Liu Xu was very forthright. The first shot was of great significance and related to the timing of the overall action.

Timing, these two words are too sacred to control everyone's actions.

Colombia smiled with strong confidence in his eyes.

The position of the first sniper is still far away, so in actual combat, walk towards that position step by step.

Oh, it was violent.

"Dear Mr. Captain, next please enjoy my first gorgeous performance."

Bowing again, Columbia took out a black wire glove, the hand reflected a faint light, and there were five iron rings of different sizes on the fingertips.

Columbia pulled the hoop out and buckled it directly on the muzzle, trigger, gun body, etc. Upon closer inspection, it was found that the five hoops were all connected to the fingertips by black threads.

Liu Xu couldn't understand, gorgeous performance?This is it?

"Sniper, what are you doing?"

Liu Xu gave full play to the spirit of asking when he doesn't understand and studying hard every day.

Columbia smiled and said: "Dear Mr. Captain, wait a moment, and soon you will understand my magnificent performance."

Without an answer, Liu Xu looked at the port very leisurely.

At the port, two pirate ships have docked. Nearly [-] pirates have come down from above, with different images. Some are shirtless, some are gorgeously dressed, some are tall, and some are thin.

"The distance is [-] meters, [-] meters, [-] meters, [-] meters, [-] meters, arrive!"

Columbia squatted with only one head out, watching through the scope. When he said the last word, he suddenly got up and threw the sniper rifle in his hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

The black sniper rifle came out of his hand and threw it in the air. There was a continuous loud noise in an instant, wisps of blue smoke rose from the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and black bullets kept flying from the muzzle.

"Bang bang bang!"

The twelve gunshots ended almost in an instant, and the sniper rifle in mid-air swayed strangely, with the muzzle pointing downwards.

The moment the gunshots sounded, the soldiers ambush above the building and the soldiers in the alley raised their rifles at the same time and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The bullets flew out with the sparks of the muzzle, and the target was the more than one hundred pirates.

The sudden gunshots in the sky caught the pirates off guard, and when they instinctively looked at the sky, some pirates had already fallen down.

The black bullet directly penetrated the pirate's body and landed on the ground. The domineering shock wave of the armed force overturned two or three nearby pirates, but its power was a little less than before.

"There is an enemy attack!"

The pirates roared loudly, and at this moment the soldiers above the building gave them a hard blow, making them raise their weapons and attack the soldiers.

However, the soldiers at the entrance of the alley also appeared in an instant. The rifles in the hands of fifty soldiers spit out fire snakes and shot at the pirates one after another.

It was just a simple attack, and the number of pirates dropped sharply.

Under the suppression of firepower, there was no time to fight back, and the pirates fell to the ground one by one.


The sniper gun in mid-air disappeared almost in the blink of an eye, but no one was paying attention to this gun.

"Sniper, do you want to be so awesome?"

Liu Xu, who was behind the sniper, almost jumped up. He really wanted to say, "Brother Zeng is also a sniper in the world of special forces!"

The glove, the iron ring on the glove is connected to the steel wire, and the length is more than [-] meters.

The sniper controls the sniper rifle in mid-air through the steel wire on the glove to complete the shooting. This, this is simply going against the rhythm of the sky.


Chapter 2386 The world is finally quiet

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



Columbia caught the sniper rifle firmly and quickly removed the magazine to reload.

"Dear Captain, do you think such a performance is gorgeous enough?"

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Just now Liu Xu only saw the sniper's fingers move rapidly, the speed was so fast that it was dazzling.

Columbia smiled and explained the mystery.

Control the various parts of the sniper rifle through the steel wire on the glove to achieve the purpose of aiming and shooting.

Many things need to be considered, such as the strength of a control, the recoil of the gun, the angle of shooting and so on.

You only need to use one hand to complete the operation of the entire sniper rifle.

This seems to sound easy, but without proficient skills, I am afraid that the first one to be wiped out will be yourself.

"It's a pity. It's very troublesome to operate the armed domineering through the wire, and the power has been more than doubled. It's such a pity."

As he spoke, he shook his head regretfully.

But Liu Xu rolled his eyes directly, and said: "Sniper, can you be so frightened? This is already awesome. Think about it, snipers are originally long-range shooting. If you are in this situation, Even if you are surrounded by the enemy, you are not afraid, just kill a bloody path. Oh, I am so lucky to have picked you up, how many secrets do you have?"

Columbia lowered his head halfway and said, "Dear Mr. Captain, please allow me to keep a little secret. Unknown things are more attractive, aren't they?"

"Since you have asked sincerely, then I will mercifully agree."

Liu Xu agreed without even thinking about it. It's better to keep things a little secret.

Columbia didn't say anything, and the sniper rifle moved again, still using the wire of the glove to control it, and the pirates easily turned it over.

Tina shook her head behind her. Is it appropriate for these two to talk like this?Why does this sound so weird?

"Major General Liu Xu, have we started to act?"

Finally, I couldn't help but speak, there are so many pirates below, what are you still waiting for here?

Her question made Liu Xu turn around, covering his mouth in disbelief.

"Tina, you mean, want us to do it yourself? You, you are so disappointing to me."

Tina's head is full of black lines, and letting you down will disappoint you?If you were asked to kill a few more, wouldn't you have to be criticized?

Seeing her silent, Liu Xu continued: "Tina, the most boss, ahem, is the leader, how can it be so easy to get rid of it? It seems that our labor is too cheap. Let me tell you, now Maybe someone with a long beard is still eyeing us, just watching us foolishly attack. So, let the people below get rid of these little bastards."

Tina was silent, who would have known that she was already crying in her heart.Major General Liu Xu, why don't you just say it if you don't want to make a move? Why are you talking so much nonsense?

"Major General Liu Xu, Tina understands."

In the end, she still succumbed to someone's so-called leader.

You are the leader, you have the final say...


A battle was completed in less than ten minutes, which left the passers-by in a hurry stunned.

When did the navy become so powerful?When did the navy in the East China Sea know how to cooperate so well?It is unscientific, it is absolutely unscientific, it must be dazzled.

No matter what other people think, those pirates lying on the ground just want to scold their mothers, and they want to go to the great sea route to see them, and they want to rob their houses by the way, it's easy for them!After finally persisting here, why is this navy as cruel as what they ate?Those navies before didn't look so good!

"Asshole, this is a sneak attack, it's not fair, it's not fair."

A sturdy one-eyed pirate about three meters tall roared, beating the ground with both hands, aggrieved.

"This kid is stupid..."

The soldiers of the headquarters decisively made a judgment, the navy and the pirates fought, how could there be any fairness or unfairness?Could it be that I shoot you once in a fight, and then stand still and shoot you again?

"Speak, you are talking!"

The big pirate brother is not calm anymore, he didn’t see his companions covering their eyes, big brother, you ate too much last night, it’s all over your head...

"Wicked people, you wicked people."

The strong pirate was so emotional that he almost burst into tears.

"My God, how could there be such a pirate?"

The navy in the headquarters is completely not calm. These two sentences are okay, but if it keeps making noise like this, is it okay?

Just as he was considering whether to seal his mouth, purple lightning rose from above a moving building.

Liu Xu appeared in front of the pirate in an instant, kicked it out without hesitation, and roared angrily: "Idiot, with such a glorious image, such a righteous character, such a pure and kind temper, my young master, how could it be so? Wicked? Hmph, it's true that the wicked filed a complaint first, and meowed."

The strong pirate was kicked away at once, and fell to the pirate behind.

"I'm going to... the meat bomb chariot?"

The pirates widened their eyes and retreated decisively.


The burly pirate fell heavily to the ground, his head was in a mess.

"Who, who kicked..."

The purple lightning flashed again, and Liu Xu appeared next to him again. The thunder knife was not out of its sheath, and he was holding a standard golf shot with both hands.


The strong pirate was hit in the face, and a few teeth flew out with blood stains. His body fell down quickly, and he passed out directly.

"The world is finally quiet, you idiot."

Liu Xu let out a breath, and sighed that the action just now was so handsome. If it was before, it would definitely be a hole-in-one without hesitation.

The other pirates also breathed a sigh of relief, this guy is absolutely lacking in brains, otherwise how can there be such a stupid person?

Tina also jumped down from the top of the building. As soon as she touched the ground, she opened her arms, and the decisive sill imprisoned the pirates in the black iron ring.


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