An elderly man in his seventies and eighties was whimpering, but he was grabbed by the arm of the person next to him and ran away.

"Let go of Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben doesn't believe that he dares to do something to an old man like me. I will kill him."

"Shut up, what are you doing with young people when you're old."

The fellow companions roared loudly, deafeningly.

Damn, you can't do this if you want to die.


Chapter 2384 Stationed in Rogge Town, clearing Dadonghai

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The crowd of onlookers who did not know the truth disappeared in a flash, and more than forty naval soldiers under Smog went straight to the front and tied the pirates tightly like rice dumplings, which meant that they were soaked in pig cages.

A group of people headed for the naval station here, and after the episodes of these two pirates, Smaller paid attention to someone.

This guy is definitely a big beast.

Forty or so pirates were bound and sent to the naval base. Soon, warships will send these people to special prisons and sentence them according to their crimes.

Stopping and stopping along the way, Liu Xu opened his eyes wide. Rogge Town, the town where it begins and ends, is indeed very lively.

"I have decided that this will be our long-term residence in the future."

Liu Xu decisively announced that a piece of news made Smoker understand what shocking news is. Is this guy going to stay here for a few years or ten years?Damn, this is the rhythm that drives people crazy!

Tina tilted her head to look at him, and said, "Major General Liu Xu, will you directly intercept the pirates here in the future? Then your previous plan..."

Liu Xu directly denied it, shaking his head and said: "No, this is a long-term residence, but we can go out to find troubles with those pirates and the navy. Here, it's good to take care of the food."


Smoker suppressed his anger and told himself in his heart that this was just the other party deliberately provoking him, just to see himself make a fool of himself, and to respond to his words himself, so that he could catch something.

Of course, Liu Xu is not that boring.

Rogge Town is the only place where the East China Sea enters the great route. Pirates pass or stay here basically every day.

If you station here, you can indeed eliminate the pirates to the greatest extent, and make those pirates feel fearful and dare not enter the great route.

However, he wanted to be more extreme.

Advancing along Rogge Town and strangling some pirates in their cradles is the last word.

How can the dignified Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters stay in this place all the time?

Tina finally understands, Major General Liu Xu has not forgotten his promise, this is Ting's good point!

Cleaning up the East China Sea, well, it will be completed soon, right?

Colombia smiled gracefully, and turned his eyes to the naval station in front, with a wall several meters high, the door was open, and the scenery inside could be easily seen.

It's simple, it's serious.

The area is spacious, with office buildings and dormitories occupying only a small part, and the rest are training grounds and other facilities, which is very different from the previous naval base.

Such a naval garrison Liu Xu greatly appreciated, becoming a navy is not to enjoy, but to maintain the justice in his heart.

If it is as luxurious as the previous naval base, there will be another vigorous battle to overthrow this naval station.

A group of people entered inside, and the navy soldiers sent the pirates directly to the temporary prison. The combat members of the soldiers in the headquarters were basically mobilized, and all of them were stationed in the garrison.

On the warship, only some non-combatant members are responsible for guarding. If an enemy attacks, just a phone bug notification will be able to know the situation immediately.


One day, this day did not carry out any clean-up operations, but arrangements.

The soldiers of the headquarters need to settle down when they enter the garrison, and they also need to have an understanding of the environment of Rogge Town, so that they can exert the greatest effect in the battle.

"Well, I'll leave it to you here. The port is the most critical place, but you don't need to go there to wait stupidly, step back, let the pirates in, and close the door to fight the dogs is the best choice, understand? Here, arrange for twenty gunmen to occupy the commanding heights and beat me hard. Well, here, prepare some gasoline or something."


On the training ground, Liu Xu pointed to a huge map and talked non-stop. In front of him were hundreds of soldiers from the headquarters and hundreds of soldiers from the branch.

Before the war, the general mobilization should be arranged in advance and arranged properly, Liu Xu himself thought so.

"Your Excellency, Major General, is so cruel!"

A branch soldier sighed a little.

"Major General, are you trying to kill the pirates?"

Another soldier shook his head deeply, such an arrangement is to make the pirates have nowhere to go.

The soldiers in the headquarters disagreed, and retorted: "Stupid, what are you talking about! This is wisdom, and it minimizes our casualties, understand?"

"Wow, it feels so good..."

The soldiers of the branch sighed helplessly.

Liu Xu really wanted to give this soldier in the headquarters a thumbs-up, but he was really close to him. The soldiers in these garrisons were so stubborn that they didn't even turn their heads.

"Okay, the general arrangement is like this. The specific details will be properly arranged in the actual combat. I now announce that the clearing operation will begin!"

The moment the voice ended, hundreds of soldiers responded loudly, "cracking" and ran straight outside the station.

On the streets of Rogge Town, hundreds of soldiers were divided into ten teams scattered around every corner.

Near the port, two teams of soldiers attacked up and down, one team was hiding above the building, the other team was lurking in the alleys of the building, only one or two heads came out to observe carefully.

The soldiers started to move early in the morning, and they were ready before the sun rose.

When the sun rises in the east, I am the only one who is invincible... Ahem, when the sky turns pale, it is surprising that not many people have discovered the existence of these soldiers.

This place is about [-] meters away from the port. The buildings on both sides of the street are relatively low, and the main street is relatively narrow. It is a good place for knocking bricks and sap.

Liu Xu properly arranged the soldiers of the headquarters in this place. This is the main passage into Rogge Town. Only after the first pass is done well, the bricks are high-end.

There are fifty soldiers in one team, and eight teams in the branch, that is, four hundred soldiers have been mobilized.

And these people are the elite of the elite.

The quality of pirates in the East China Sea is uneven, and most of them are relatively weak, which is why they have the title of the weakest sea area.

However, there are quite a few pirates here.

Like the overlord of the East China Sea who has been mourning and resigned, his pirate fleet numbered five thousand.

The number of five thousand, even if it is basically some scum, if it stops in a place like Rogge Town, it will have a huge impact on this place.

Even if White Hunter Smogduo is capable, he has to kneel down.

Therefore, the great overlord of the East China Sea wandered all the way to the entrance of the great airway, and was about to find out the situation when he was overthrown by Liu Xu, who was airborne.


Chapter 2385 Brother Zeng is also a sniper in the world of special forces

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In the East China Sea, many heroes were born, including navy, pirates, and revolutionary army.

These powerful people affect part of the world structure and many decisions of the world government.

One Piece, the existence of infinite reverie.

The leader of the revolutionary army, Long, is a headache for the world government.

Garp, the naval hero, is the existence that drove the One Piece King Gol D. Roger into a corner.

Donghai is a cradle of genius.

Eliminating this cradle of genius will have an important impact on the structure of the entire world.

One by one, the strong stepped out from here and became powerful figures in all directions.

As for those left behind, although their strength is weak, who can guarantee that their future achievements will be limited to this?

In the distance, two pirate ships on the sea approached, rapidly expanding from a small point.

"There is a situation."

Above the building, a squad leader let out a soft drink, observed carefully with a telescope, and said something from time to time, while fifty soldiers pulled the bolts of their guns and waited quietly.

At the entrance of the alley, another squad leader was gearing up, and the soldiers behind him were preparing their own items, rifles, samurai swords, and special fishing nets.

"Everything is ready, and after entering the range, give me a hard fuck."

The team leader's face was full of excitement, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Liu Xu, who was also on a building, took the sniper's gun and opened the scope to observe carefully.

The heart network can cover a range of eight kilometers. Being able to hear the voice of the heart and predict the next move of the enemy seems to be a very good ability.

However, such direct observation can play a key role.

People who open their hearts all the time can only say that this bastard must have an impure mind, otherwise why do you always eavesdrop on other people's voices?

But people are gossipers, so I overheard it by accident, okay?

No matter how good a friend is, they won't be willing to let others know what's on their minds, and it's possible at any time...

Treating enemies is different. Anyway, they are all enemies. It is very pleasant to eavesdrop on the thoughts of the other party and then directly knock them out.

"Hey, that's a lot of people... um... nearly two hundred people, I'll be good, two hundred heads are about to be obtained. Hahaha..."

Liu Xu laughed straight, and returned the sniper rifle to Colombia.

Columbia bowed slightly and said softly, "Dear Captain, this first shot..."

"The first shot, you come and shoot."

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