
Tina turned around and got off the boat without even looking at the middle-aged businessman.

"It's over!"

The middle-aged businessman felt dizzy for a while, what kind of evil was this, and it was found out here.

"Major General Liu Xu, a large number of weapons and ammunition were found on the merchant ship."

As soon as Tina finished speaking, the soldiers carried the box to Liu Xu's side and opened it.

Cold weapons, ammunition for shells, armor.

"Major General Liu Xu, there are still many inside, almost filling the cabin."

The soldier made up his sword with one sentence, causing the businessman's body to crumble, and he was still a major general after he died. What crime did I do in my previous life?

Liu Xu was also surprised for a while. Although he had already thought that the merchant ship had a big problem, he didn't expect the problem to be so serious.

Carrying these things privately is a serious crime, and it can kill your head in minutes.

"You, tell me about the origin of these things."

Pointing at the middle-aged businessman, Liu Xu's face became obviously cold.

The middle-aged businessman trembled, with obvious panic and panic on his face, and his heart was as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

Soldiers kept transporting the things from the merchant ship, and the merchant had already cried many times when he saw it. Every box of things was like a knife hanging from his head, and the rhythm was fatal every minute.

"This this……"

The businessman hesitated, what should I say?How to fix things here?

"I didn't see it, are you a fat man or an arms dealer?"

The corner of Liu Xu's mouth curled up with disdain, but his face was still cold.

"What? Can't speak? Transporting these things, how many lives do you think you have to die?"

Guns and ammunition, armor weapons, these things are strictly prohibited by the world government, except for the official ones that can be transported, the others are all arms sales.

Of course, there are also some special groups of people who can transport these things, and no one dares to stop them...

"Actually, in fact, these things, these things are..."

The panic on the face of the middle-aged businessman gradually disappeared, but his mind was thinking fast.

Stuttering, Liu Xu felt his stomach ache from watching this. Isn't this guy too frightened?

"What is it, tell me clearly."

Grabbing the other party's collar and yelling, the middle-aged businessman's body went numb from the yelling, and he spoke quickly.

"Yes, the adults asked us to deliver it."

grown ups?Deep doubts arose in Liu Xu's heart, what kind of stuff is this lord?How dare you have such a great ability to smuggle arms?

"Say, who is this bastard?"

Letting go of the middle-aged businessman, Liu Xu stared into his eyes, trying to see any problems.

The middle-aged businessman sighed, and the panic on his face disappeared in an instant, and he started to organize his clothes in a hurry.

"I tell you, don't think you can do anything if you're a major general. You're just a small person. You can't afford to offend the lord who asked us to transport these things. I advise you, it's better to let us go."

Arrogant, the middle-aged businessman is so arrogant, after being frightened, he even revived on the spot, and he didn't take people seriously.

Domineering, arrogant, head raised, life is so confident, so charming.

Can't afford to offend?

Liu Xu's face suddenly became weird. Is this guy's head really funny?Who is so confident that a rear admiral of the Navy can't afford to offend?Uh, this person doesn't seem to know that this young master is a major general of the headquarters, does he?


Chapter 2389 There is meat to eat with Major General Liu Xu

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Sir, please show some respect to our captain!" Columbia said with a slight smile.

The middle-aged businessman snorted coldly and was about to start cursing, but swallowed the words back.

Colombia holding a sniper rifle and smiling.

Tina, her hands have been stretched out of the iron bars, and she can knock him over at any time.

Threats, blatant threats.

The middle-aged businessman's eyes widened, but he said to Liu Xu, "Hey, look at the subordinates you manage. The navy is really disappointing. I might report to that lord and take care of you."

Full of confidence, absolutely full of confidence, that lord gave him great courage, even the soldiers around him were puzzled, who is so awesome that even Major General Liu Xu can't afford it?

Liu Xu's expression changed suddenly, did this guy go too far?

"Fat pig, keep your mouth clean, my subordinates and partners, you are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks to them, be careful with your head."


Hearing the words, the surrounding soldiers raised their guns directly at the businessman, pulled the bolt unceremoniously, his fingers were already on the trigger, as long as he said something wrong, he immediately turned into a hornet's nest.


The middle-aged businessman swallowed his saliva and smacked his mouth. Are these people crazy?So cruel.

"Don't be impulsive. If you have something to say, let's discuss this matter. Otherwise, the adults will be angry and everyone will not be able to eat and walk around."

The conversation turned sharply, the middle-aged businessman had a dry smile on his face, he shouldn't go too far!

But Liu Xu didn't take this kind of trick, threatened himself, and even made irresponsible remarks to his subordinates. Is there any reason for this fat pig not to die?

"Fat pig, come up with the capital that gives you such confidence, otherwise these guns under my command won't recognize people."

The world is changing too fast. A moment ago, he was threatening others, but now he is being threatened.

From heaven to hell, the mood of the businessman could not be more suitable at this moment.

"No, I said, I said. It's the Tianlong people, and the Tianlong people asked me to deliver these weapons."

Huh?Dragon people?

As soon as the three words came out, the soldiers around were stunned. How could this matter have something to do with the Tianlong people?

In other words, if the Tianlong people let people deliver these weapons, it seems that they really can't stop them, right?

Liu Xu's complexion was also instantly ugly, and his heart was spinning rapidly. It seems that things related to Tianlong people are not easy to deal with, right?

Ah, no, have to see which Draconian it is.

The status of Tianlong people is transcendent, and they have supreme power in the whole world.

However, the Tianlong people are basically gathered in the first half of the great route and the holy land of Marijoya. How could they send arms from the East China Sea?They have all the wealth and power, so why transport these things?Tired of being idle?

Tina's complexion also changed a little, and she was involved with the Tianlong people again. This time, Major General Liu Xu won't get mad again, right?

I vaguely remember that when he was in the Chambord Islands, Major General Liu Xu seemed to have killed a Tianlongren, and asked the Dragonren's father to pay one billion Baileys in compensation.

Well, although it was Princess Madeline who made the move.

Thinking so, Tina's face is not so ugly.

Columbia is a little restless. After four years of wandering in the first half of the great route, he has already had a deeper understanding of the power of the Tianlong people. It is definitely a monstrous power!

Damn, things are not easy this time.

The middle-aged businessman saw the changes in the faces of the few people and the soldiers, and he immediately felt relieved. Heh heh, the Tianlong people are like this, why?

"Fat pig, why are you smiling so smugly? Which Tianlong person asked you to transport it?"

When Liu Xu saw the other party's expression, he immediately became upset.

The middle-aged businessman laughed even more, and said: "He is a very high-ranking Tianlongren. His power is not comparable to that of ordinary Tianlongren. Hmph, I advise you to be more sensible."

Hearing this, Liu Xu's complexion changed, and he said a little "horrified", "The status is very high? Is it not comparable to ordinary Tianlong people? Damn it, is it Miss Doflamingo?"

"Yes, it's Miss Doflamingo's order, hahaha."

"Arrest this idiot, brother Doflamingo will hear this, what will he think?"

Liu Xu turned around decisively and left without looking back.

Tina and Columbia were calm and silent.

The surrounding soldiers rushed forward without saying a word, and directly pushed the businessman to the ground, punching and kicking for a while.Damn, the uncle's heart thumped with fright.

The businessman is dumbfounded, what's going on?

Ah, stop fighting, be careful that Miss Flamingo is trying to settle accounts with you!


They turned over a pirate group with a decent number, and also seized a lot of gold and silver treasures and weapons, and finally detained a caravan that transported arms, which really replenished the inventory of the naval station.

Having seized so many supplies in one day, Liu Xu generously distributed some of them to Smoker, making the other party wonder if he had some purpose.

The lives of the soldiers in the headquarters have improved again. Their lives have improved a lot after they got the billion Bailey from the Tianlong people.

Now that he has a pirate group and seized so much treasure, Liu Xu directly sold a lot of Baileys, part of which was used to improve the living standards of the soldiers.

The life that was already richer than other soldiers was now soaring, so that the soldiers in the branch wanted to jump ship and run to his warship.

However, it depends on whether someone agrees with it or not.

Did his warships be taken by any soldier?

The materials captured by the navy abroad are generally turned over to the branch base or the navy headquarters, and the headquarters will make a comprehensive deployment.

Liu Xu ignored this point directly. He didn't have much Bailey, how could he hand over things?He wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Shut up, will the soldiers who have taken advantage of it tell the story?

The answer is no, absolutely not.

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