Now, these murlocs didn't take their best advantage to attack underwater, aren't they afraid?

Liu Xu nodded. Although the reward for the evil dragon was only [-] million, he was also a member of the Sun Pirates before, so he had seen a lot of things in the world.

I'm afraid his own warship gave him another feeling, a feeling of being in the great route.

"Dragon Pirates, the captain's bounty is [-] million Baileys, which is not bad! It's already the highest bounty in the East China Sea. Compared with the previous overlord of the East China Sea, his combat effectiveness is higher."

Columbia knows it well, since this is the case, then just wait a little bit!

Taking out a telescope from his pocket, Liu Xu began to carefully observe the pirate ship hundreds of meters away.

On the deck, members of the Dragon Pirates have gathered.

Xiao Ba, Crooby, Chiu, Evil Dragon, and some other miscellaneous fish, it seems that they have something to do when they go to sea this time.

Um?Beauty?wow, nice figure, huh?Nami?

Liu Xu paused, and stared wide-eyed at the person he saw through the telescope.

Conspicuous orange short hair, orange and windmill tattoos on the left shoulder, a small white vest and a pair of jeans make her cute and a little familiar, and the black high heels set off her slender legs and exquisiteness The most striking thing about her figure is her dark and bright eyes like a full moon, cunning, kind, lively, strong and sad.

A variety of emotions condensed in her eyes, unforgettable.

"A girl who has experienced the darkness of the world, she should be fifteen years old now."

Liu Xu sighed deeply in his heart. The things Nami experienced since she was a child were too dark. No one knew how many things she had experienced in the Dragon Pirates and drifting at sea.

I only know that this girl affects the hearts of many people, and people can't forget her at a glance.

In order to save the villagers, she agreed to the conditions of the evil dragon and worked hard to earn money in exchange for the freedom and lives of the villagers. She became a surveyor of the evil dragon pirates, and for this reason, she stole the wealth of many pirates for the sake of the villagers.

Her spirit touched many people from the bottom of their hearts.

"That girl is special, Mr. Captain."

Columbia's voice sounded, vaguely full of emotion.

Liu Xu put down the binoculars, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Sniper, she is indeed a very special girl, a talented navigator, who likes money and oranges the most, and whose dream is to draw a map of the whole world. She can join our team, we need such talents. "

"Your information is too detailed! The details are a bit too much..." Columbia's eyes moved, and then he smiled: "Follow the will of the respected Mr. Captain, I believe we will have a new partner soon."

"Tina, blow up the Dragon Pirates and save that girl's life!"

After giving the order decisively, Tina quickly carried out his order, and the twelve cannons began to adjust their angles again, firing shells one after another.

The firepower output of warships is a bit fiercer than that of ordinary pirate ships, especially the warships of the navy headquarters. The cannons loaded are even more ferocious. They can continuously fire shells, and the cooling time is relatively short. Basically, there is no need to worry about excessive. The attack caused symptoms such as fever and malfunction of the gun body.

The sky-filled shells bombed again, and this time the power seemed to be a little more ferocious.

The dragon bit its sawtooth fiercely a few times, and it was still [-] meters away from the warship. It was still a bit difficult to observe the enemy from this distance.

"It's not an ordinary navy, it's definitely from the great route. Hmph, there is a navy of the great route."

With a cold snort, what he said made people feel quite surprised, the great route?What a distant noun!Most of the murlocs here have never sailed on the great route, and they are full of reverence for that place.

Only Hachi and Evil Dragon, the two members of the Sun Pirates, know more about it, danger, danger everywhere!

"Aaron, let's go!"

Xiao Ba brandished six knives, looking a bit hesitant.

Without answering his words, the evil dragon bit down on the falling cannonballs and directly crushed the cannonballs.


The increase in the number made it impossible for a few people to resist at once, and it exploded directly on the ship. The flames suddenly shot up into the sky, and the members of the Dragon Pirates screamed.

This scream made the dragon's eyes crack, and its scarlet eyes were violent and bloodthirsty.


After thinking about it, the evil dragon still issued an order, and if the stalemate with the warship continued, it would only be his members who suffered heavy losses, and this account was worthless.

When the order was issued, the helmsman of the Dragon Pirates quickly carried out the order, and the ship turned around and slipped away without any hesitation at all.

The notorious evil dragon who used to dominate the East China Sea and occupied more than [-] villages as an evil side, actually retreated quickly after a short battle. I am afraid that few people in the East China Sea will believe it.

Inside the cabin, Nami with beautiful orange hair curled up in a corner, holding her head in her hands and covering her ears. The sound of shells outside made her heart tremble.

Fear, endless fear.

It was the first time that she was so close to the taste of death, and her strong heart couldn't help being frightened.

"I can't die, I can't die yet, I still need to earn enough Bailey to save the village, Belmer, what should I do?"

Nami muttered to herself, but at this time no one could come to help her and open a path for her.


Chapter 2394 Tina, transfer secretary

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


On the warship, Liu Xu observed the situation of the Dragon Pirates through the binoculars. He could clearly see the figure hiding in the cabin when the shells were fired. It would be a sad reminder if it was accidentally injured.

"Mr. Captain, shall we continue our pursuit?"

Colombia put down the sniper rifle, appearing a little hesitant.

"Catch up, don't attack for the time being, or it will be bad to hurt our navigator."

If she was decisive, Tina next to her heard her eyes darkened, and an inexplicable sour feeling appeared in her heart. Even she felt a little strange, how could she feel this way?

As a qualified navy, despite some uncomfortable emotions in her heart, she carried out the order well and conveyed Liu Xu's order, and the warship began to chase the Spab behind her.


Walking to the beach chair next to her, Tina sat down directly, looking at a nautical chart on the table next to her, wondering what to think.

This strange action of hers caught the attention of the two of them, and Liu Xu was a little confused.

The gentleman with more delicate feelings from Columbia seemed to understand something, and said in a low voice: "Dear Captain, Miss Colonel seems to be a little unhappy. It should be a matter of navigators. This is not easy to deal with, right?"

huh?The navigator thing?

Liu Xu suddenly realized that he finally understood the key to the matter.

Tina has been taking on the task of training soldiers on her own warship, and also has the task of navigator.

Although neither party said it clearly, many things Tina did were directly linked to her status as a navigator.

Navigational charts. Studying the navigational charts every day is to formulate the fastest and most effective navigation route, and she has made a lot of efforts for this.

Suddenly, Liu Xu found that he seemed to have never cared much about sailing, and only knew to go to every place according to his own ideas.

And this process requires a navigator to formulate a route, which includes whether the supplies to the ship can support it, where to rest, and where to replenish supplies.

A colonel from the Navy headquarters, even if he has a map of the entire world, is not necessarily familiar with every place.

Which places can provide supplies and which places are more dangerous, all these require the navigator to conduct some research, and finally summarize and formulate a route.

Liu Xu was tangled up and felt very embarrassed.

He never regarded Tina as a navigator, but more as a person who could help him deal with his daily needs, including some military affairs and a powerful combat partner.

"That, Tina..."

Walking over, Liu Xu didn't know how to speak for a moment.

Tina looked at him when she heard the words, and said softly, "Major General Liu Xu, do you have any orders?"

There was a hint of loss in his eyes, and his tone was no longer calm and steady, but with a bit of loneliness.

Now Liu Xu was even more embarrassed, and said bravely, "Tina, are you angry because of the navigator?"


"Well, you don't have to do this, just say it directly, I'll figure out how to do it."

"Say no."

Tina was inexplicably a little irritable, but her face still remained calm.

Liu Xu was embarrassed, scratching his hair and didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, an idea emerged from his mind, an idea that seemed to have existed before.

"Tina, navigating is not something you should do. It's a waste of your talent, do you understand? You have more important things to do!"

Liu Xu's face was full of seriousness, and his tone of speech was no longer the embarrassment just now.

Tina's eyes moved slightly, and she said softly, "Major General Liu Xu, what else do you need Tina to do? Apart from these things, Tina doesn't know what else to do."

Liu Xu's eyes lit up, and he shouted that there was something to be done, and this matter should be perfectly resolved.

"Tina, what you have to do is to be a secretary. Secretary is a great profession, and this profession is directly linked to me. Whether it is in daily life or work, it is essential. Among them Including delivering documents, handling military affairs, and various important decisions, all of which require the participation of a secretary. So, you have a heavy burden. Of course, it is precisely because of your talent that I decided to let you change jobs to become my secretary."

huh?And like this?Is the secretary's explanation like this?Doesn't seem like it?

Tina was a little skeptical, and sighed leisurely in her heart. It seemed that Major General Liu Xu was looking for an excuse to fool her.

"Major General Liu Xu, Tina has met many secretaries, and their jobs are not like this. Hey, Tina understands, Tina will be a navy honestly."


Liu Xu felt like throwing up, what's going on?Isn't secretary a sacred and great profession?What's the situation? This is it?

"Tina, don't fool me, what the secretary does is what I said, don't lie to me. No matter, you just do what you do anyway, the secretary in my heart is what I do."

Cheating, this means cheating a bit, but his cheating has achieved unexpected results.

Tina's heart was shaken when she heard this. Who is the secretary that Major General Liu Xu thinks?real?

Thinking so, Tina's face gradually showed a smile, a bright and relieved smile.

"Major General Liu Xu, Tina was wrong. Tina will definitely be a good secretary."

Like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, Tina's mood has experienced ups and downs in a short period of time.

"Huh? Figured it out?"

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