Liu Xu looked a little happy, and laughed, and sighed in his heart that the big internal problem was finally solved.

Some positions on warships are unique, just like navigators, there must be no two navigators, otherwise it will be easy to mess up.

There are many positions, only one person is enough.

Columbia smiled knowingly, and the little worry in his heart disappeared. A harmonious and loving partner is what he wants.

"Tina, then get ready to fight, a secretary with high fighting power is very attractive!"

Liu Xu chuckled, turned around and looked at the pirate ship in front again.

Tina smiled confidently, stood up again, and her mental outlook suddenly returned to the previous dignified, stable and confident.


Chapter 2395 Dragon Park, Disgusting Ability

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Evil Dragon Park, located in Cocoyasi Village, was established by Evil Dragon after he returned from the great route, and used it as a base to rule more than [-] villages in the East China Sea by force, collecting fees from the villagers.

Because the murlocs in the Great Channel are actually creatures that are discriminated against by humans, especially the Tianlong people. Out of racial self-esteem, the evil dragon hates and hates humans extremely, and at the same time yearns to live a life of self-respect and self-reliance. The playground on the islands was built.

Speeding up all the way, the pirate ship quickly returned to Cocoyasi Village. The evil dragon and other pirates got off the boat and ran into the evil dragon park.

The dragon park is very beautiful like a playground, but there are murderous intentions hidden under this beautiful appearance.

Liu Xu's warship chased after him all the way, leading a hundred combatants to disembark, and headed directly to the Dragon Park.

The gate was closed tightly, and the murlocs inside gathered together under the order of the evil dragon, preparing to wipe out the chasing navy.

Coming here, this is their main battlefield, and they have more advantages.

The playground is full of rivers and swimming pools. Under medium environmental conditions, the fighting power of the murlocs will be greatly improved.

"What an unpleasant park."

Liu Xu complained, and then the strange purple lightning light gradually rose in his eyes, the electric arc on his body turned into a beautiful arc, and the lightning was released from both hands, quickly forming a five-meter-long lightning knife above his head.

"Ten million volts. Thunder Knife!"

When the voice fell, the thunder and lightning knife above his head slashed in the air, and the dazzling light also lit up at this moment.


The Thunder Knife hit the center of the gate and penetrated directly from above the gate, releasing ten million volts of lightning in an instant.

The entire gate seemed to be hit by a giant shell, and it was immediately torn apart. A crack was forty meters long and two meters wide, and purple arcs flashed from time to time in the crack.

After being broken by one blow, Liu Xu grinned, and a hundred combatants followed his footsteps and walked in.

In the park, several murlocs who had previously blocked the gate and were preparing to ambush were already mournful the moment the thunder knife fell. Although they did not hit them directly, the [-] million volts of electricity and the falling shock wave still directly hurt them.

Almost in an instant, the bodies of these murlocs were already in a state of anxiety, and they were directly thrown flying and fell to the ground, their eyes turned white, and there was no longer any breath.

"Bastard! Despicable human being."

The dragon's eyes turned red again. The murloc companions are what he cares most about. How can he not be angry when they are killed by the lowly humans in his mind?


More than a dozen murlocs blocked their way. There were seahorse murlocs with weapons, and tiger sharks with meteor hammers. They were much taller than humans in size.

"Sleight of hand, don't be ashamed of yourself!"

The thunder knife above Liu Xu's head hadn't dissipated yet, seeing these murlocs standing in front of him, he chopped it down without hesitation.


When the Thunder Knife fell, a [-] million volt electric current instantly attacked the bodies of these murlocs, and the shock wave directly blasted them away.

"Bang bang bang!"

More than a dozen murlocs fell to the ground, their bodies curled up and quickly relaxed, but there was no sign of life.

With a single knife, it can directly kill a dozen murlocs. Such combat power is nothing to praise. A [-] million volt thunder knife directly hits, and the power is not something that these murlocs in the East China Sea can resist.

"You humble human being, I will kill you!"

The dragon roared and jumped out from his position, its sharp jagged nose gleaming with a cold light.

"Iron Teeth!"

He stretched out a hand towards his mouth/mouth, directly peeling off the teeth, and grasped them with a "click" sound. In just an instant, his teeth were intact as before, and grew back.

"Disgusting abilities."

Liu Xu looked disgusted, and when the dragon arrived, he squatted down and jumped out, punching like lightning.

The figures intersected, and Liu Xu's jumping body stopped, while the evil dragon that crossed him flew forward from behind him like a cannonball, and landed safely in a swimming pool.

"This body is very strong."

Liu Xu thought silently, he could judge the strength of the opponent's body with just one punch, without arrogance, without fruit ability, purely relying on his own strength, the evil dragon is indeed a character.

Columbia and Tina also started to move, and hundreds of combatants approached step by step with rifles.

"Bang bang bang!"

Putting on the black gloves, Columbia used his long-range gun skills to perfection. The sniper rifle nimbly changed directions in mid-air, spitting out black bullets again and again.

The black bullet hit the murloc, and the armed color domineering also showed its power at this time, directly blasting on the murloc's body, forcibly hitting the murloc's sturdy body back, and the bullet also passed through their body.

"call out!"

The black iron spear flew out from Tina's arm, directly piercing the bodies of the two murlocs in front, and nailed their bodies to a wall. The blood dripped down the body and stained the wall red.

The battle suddenly became fierce. Liu Xu's three powerful shots quickly achieved results, but the battle for the navy soldiers was a bit difficult.

Ordinary rifles don't have much effect on the strong body of murlocs, especially for those shark murlocs, the power is reduced a lot.

Faced with such a situation, they had to use katana swords for melee attacks.And melee attack is precisely the specialty of these murlocs.

The soldiers fought very hard, Liu Xu also frowned. Forty murlocs could block a hundred well-trained soldiers from the headquarters. Coupled with their own recovery speed, I am afraid that these soldiers will be defeated in the end.


A black shadow under the pool quickly approached the water surface, broke the water and jumped into the air.

In the water, the power of the dragon is the best. With the sprint in the water, it directly rushed out of the water, and its sharp jagged nose pierced Liu Xu.


Chapter 2396 Sixteen Division, Colonel Mouse

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Shark. NO. DARTS!"

Charged towards the enemy like a torpedo, the evil dragon took advantage of its speed to the extreme and appeared beside Liu Xu almost instantly.


Liu Xu's body fell down, his right foot was raised quickly, and a perfect upside-down golden hook kicked the dragon's abdomen, kicking his body backward.


The evil dragon couldn't control his body in mid-air, and directly crashed into a wall, engulfing him with bricks and debris.

But soon he walked out of the bricks and slag, and waved his fists to break up the things that were pressed on his body.

With red eyes, the evil dragon is like a bloodthirsty beast completely losing its mind, and now he just wants to kill the enemy in front of him, so as to calm the anger in his heart.

White steam was sprayed from its nose, and the dragon's body suddenly twisted, its feet stepped on the ground fiercely, its body spun in the air and approached Liu Xu quickly, its big mouth full of sharp teeth opened, biting again and again.


The sound of teeth opening and closing could be heard endlessly, Liu Xu's right hand had already turned elemental quickly, purple electric light flashed in his right hand, beautiful electric arcs condensed in the palm of his hand, and piercing sounds kept coming out, like a thousand birds chirping.

Suddenly, the purple electric light suddenly condensed and fired directly like a bullet, forming a small purple beam of light.

"Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"

The beast-like vigilance of the dragon made him instinctively shift his body, and the purple beam of light flew over his shoulder and penetrated directly.


With a muffled sound, the evil dragon approached the spinning body in mid-air, and a series of blood flowers fell on the ground, and the person fell from the side.

The evil dragon that fell to the ground quickly stood up, making people sigh how strong the vitality of the murloc was, and it didn't die directly after suffering such a strong attack.

On the left shoulder of the evil dragon, there was a fist-sized hole, no blood flowed out, it was already scorched black, except for the first blood that flowed out, the rest had been directly solidified by the powerful electric current.

Liu Xu glanced up and down, wondering if he should give him another violent attack, which would end his life directly.

"Stop, you bastards!"

Suddenly, a sharp roar came from the gate, followed by a steady sound of footsteps.

The sudden appearance of the voice made the faces of the Dragon Pirates change, and they quickly left the battle and gathered together.

And Liu Xu is also tangled, why do some people always want to come out to frighten during the battle?Can't you wait until the battle is over to win?

No matter how dissatisfied, Liu Xu appeared next to Tina, and his eyes gradually turned to the door.

A guy in a navy suit with a hood and a monkey cheek.

Behind him were about a hundred naval soldiers, who walked in directly through the gate, without looking at the murlocs and marine soldiers who fell on the ground, which can be described as majestic.

"Why does this guy look familiar?"

Liu Xu scratched his head, as if he had a little impression, but also seemed to have forgotten, what's going on?

Well, maybe it's because the other party is an extremely small person, so he didn't pay attention at all!

The sudden appearance of the navy made the situation in the Dragon Park suddenly unpredictable. Liu Xu still didn't remember who this person was, and was depressed at the moment.

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