
"You, how did you know?"

Nami was terrified, how could this man know so many things about herself?What the hell is he trying to do?

"Nami, you don't have to be so nervous. Actually, I don't mean anything malicious. The navy may have a bad image in your mind, but that's only part of it. Colonel Mouse has been executed by me on the spot, and that's just a smear. It’s just a scum of the image of the navy. The navy is working hard to catch pirates and maintain the order of the world’s seas, how can it be a villain!”

Liu Xu said with a smile, but carefully observed the changes in Nami's expression.

Disbelief, an expression of complete disbelief.

Liu Xu sighed inwardly. It seems that his mouth still needs to be strengthened. Why can other protagonists make people say "heart tremor" or "body tremor" with a few words, and then cry I want to follow, I have said so much, but people don't believe it at all.

Well, why is there such a big gap between the protagonist and the protagonist?

"You, what do you want to do?" Nami asked hesitantly.

The line of defense in her heart has not been breached at all, and she is strictly guarded against it.

Liu Xu said: "Uh, well, I actually want you to be my navigator. My warship lacks an excellent navigator. It's as simple as that."

Concise and clear, and directly stated his purpose, Liu Xu was actually a little uneasy.

This girl is not so easy to handle!

"Impossible, the dragon will not let me go."

Nami directly refused. It is her dream to become a great navigator and draw a nautical chart of the whole world, but dreams are dreams, and reality is reality.

The evil dragon pirates had already had an indelible shadow in her heart, and she never believed that the evil dragon would let her go.

"An evil dragon again?" Liu Xu's face was wrinkled. Why is there always something about that murloc? It's really annoying. "Well, I'll kill the evil dragon and save all the villages. You will be me." Navigator, how is it?"

"Impossible, you can't beat the dragon."

Nami's words are sure.

Liu Xu was dumbfounded, it's impossible to beat the dragon?Didn't you just see how this young master abused that evil dragon?The stinky mermaid did so many tricks, but it didn't hurt a single hair of the young master, and was almost killed by the young master.If it weren't for killing a colonel mouse temporarily, the invincible dragon in your mind would have died a thousand or eight hundred times, okay?

Hmm, this is a bit of a misunderstanding.

As soon as Nami came back here, she hid, not daring to look at the situation outside, how could she know what happened next?

"The dragon is so terrifying? Not necessarily? Heck, no matter what, I kill him and you will be my navigator, how about it?"

"If you can kill him, then I agree, but it is impossible for you to defeat him. The dragon is not so powerful. He is cruel, bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty, and powerful. It is impossible for you to defeat him."

As she said that, Nami's body trembled slightly, and things about what the evil dragon did kept appearing in her mind.

Liu Xu frowned, please don't hit people like that when you speak?It hurt my self-esteem too much.

"Believe me, the evil dragon is just a scary name, you just wait here with peace of mind, and I will come to you when I kill him."

"Don't go! You can't beat it."

When Liu Xu was about to stand up and go on fighting, Nami became anxious and stood up to stop him.

Liu Xu was completely embarrassed, did he look so weak?

Well, although it's a little more casual, don't masters dress casually?

"For the sake of the scum you killed Colonel Mouse, I advise you, really don't fight the dragon."

Nami's words are very serious, she is also a kind person, or she is a very comprehensive person, kind, confident, careful, lively, cute, sexually shocking, gentle, cheerful, strong, brave, tolerant, sincere, these can describe her.

"Colonel Mouse is just an ordinary person in the eyes of the evil dragon. The evil dragon can crush him to death at any time. Just because you can kill Colonel Mouse doesn't mean you can kill the evil dragon."

After talking a lot, she was indeed a little worried about this person in her heart, which was also part of her nature.

Being able to kill Colonel Mouse proves that this person is righteous, at least he won't be in collusion with the dragon and the others, how can Nami watch this person go to death?

Liu Xu seemed to understand something, smiled brightly, and said: "Nami, don't you want to try it? Don't you want to liberate your village directly? Don't you want to avenge Bermer? Maybe I really can slay dragons."

Nami's body stiffened instantly, the village, Bermel.

The past was vivid in her mind, and Bermer's voice seemed to be in her ears, making her mentally stunned for a while.

"You, you are really going to die."

Liu Xu laughed and said, "Then I want to try it too, because I am a brave man!"

Dragon Quest!

After finishing speaking, he didn't stay any longer, and walked out directly. It would be useless to stay any longer.

All we have to do is wait for the result!


Countless compatriots were killed by naval soldiers, and the beast nature of the evil dragon was aroused to the extreme.

He wanted to help his compatriots, but he was stopped by others, making him unable to do so.


With a roar, the dragon quickly accelerated, holding a pair of teeth in each hand, and directly attacked the navy beside it.


A soldier was hit, his arm was torn off, and he screamed again and again.

The other soldiers reacted quickly and moved away from the dragon.

However, the evil dragon has already aimed at them. How could it be so easy for people to escape?

The murloc's strong body and speed played a very good role at this time. The evil dragon directly attacked the ordinary soldiers, overthrowing many of them at once, and the number of naval soldiers dropped sharply.


Chapter 2399 Dragon Quest

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Really, such close combat is not my strong point."

Columbia is a little helpless. Although the armed domineering can enhance a strong physical strength, he is still at a disadvantage in pure melee combat like facing the evil dragon. After all, he is a sniper, not a swordsman.

"Just do your own thing, Sniper!"

When the voice came, Columbia's eyes lit up. It was still a familiar voice and a familiar feeling!

As soon as Liu Xu came out, he saw the evil dragon killing all directions, looking so chic.

Columbia and Tina were entangled by the cadres of the Dragon Pirates, and couldn't escape to fight for a while.

Without thinking too much, he just jumped towards the evil dragon.With one kick, he kicked it down hard.


The dragon was hit by a sudden kick, and its body flew upside down, and the place where it was kicked felt a piercing pain.

However, he did not yield so easily, or he never knew what yielding was.

"Shark. NO. Gear car!"

As soon as he landed, he acted quickly, his body twisted and turned, and he rushed directly in the direction of Liu Xu, his mouth opened and closed, and his teeth were so cold that it was creepy.

"Lan feet. Chaos!"

Liu Xu jumped up, swung his feet at high speed to produce a white half-crescent vacuum slash, and instantly landed in the area where the dragon was advancing.

"Bang bang bang!"

The vacuum slash of Lan's feet fell, and the continuous shaking of the ground caused dust to rise.

In the middle of the air, Liu Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and directly kept in the air with moon steps without falling.

The Sixth Form of the Navy, a physical technique that surpasses the limits of the body, is very sturdy.

There are very few people who can fully learn the sixth style of the navy, and only a few people know about it so far.

After the dust cleared, Liu Xu's gaze remained fixed on the center of the attack range, where the evil dragon was located.

Blood, a piece of blood stained the ground red.

The evil dragon was half lying on the ground panting, his eyes were full of panic.

The moment just now caused his inner defense to collapse, the enemy was too terrifying, it was not at the same level at all.

Yes, as he said, they are not at the same level at all.

If it is simply to destroy the evil dragon pirates, then Liu Xu can completely destroy the entire evil dragon park with a [-] million volt. Qilin.

But he has another purpose, navigator.

In this way, the evil dragon is just for Nami to see, so as to achieve the purpose of bringing her under his command.

Otherwise, Liu Xu wouldn't have been in such a pain to be entangled with a dragon with a bounty of less than [-] million for such a long time!

Looking at the open window on the roof, Liu Xu gave a thumbs up in that direction, and opened his mouth slightly.

Although it was too far away to hear, Nami upstairs could still tell from the shape of her mouth: "I will help you vent your anger!"

Six words, the simple six words made Nami's heart uneasy. She has seen too much darkness, and she has long been difficult to trust others.

But now she is still a little moved in her heart, maybe he is really a good person, some good people who will take themselves seriously.

"Dragon, I'm going to wrong you next time. I will mourn for you in silence. Who told you to bully my navigator! So you are the protagonist in this Dragon Quest drama."

Liu Xu mourned for the evil dragon in his heart, this unlucky boy, now I can only ask you to suffer, and let our navigator obediently submit.

Pain, pain all over the body.

The evil dragon was breathing desperately, and every part of his body was aching, which made him almost pass out. It was his firm belief that made him persevere.

Struggling to get up from the ground, the Dragon is not one to submit, he will fight to the end of his life.

If an ordinary person was so persistent and confident, Liu Xu would definitely sit down and have a good talk with him. Unfortunately, the other party was an evil dragon, an evil dragon who did all kinds of evil, completely shattering this possibility.


With one kick, Liu Xu's razor started directly, and kicked on the back of the evil dragon, kicking his body that had just struggled a little to the ground again.

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