At this moment, Liu Xu's inner activities are rich...

Columbia wondered, what kind of woman could make the respected Mr. Captain so afraid?Could it be that the woman caught him?

"Major General, I don't see how powerful you are!"

Smoker came over with a cigar in his mouth. It was amazing that this time he took the initiative to speak, but the words still deserved a beating.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes. Could it be that you will die if you say a few words of praise?Praising this young master who is wise and mighty can make you lose a few catties?

"Smoker, I'm going to write a book in the future, you must read it then!"

huh?what happened?Could this thought jump be too fast?

Smoker was stunned, why didn't this man play his cards according to the routine?It seems that the lips of the cow are not right with the mouth of the horse!

"Why?" Asked if he didn't understand, Smoker played this very well.

Liu Xu chuckled, and said in a low voice, "Because the title of this book is "How Smokers Get Beaten Up". How about it, isn't it a good title? Ahaha..."

Laughing wildly, Liu Xu clutched his stomach and laughed wildly.

And Smoker is already messed up in the wind, smoker?Mouth owed?Beaten up?Damn, can't you speak more bluntly?Does it need to be so bewildering?

On the other side, Tina had already walked to the pirates who were imprisoned by the iron ring.

"Pirates, Tina arrested you in the name of justice."

Decisive and majestic, Heilao Tina's name is not boasted, and it is easy for the threshold fruit to control more than [-] pirates.

The pirates were obedient, and Tina's calm and sharp eyes swept across these pirates.

Suddenly, her eyes moved, her brows furrowed tightly, and she asked, "Why are there so many children here?"

The four youngsters who were under fifteen years old had expressions of unwillingness and anger on their faces. There was strong unwillingness on their slightly immature faces, and in addition to anger, there was deep disappointment in their eyes.

Hesitating, four young boys under fifteen years old, how to deal with this?arrest?let go?

The identity of a pirate is very sensitive to the navy. In the navy that implements absolute justice, most people will not let them go just because the other party is just a young boy.

In the O'Hara incident, under the demon slaying order, even a few-year-old child was also killed under the cannonball.

Obliterate, completely obliterate!

"Tina, let these little guys go!"

Liu Xu walked over, beside him were Smoker with a stomach ache and Columbia with a slightly stiff smile.

"Never speak to him again."

Smoker made a promise in his heart.

"Major General Liu Xu, why? Is this appropriate?"

Tina hesitated a little, let these little guys go, what if they continue to be pirates in the future?

Liu Xu walked to those young boys, knelt down and looked at them.

"Well, very firm eyes, the hair all grown?"

Then, he got up and said to Tina: "Tina, it's just a few brats, let them go! Well, the others will be arrested."

"Your Excellency Major General, absolutely not!"


Chapter 2383 My justice is my decision

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The navy will always be on the opposite side of the pirates, and this will not change.

Catching pirates and preventing pirates from disrupting maritime order is what the navy has to do in its entire life.

Smaller believes that he is not a very obedient navy, but he is also a somewhat just navy. How can he let go of these pirates who may harm the world in the future?

"Major General, although the other party is still young, but now that they are released, there will be endless troubles. I suggest that they be detained temporarily and teach them well."

Smoker's small eyes were serious, and the cigar smoke in his mouth slowly rose.

Liu Xu frowned all of a sudden, twisted his face and said: "Smog, have you forgotten the humiliation just now? What are you doing to these children so impulsively? The hair is not even growing...Really, did you You only know how to execute the navy's orders to catch pirates? No, you are not such an obedient person."


Smoker's face changed, the humiliation just now was still vivid in his mind, and he suddenly yawned and spoke again, committing a crime.

However, this involves some relatively taboo things, and there is no room for sloppyness.

"Your Excellency Major General, please carefully consider the consequences. If you let them go now, maybe they will be the big pirates who will harm all directions in the future."

There should be applause here...

Smoker's words are still very reasonable. In this era of big pirates, many future big pirates will go to sea when they are such a big kid...

"Smog, I'll tell you about these things later, who can say for sure what hasn't happened yet?"

After speaking, he turned around and looked at the four teenagers.

"Boys, report your names!"

The four teenagers are not calm anymore, Mr. Navy, if your old man beat us up now, we will feel at ease, this is the last word.

But you old man, we are so weird, do we have some bad ideas?

Suspicious and fearful eyes swept across Liu Xu's body, and his body slowly backed away.

"Smelly brat, put away your disgusting eyes, this young master is normal!"

Liu Xu is angry, what does this little look mean?Can a person as gorgeous as this young master be that kind of person?The joke of slipping the world.

"Finally it's normal."

The four teenagers breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It seemed that this person still had a normal tendency, which scared the boy to death.

"Alec Brobson!"

"Bernie Alban!"

"George Heller!"

"Ida Abernathy!"

The four names were called out from the mouths of the teenagers. Liu Xu rubbed his ears, should he shout so loudly?It's just to see that you are young and don't bully you...

A few youngsters didn't know his thoughts. If they knew, they would definitely curse this big beast. This bitch is definitely not a good person, it's too bullying.

With a smile, Tina next to her hesitated, and then she unlocked the ability of the threshold fruit, and directly released the four youngsters.

"Major General Liu Xu, it seems a little different."

Tina frowned slightly, thinking silently.

What they say and do is very different from the general navy.

If people who don't know hear it, they may think it's a pirate.

However, he is really a navy, and he is also a major general of the headquarters.

This made Tina very puzzled.

He once said that he wanted to ascend to the highest throne, why did he come to Donghai now?And why do you want to clean up the pirates in the East China Sea, and why do you need to clean up some navies?

There are too many doubts, even she who has been with Liu Xu for several months doesn't understand.

Half a year, a whole half a year has passed, and he seems to know him pretty well, so why don't I know him?

Tina sighed softly in her heart, this is a sad thing.

The four teenagers stood up as soon as they were released, and quickly slipped away with a bow, the kind that didn't stay.

"What a polite boy!"

Columbia smiled, and the sniper rifle was put away.

Liu Xu let out a long sigh, and said, "Yes, what a young man full of energy! When I was really this old, I was still staying at home as an otaku! Cough cough, I mean, we are already old."

"I'm not old, how can my respected captain be old!"

Columbia said softly, and the two sang together, making Smoker behind him turn pale, shameless, too shameless.

"Major General, don't you think it's a little inappropriate to let the pirates go so blatantly?"

Resisting the unpleasant feeling in his heart, Smoker let out a sigh of smoke.

Liu Xu glanced at him and smiled brightly.

"Smoker, what's wrong with this? I just knocked down a naval base not long ago. What else do you think is inappropriate?"


Smoker sprayed decisively, and it would be too late if he didn't spray again, and he would choke himself to death.

"Dry over? Navy, base?"

With a stunned face, the cigar in his mouth fell directly to the ground.

With a sudden change in his face, Liu Xu suddenly changed his expression, his eyes showed a sharp look, and said: "Smog, take this opportunity, then I will tell you about my justice. In the same way, I once told Garp The lieutenant general said it!"

huh?Pulled out the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp, do you want to be so high-end?

For a time, Smoker was a little tangled, and it didn't seem to match his vicious image at all.

"My justice, I call the shots!"


"Okay, let's take everyone back! There's nothing else going on here. You, you, what are you looking for? Go back to each house and find your own mother."

He shouted at some of the crowd watching the big play, purple electric lights rose in his eyes, and the sky was cloudy again.

"Ah, the navy is crazy, run away!"

"Hmph, do you still want to scare me?"

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