"Smoker, don't think about this young master. Also, keep this young master's land, those things are just lent to you first."

At the port, Liu Xu stood on the bow of the warship with a displeased expression on his face.

On the ladder next to it, there are constantly navy boarding the warship, and the big and small bags are ready.

"Hurry up and get out, the farther the better, it's hard to come back."

Smoker curled his lips, and took a mouthful of smoke from his cigar.

"Huh? Smoker, you are courting death!"

Liu Xu was surprised, and then let out an angry roar.

Smoker snorted, feeling much relieved immediately.

Let your mouth be so fierce, and let you write "How Smokers Get Beaten", now you lose your temper, don't you?

Liu Xu groaned and said, "Smoker, remember to tidy up my young master's things. Next time I want that room."

"Asshole, that was supposed to be my room."

Speaking of this matter, Smoker jumped up immediately, how could he go to someone else's residence and occupy someone else's room?

Liu Xu ignored him and smiled, the anchor of the warship was also put away, the helmsman quickly adjusted the direction, and the warship slowly left the port.

"Take it!"

Harbor, Smoker yelled, throwing an object out of his hand.

Liu Xu reached out and grabbed the thing without looking back, and took it to the front to have a look.

cigar?A beautifully wrapped cigar.

"Don't spoil me."

Liu Xu turned around and roared, but also put away the cigar.

Smoker at the port staggered and almost fell to his death, feeling sad and angry.

This is not right with the envisaged plot. Shouldn't it be tears in the eyes, reluctantly saying goodbye?


On the third-floor balcony of the warship, Liu Xu was lying on a beach chair with a relaxed expression on his face, with a drink in his left hand and a book in his right, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the sea breeze.

It has been two days since he came out of Rogge Town, and he has not encountered any pirates in the two days, so let him relax for a while, or let the soldiers in the headquarters relax a little.

Many soldiers participating in the navy do not necessarily encounter pirates frequently. Sometimes they may encounter pirates only once a month, some may be half a year, some may be a year, or even longer.

There are still very few troops like Liu Xu who specialize in troublesome pirates, so they can meet more pirates and have more room for improvement.

"Dear Captain, the next stop is Cocoyashi Village, do you need to stop for a while?"

Cocoa West Village?Isn't that where Nami lives?Got here so soon?


Chapter 2392 Act first, give me a blast!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu thought carefully about what happened in Coco Yaxi Village. There seems to be some kind of evil dragon, right?

There is a reward of [-] million Baileys, which is a good prey.

Also, Nami should be in the Dragon Pirates now, well, the perfect navigator!

Thinking of this, Liu Xu's eyes lit up, and he said directly: "Dock, it must be docked."

What a joyful thing it is for a navigator who dreams of drawing a nautical map of the whole world!

Although Tina is currently a navigator, she is not very good at this aspect. What she is good at is fighting and handling some internal affairs.

Reasonable allocation of resources in hand is a very important part.

Of course, the most important thing is that Nami is a beauty, a big beauty!

When Tina next to her heard this, she directly ordered the helmsman to go to Cocoyashi Village.

Cocoyasi Village, a peaceful and beautiful village, this is the image it gave to the world before.

And now, everyone here needs to work hard for their lives and earn enough Baileys to pay for their lives.

Looking at the small island in the distance, Liu Xu licked his lips. The warship is too short of talents, and it needs to constantly replenish its own strength.

"Huh? What is it?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to have noticed something, and Liu Xu looked over in a blink of an eye.

A ship, a pirate ship.

On the mast is a flag, pierced by a jagged tooth, with two crossed bones painted on it, and a red shark symbol in the middle.

"Dragon Pirates?"

Such a familiar sign, coupled with the fact that he had thought of such a character just now, quickly made him recognize it.

"Major General Liu Xu, there are pirates, are you attacking?"

"Be the first to act first, give me a blast!"

Liu Xu responded quickly, and Tina directly ordered the soldiers below to get ready, and the twelve cannons in the front row quickly adjusted their angles.

On that pirate ship, there was a man with gray skin, a shark face, and a long, sharp, jagged nose. A red shark was painted on his left forearm, and a red sunburst was painted on his left chest.

"Is that a warship? When did the East China Sea have such a warship? No, it shouldn't be a warship from the East China Sea. This flag... Could it be some kind of naval powerhouse?"

The evil dragon looked at the warship in the distance, and faintly noticed something.

As a former member of the Sun Pirates, he has also seen a lot of things in the great route. Naturally, he can see the difference between this warship at a glance, and it is completely different from those fragile warships in the East China Sea.

"Captain, do you want to shoot down that ship?" said Yu Ren, who was wearing a training suit and had two sky gun braids on his head.

"Crooby, this warship is not simple, let's observe it for now!"

Although the evil dragon is cruel and ruthless, after so many years on the great route, he still knows how to distinguish the form.

However, just as he finished speaking, the cannon of the warship in front had already adjusted its angle.

"Bang bang bang!"

Twelve cannons fired in unison, a burst of fire rose from the muzzle, and twelve cannonballs flew towards the pirate ship.

The violent noise made the dragon's heart skip a beat, and his cruel and merciless eyes instantly turned cold.

The cannonball drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell towards the dragon's shark. Spab. When it was about to fall, the dragon jumped up with slightly bent feet, opened its mouth full of sharp jagged teeth, and unexpectedly forced one of them The cannonball bites, and the two jaws forcefully crush the cannonball.

The other shells fell directly, and the members of the Dragon Pirates attacked quickly.

"Six swordsmanship!"

The octopus murloc wielding the knives on his six arms formed an impenetrable net of knives, which looked like a silver light from a distance.


The cartilaginous murloc Croobi swung his fists, hitting the cannonball with his fist, directly knocking the cannonball in mid-air off course.

The kissing murloc chirp is the most simple and direct. It spit out a large amount of water and hit cannonballs in the air, forcibly changing its trajectory and exploding on the side of the dead Spabu.

Twelve cannonballs were disintegrated by four people so directly and simply. It seems that the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Pirates is still quite impressive.

The dragon landed on the boat, his eyes were gradually blood red, his mouth was clenching his teeth, and the jagged teeth were shining coldly, which was a sign that he was about to go crazy.

"Kill them!"

White mist spewed from the dragon's nostrils, showing that his anger had reached its limit.

The Spabo drove directly in the direction of the warship, and the cannons on the pirate ship were also ready, and one by one shells were blasted towards the warship.

"What a gorgeous performance!"

Columbia on the balcony smiled slightly, but his hands were not slow. He untied the sniper rifle, opened the scope, pulled the bolt, and pulled the trigger.

It is done in one go, flowing like clouds and flowing water.

The sniper's movements are always so perfect, without a trace of impurity, Liu Xu is a little envious when he sees it. It would be great if he was still the sniper god codenamed "Devil King"!

"Bang bang bang!"

A plume of blue smoke rose from the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and several black bullets had already flown out of the barrel.


In mid-air, the shells that were falling on the warship exploded out of thin air, and the dazzling firelight formed a beautiful picture of fireworks in mid-air, which was vivid.

"Tch, it's really annoying."

The evil dragon spat fiercely, but the shell's attack had no effect.

"Captain, are we attacking from underwater?"

Chiu came up with a plan, the murlocs attacked from underwater, and the opponent's warship didn't seem to have much ability to resist it, right?As long as they can climb onto the warships, with their bodies ten times stronger than humans, wouldn't it be easy to kill these navies?

"No, let's take a look for now and get closer."

The evil dragon has a greedy and brutal character, and is a racist. He regards human life as nothing, but he attaches great importance to his companions and will not let them take unnecessary risks.

In contrast to Liu Xu, the snipers easily intercepted the shells, and the morale of the soldiers on the deck soared, each of them gearing up to give them a fatal blow just waiting for the opponent to approach.

The rifle is already aimed forward, as long as they get close, they can complete this hunting operation by pulling the trigger lightly.


Chapter 2393 The Navy of the Great Route

"Mr. Captain, it seems that these murlocs are quite intelligent!"

Columbia's expression was a little serious. The body of the murloc was stronger than that of a human, but the intelligence of a human was much higher than that of a murloc.

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