Tina's eyes fell on the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked Hai Hai, no matter how she looked, her face was a little displeased.

Why did this bastard make them stop fighting?

Colombia also quickly retreated, and the situation seems to be a little bit wrong, so let's wait and see.

The sniper rifle was raised and aimed directly at the navy.

"Don't put down your gun, do you want to attack the navy?"

When the Navy saw Colombia, the treacherous and cunning look in their eyes made it disgusting.

Now Tina is dissatisfied, and she yells at her partner so much. Who gave you such courage?

"Didn't you see that we are also in the navy? Why don't you arrest these people immediately. Hmph, you didn't do anything when you saw the pirates. What's your purpose?"

Beautiful, Liu Xu really wanted to give a thumbs up directly, but it seems that this cannot be the case now, it would damage the image, it would be better to give it secretly.

The sharp-mouthed navy was furious when he heard the words and shouted, "I am Colonel Mouse of the Sixteenth Division of the Navy. How dare you talk to me like this, which division are you from?"

Division Sixteen?Colonel Mouse?Liu Xu suddenly realized that he finally remembered who this guy was, but he didn't expect it to be that idiot. What a mistake, he actually forgot about him.

"Colonel Mouse, we need to cooperate."

It wasn't Liu Xu and the others who spoke, but the evil dragon who had already recovered.

His scarlet eyes fixed on Liu Xu, wishing to eat his flesh alive.

"Dragon, what good can I do?"

Colonel Mouse looked at the evil dragon, but his eyes were full of cunning, and he had no intention of helping immediately.

"Hmph, [-] million Bailey, is that enough?"

"Enough, enough, absolutely enough."

Colonel Mouse laughed. I got [-] million Baileys so easily. Could it be that Goddess of Luck is taking care of me?

The hundred or so soldiers behind him seemed to have long since gotten used to it, and they were very used to Colonel Mouse's actions, so they could only feel sad in their hearts.

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows and nodded a few times, good guy, this guy earns Baileys very fast, but, let's continue to carry out his purge mission now, hehe.

"Colonel Mouse, as a navy, you colluded with pirates and caused harm to one side. Now, I, Liu Xu, the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, will replace the Navy Headquarters and wipe you out, and give justice to the Navy Headquarters and the residents here!"

Liu Xu's eyes were sharp and he said loudly, the mission of eradicating pirates and navy included them, and now they can kill two birds with one stone.

Nani?Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?Liar, right?

Colonel Mouse, who was secretly rejoicing, was stunned. The Admiral of the Navy Headquarters came to the East China Sea?Is this possible?It's not a lie, is it?

And some people in the navy behind him seemed to have seen something, and a gleam of light rose in their eyes, hope, hope is here.


Chapter 2397 Hey, navigator, I'm here to pick you up...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The evil dragon was also dumbfounded, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?Is it really the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?

The evil dragon who has sailed on the great route for many years deeply understands what the Rear Admiral of the Admiralty means. It means that the opponent can defeat the big pirate with tens of millions of Baileys, not his little [-] million murloc pirates. counterbalanced.

Damn, things seem to be getting bigger now...

Liu Xu didn't have the heart to watch their reactions, so he rushed out as soon as he finished speaking.

"Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"

A shave appeared directly in front of Colonel Mouse, the purple electric light condensed on his hand, pointed to Colonel Mouse's head, and the electric light flew out, forming a purple beam of light.


A strong purple light flashed past, where could the head of Colonel Mouse be seen in front of Liu Xu?

There is only one headless corpse.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, and Liu Xu was quick to deal with such a branch colonel who was harming the people.

"So, what's your choice?"

After dealing with the colonel, Liu Xu looked at the navy soldiers with sharp star eyes, and the meaning was obvious.

Those who want to help the dragon, the end of Colonel Mouse is their end.

The navy soldiers were silent, and after a while they suddenly roared.


"This greedy, treacherous guy is finally dead."

"Long live... long live..."


Huh?The situation seemed a bit unexpected, Liu Xu touched his nose, as if he didn't need to think about it any more.

Shaving started again and returned to Tina and the two, Liu Xu said: "You guys continue to fight, I'm going to find our navigator."

After finishing speaking, he walked directly towards a building in the Dragon Park. It seems that it is there, right?

The two Colombians have long known one of his goals, and naturally there will be no opposition.

"Continue to fight and control all these pirates. You, participate in the battle!"

As the colonel of the headquarters, Tina still has the power to issue orders here. The power of the colonel of the headquarters is already three levels higher than that of the branch colonel.

In other words, Tina is almost like a lieutenant general here, fully capable of commanding these navies.


With her order, the division soldiers were very excited and responded loudly.

Aaron is not calm at all. The navy that was supposed to come to help him is now on the opposite side. This is the rhythm of killing him!

Moreover, there is a colonel with devil fruit ability, a sniper with domineering aura, and a rear admiral of the navy headquarters with devil fruit ability, how can we fight?

Tangled, but tangled is useless, the battle that should be fought still has to be fought.

Dozens of companions were killed or injured, and the bloodthirsty animal nature of the evil dragon has long been aroused, which has greatly improved his combat effectiveness. It is like a crazy beast that only knows how to attack and only knows how to kill.

But Liu Xu, at this moment, he has already walked into the building and walked straight to the highest floor.

In the room at the end of the corridor, Liu Xu gently opened the door.


The situation inside came into view, a very spacious room, very clean and bright, but this was not what he cared about most.

His gaze shifted and landed on a girl in the corner.


A name was called out, causing the girl curled up in the corner to tremble and raise her head in horror.

Um?It's him?

After all, the girl recognized this person. Is this the navy that attacked the dragon?

Isn't the navy all evil, colluding with those damned pirates?

Fifteen-year-old Nami, although she has a lot of things on her shoulders, she still doesn't understand some things.

The collusion between the branch navy and the evil dragon greatly reduced her impression of the navy. In this world, she still has to rely on herself. Both the navy and the pirates are dark.

One-sided understanding makes Nami have a fear of the navy and pirates, although she often needs to overcome this fear to become a pirate thief.

But who would have known that in countless nights, this girl was alone in fear, crying, hesitation, and restlessness.

Liu Xu's understanding of her is limited to what is shown in the original book, and he knows relatively little about other things.

All I know is that this girl is very pitiful, regrettable, and distressing.Moreover, she also has a powerful talent, the talent of a navigator.

Walking over, Liu Xu squatted down in Nami's fear, looked at those dark and bright eyes, and sighed fiercely.

"Life always makes people full of helplessness."

After sighing, Nami looked at the other party carefully. How is this person different from other navy?

No, it might be faked.

With the experience gained in countless pirate groups, I decided in my heart that this person must be disguising himself and must have some ulterior motive.

Liu Xu was taken aback by the cautious look in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to cover the other's orange hair by accident.

Nami was like a frightened rabbit, her head quickly retreated, she wanted to retreat, but she was already in the corner, and her heart suddenly became angry.

Liu Xu's hand was stuck in the air, and only then did he realize that it seemed a bit presumptuous. In other words, why can't he control his hand?What a... good excuse!

"Hey, navigator, I'm here to pick you up...don't be so nervous, I'm a navy, I won't hurt you."

Liu Xu said softly, and simply sat down cross-legged, with an attitude of no malice.

navy?The navy is evil too!

Nami complained in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out, she just didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Liu Xu was also helpless, and continued: "Nami, a person from Kokoyashi Village, has a mother named Belmel and sister Nuo Qigao. Since the village is controlled by the Dragon Pirates, in order to liberate the freedom of the village Agreeing to the conditions of the evil dragon, and preparing for Bailey everywhere..."

After telling some things about Nami, Liu Xu's eyes kept falling on the eyes of the girl opposite.

Surprise, fear, shock...

Various complex emotions emerged in the girl's eyes, which was very puzzling and difficult to read.


Chapter 2398 The dragon is just a scary name

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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