Chapter 2387 Molesting the secretary is beneficial to physical and mental health

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Really, take these scumbags away, Tina hates it."

Tina tossed her hair in high spirits.

"Tina, can you consider the position of Major General next time?" Liu Xu was already behind Tina, stretching his head and whispering in her ear.

Huh?Tina's face blushed slightly, but her tone was not at all confused.

"Major General Liu Xu, will your speed still be afraid of Tina's prison?"

Liu Xu suddenly had nothing to say, what, too fast is also a mistake.

"People have stumbles and horses have stumbles, and there will always be times when they are slow. Do you want me to be fast? Or do you want me to be slow?"

Liu Xu's eyes were full of smiles, molesting the secretary was good for physical and mental health.

Tina's face froze, bastard, why did you talk like that?However, is the mature and stable Tina so easily tricked?

"Major General Liu Xu, Tina hopes that you can slow down and try the feeling of being tied up by Tina, how about it?"

The beautiful eyes glanced at someone, but the smile on his face was very dignified, without the slightest pretence.

Liu Xu retreated, feeling very embarrassed.

I made such a sentence on a whim, why are you so tough?Will you lose a few pounds if you are shy?

"Well, let's go, let's go. By the way, let's see if there are any good things on these two ships."

Liu Xu smiled sheepishly, turned his head and walked towards the pirate ship without hesitation.

Tina behind her was full of smiles, and the red cloud on her face gradually became apparent, her heart trembling fiercely, you idiot, why don't you understand!


On the pirate ship, the soldiers moved things out of the cabin one by one and placed them neatly on the dock.

Liu Xu sighed every time he saw the soldiers bring out a box, and shook his head repeatedly at the end.

"Dear Captain, you are..."

Liu Xu sighed again, and said: "Hey, look, it's just two pirate ships, and a lot of gold and silver treasures have been moved out. How many people have to be robbed to collect so much wealth? ? The East China Sea is so big, and I don’t know how many people are still suffering. Well, we have to step up and crack down on these evil pirates.”

Columbia kept a smile and said leisurely: "Dear Mr. Captain, when will we move to other places?"

"Hey, of course I'll be there in a few days. I'll take up some space in the naval station first, lest that idiot Smog be surprised in the future."

Occupy space?good idea.

Columbia's eyes flashed, and it has an exclusive station, and it does not need to go through the navy here in the future, and it can directly perform its own tasks. This is the most suitable method.

"Huh? What is this thing?"

Liu Xu's gaze turned to another place, a merchant ship, which was moving very slowly, and many crew members on the deck were busy with something, constantly checking some boxes, very busy.


Merchant ships are heading towards the port.

"Dear Mr. Captain, what's the problem?"

Columbia also looked over, merchant ships are very common in this kind of place.

The prosperity of Rogge Town is inseparable from the pirates here, and it is also inseparable from the merchants.

Pirates have improved the floating population here, and merchants have improved the economic development here, and they actually have a complementary effect.

"Don't you think the draft of this merchant ship is too scary? It has already reached the highest water level. This is a fully loaded merchant ship with a lot of cargo in it. But this is not the most important thing. The key point is that this ship is stacked with cargo. You see, the big boxes on the top are shaking slightly, proving that there isn't much in the box. So why are they disguised like this?"

Liu Xu looked serious, and his eyes never left those wooden boxes.

After he said this, Columbia also seemed to have found something, and his eyes kept scanning.

Tina frowned even more, what exactly is on this merchant ship?

"Major General Liu Xu, do you want Tina to take a look?"

Maintaining order at sea and inspecting ships, the Navy has the power to stop passing ships for inspection anytime, anywhere.

"No, you don't have to go up and see what they're going to do."

Resolutely refused, a merchant ship of unknown origin, why risk going up to check?

Merchant draught is a problem, camouflaged containers are a problem.

Merchant ships, gradually stopped at the port.

"Come on, deal with the supplies and continue sailing!"

When the merchant ship docked, a middle-aged man with a big belly stepped off the boat first, turned around and yelled at the people behind him.

The navy next to him was completely ignored by him, as if he hadn't seen it.

The middle-aged man was about [-] meters tall, with glossy and powdery face. He didn't even have a hair on his head to breathe fresh air. He was wearing gold and silver, and he was holding a cane. His eyes flashed with the treacherousness of a businessman.

Pretentious, too pretentious.

When Liu Xu saw this man, this idea came to his mind. The man's every move seemed to be nothing, but it gave people the feeling that he was covering up something.

Ignored the surrounding navy, is this a normal thing?

No, absolutely not normal.

The presence of the navy on the pirate ship and the removal of quite a few things has a lot of people curious about that alone.

And the man doesn't even look at the navy, does he dare not look at it?Or do you deliberately ignore it?

Also, the replenishment should have been arranged before the ship docked, so why did you turn around and yell after disembarking?Who is this for?

This man's body is full of a very contrived aura.

"Tina, you can act now, stop them."

Liu Xu gave the order decisively. There is definitely something wrong with this man.

Tina stood up straight when she heard the words, and walked towards the middle-aged man with a graceful posture.

"You guys, Tina orders you to stop and get checked!"

Tina walked over and spoke without hesitation, moreover in an attitude of direct order.

The middle-aged man's expression froze, and then he smiled instantly, and the smiles on his fat face were so piled that his eyes could barely be seen.


Chapter 2388 Arms Sales

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Your Majesty of the Navy, why do you want us to be inspected?"

The middle-aged man rubbed his hands together like a philistine businessman.

"This is an order. If you are asked to accept the inspection, you will accept the inspection. There are so many words. Tina is very angry."

Tina's face was serious, and her eyes were even more piercing.

Uh... The middle-aged businessman's heart skipped a beat, this woman must be too frightening, right?

The middle-aged businessman looked tangled and unwilling, and said: "If this is the case, then you can go up and have a look! But, please don't damage our goods, these goods are valuables, and I won't do it if they break Confession."


Tina raised her brows, why did she answer so simply?It seems that this guy is already prepared.

Thinking of this, Tina yelled at the busy sailors on the pirate ship, "Come here, check the ship up and down."

The navy soldier stopped what he was doing when he heard the words, and rushed over in a mighty manner.

The middle-aged businessman's face changed drastically, darn, didn't she go up to check alone?so many people?God, this is going to be a sin.

"Your Excellency, so many people going up will mess up my goods."

The middle-aged businessman was in a hurry, as if he was about to cry.

"Shut up, wait for the inspection."

Tina gave him a sideways glance and walked directly towards the merchant ship, followed closely by the middle-aged merchant.

The soldiers got on the boat, walked over to the containers without saying a word, and opened several inspections.

"Report to Colonel Tina, it's just some sundries such as clothes and cotton."

The captain of the unit came over and reported what he had found.

Tina frowned and walked directly to the front of one of the containers. It was indeed just a piece of clothing or something.

The middle-aged businessman breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, fortunately.

"You seem very relieved?"

Tina looked at him with disdain in her eyes.

Her words made the middle-aged businessman feel relieved again, and asked cautiously: "Your Excellency, Colonel, what do you mean?"

"Hmph, the ship's draft is so deep, but your cargo is only light things like clothes and cotton. Are you insulting our IQ?"

The middle-aged businessman wanted to slap himself hard, what's going on!

"Go into the cabin to check!"

With an order, the soldiers swarmed into the cabin, but after a while, the soldiers came out to report.

"Report to Colonel Tina, a large number of weapons and ammunition were found inside."

Several soldiers came out carrying the boxes.

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