Without stopping, Liu Xu sat directly on the opponent's body, and struck out with both fists, directly hitting the opponent's body.

"Bang bang bang!"

The dull sound kept coming, and Liu Xu's movements didn't stop at all.

The murlocs around saw that they wanted to help, but they were directly intercepted by the navy soldiers, and there was no possibility of helping them.

Here for Tina, the ability of the threshold fruit is played perfectly in her hands, the combination of long-distance and progress.

When the enemy backed away, he would bombard directly from the iron gun at the extension of the arm. When the enemy got close, he would directly slam the fence. As long as the opponent's speed slowed down a little, he would be trapped by her in an instant. This is where she is so cruel.

"It's so fragile and a waste of a few minutes of my time."

Tina looked at the cadre of the Dragon Pirates who had been trapped in the iron ring, with only disdain in her eyes.

Turn around and attack the other murlocs.

Columbia is very simple. It uses the armed domineering to strengthen the body, thereby increasing the defense to resist. In terms of attack, it shoots continuously, and the armed domineering bullets cause a lot of trouble to the enemy.

It was easy to break through the enemy's direction, and two bullets landed on the cadre's knees, causing him to kneel down directly.

"I can't bear it, it's too polite."

Columbia smiled, but the murloc on the opposite side was furious. What do you mean?


"Bang!" There was a gunshot, and a plume of smoke rose from Columbia's sniper rifle. There was a small hole in the forehead of the murloc officer in front, and blood flowed down the hole.

Eyes widened, the murloc cadre did not expect it to be so straightforward, and he seemed a little unwilling to die.

Then, directly joined the battle of the naval soldiers.

The two joined the battle, and the situation was turned upside down at once, and the members of the Dragon Pirates were constantly being beheaded.

Here, Liu Xu has been attacking continuously for about half a minute, and the evil dragon has no strength to resist, and its spirit is like a gossamer.


Chapter 2400 The dragon was killed

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Turn around you!"

Liu Xu chuckled and turned the opponent's body over, shot like lightning, and directly grabbed the sharp jagged nose of the dragon.


With a soft sound, the evil dragon's eyes widened suddenly, and its head kept shaking.

His nose had been folded ninety degrees by Liu Xu, and it was useless.

"It's finally safe now."

Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief after having his opponent's nose destroyed. It wouldn't be fun if he was suddenly attacked by this thing.

Reaching out, grabbed the opponent's chin with one hand, clasped his teeth with the other, and pulled it out fiercely.


A complete set of teeth was directly pulled out by Liu Xu, and flung aside lightly.

The dragon is about to faint, what is this guy doing?Do you want to pull your own teeth?Your own teeth can grow indefinitely.

Thinking of this, the teeth that had been pulled out of his mouth also grew rapidly.

Seeing this, Liu Xu made another move, pulling out the tooth and throwing it away.

Such continuous movements did not stop, and after a while, there were already piles of sharp teeth of evil dragons beside him.

The evil dragon was also a little dizzy, no matter how fast the teeth grow, it can't stand such a toss, and the pain of being pulled out is not good.


Seeing that the dragon had no strength to struggle and its mouth was full of blood, Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief and looked upstairs again.

Nami covered her mouth with one hand, and there were two teardrops hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Even though it was far away, Liu Xu could still feel it.

"I made my navigator cry, and I will kill you."

Liu Xu's anger rose all of a sudden, and he stood up straight away, raising his hands above his head to elementalize, and the deep purple lightning flashed out from his hands, drawing beautiful arcs and flying into the air.


The thunder suddenly started, and a thundercloud with a length and width of about [-] meters appeared in the originally clear sky, and arcs flashed continuously in the thundercloud.

The thunder and lightning in the thundercloud continued to rage, and the sky suddenly became dark.

"Major General Liu Xu, he..."

Tina looked at the thunder cloud and hesitated for a moment, then continued to attack.

"Fifty million volts. Kirin!"


The thundercloud in the sky made a loud noise, and the thunderbolt was released from the thundercloud, forming a purple unicorn composed of thunder and lightning, roaring and rushing downward.


The Qilin jumped down and landed directly on the evil dragon. The lightning of fifty million volts was released in an instant, and the electric arc shuttled continuously across the evil dragon's body, entering his body and directly destroying his internal organs.

The attack only took a split second, and the Qilin's energy was quickly released.

Liu Xu stood up from the area where the evil dragon was. The [-] million volts of lightning had no effect on him. It was the unicorn he had released, and as long as it was elementalized, it would not attack him.

The evil dragon has been reduced to ashes under the [-] million volts of Qilin's current, and has disappeared forever in this world.

The evil dragon was fought to death.

The electric current released by Qilin was still pervasive in the air, and Liu Xu was covered by the electric arc, like the god of thunder descending from the mortal world.

He turned his head and shouted upstairs.

"Nami, I have avenged you. Cocoyasi Village has been liberated, and Bermel can rest in peace. Be my partner! Draw a nautical map of the whole world, Bellmel will be very happy."


Nami tightly covered her mouth, but tears kept dripping down her eyes.

It is unbelievable that that man really did it, he really defeated the evil dragons that ran rampant in more than [-] villages, and even the evil dragon pirates were completely disintegrated under this attack.

Nami couldn't believe that such a thing would happen. Everything happened so fast that she couldn't get used to it for a long time.

The evil dragon's rule of force over Cocoyasi Village and the surrounding villages came to an end at this moment.

Tears rolled down his cheeks, and he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and cried bitterly.

For so many years, so many days and nights, for the freedom of the village, she drifted on the sea with a burden that ordinary people could not understand, and worked hard for Bailey.

How many days and nights she lost her mind by herself, and even thought of giving up.

Recalling the special support of the villagers and the bitter days in the past, Nami was lying on the window, shaking her shoulders from time to time, venting the complicated emotions in her heart.

Liu Xu below looked at it for a while, and changed from a little agitated before to calm.

"Major General Liu Xu, go up and have a look!"

The battle between Tina and the others was over, and she walked to Liu Xu's side and said softly, she had also come out of the previous loss.

Secretary, this is my future position, and it is the goal I want to strive for!

Grimmbia smiled and bowed, "Dear Captain, it is not a gentleman's act to make a beautiful woman cry."

The support of the two made Liu Xu smile knowingly, and jumped up a month later.


Landing safely on the windowsill, looking at the girl who was still immersed in her own world, Liu Xu patted her on the shoulder lightly.

"Everything is over, let's vent, vent all the unhappiness in your heart."

"Woo... I, I..."

Nami whimpered and raised her head gradually.

Liu Xu had a warm, sunny smile on his face, and a hint of pity and encouragement in his eyes.

"A new life is about to begin, and Cocoyashi Village and the surrounding villages are officially liberated. Also, from now on, the navy here will not be the one ruled by Colonel Mouse, the navy, but the navy of justice!"

"Thank you, thank you..."

Nami whimpered, tears still dripping from her beautiful eyes.

"It won't be pretty if you cry any more, oh, it's still the horrible kind, little sister."

Liu Xu's voice was full of teasing and exaggeration, and he directly covered his face.


Nami was amused, and the grievances in her heart were reduced by a point. She took a few deep breaths, and suddenly shouted to the sky outside the window: "Bermel, did you see it? The village, the village has been liberated."


Chapter 2401 Hey, it seems that only violence can be used

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Ah, what a heart-pounding and touching speech!"

Liu Xu laughed, it seems that his behavior is still very effective!

Well, it would have been effective.

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