had surpassed his own.


There were two more bangs, and Colombia's sniper rifle played its role again.

Two bullets, just two bullets landed in front of the remaining pirates, and the shock wave directly sent them flying.

"The sill prison!"

As soon as the pirates were released, Tina quickly started to act.

She opened her arms, and the black iron bars stretched out from her hands, directly wrapping all the pirates inside, and then she closed her arms.

"Ahh... Tina, take care of me!"

Liu Xu's eyes popped, and he quickly elementalized and jumped into the air between the merger of the iron bars, secretly sweating.

As if Tina had never heard of it, the iron fence passed directly through the pirates, and then I saw that these pirates suddenly had a black iron ring on their bodies, directly binding their bodies, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free. .

"Asshole, ah! It's the navy."

A pirate who was slow-witted and finally saw clearly who the person who suddenly attacked them was, felt aggrieved all of a sudden.

What are the consequences of pirates falling into the hands of the Navy?Either he was killed or he was sent to prison, and he lived a life of darkness from then on.

"Let go of me, let go of me, you stinky woman."

A pirate struggled desperately, but the black iron ring was too strong for him to break free.

Tina's face darkened instantly, stinky woman?

Colonel Ben smells good, you ugly pirate with no taste.

A black iron rod stretched out from Tina's hand and quickly hit the talking pirate.


The pirate spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew upside down and hit the building beside him.

The other pirates were quiet now, for fear that if they said the wrong word, they would be hit by this violent woman, and then they would not know where to cry.

After knocking the pirate into the air, Tina's face did not show any signs of softening. She stepped on high heels and walked towards them with graceful steps.

"Oh, Tina seems to be losing her temper."

Liu Xu touched his nose, women are not easy to mess with when they are angry, maybe he will be the one who will be unlucky later.

Thinking of this, the purple lightning flashed again, and Liu Xu had already appeared beside Columbia.

"Mr. Captain, Miss Colonel seems to have lost her temper."

Columbia bowed slightly and smiled, but why are these little eyes so weird?

"Yeah, women are really scary. Well, Tina is not scary, what's scary is that woman..."

A beautiful red figure suddenly appeared in Liu Xu's mind, but he changed his words decisively.

Madeline, that is definitely a terrifying woman!

The gentle baby goddess, in the world of pirates, her personality has become so scary.

Could it be that the hidden attributes have been excavated?

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