"So, how about being my navigator now?"

The key question is coming. I made a bet with her before, so it should be honored, right?

The pirate thief Nami, who specializes in stealing pirates, deceived countless pirates with lies, and even those pirates were sold and helped her count the money.She wouldn't have to be so unlucky to have to fool her, would she?Don't, don't.

Speaking of this question, Nami froze for a moment, her eyes were still struggling.

Drawing a nautical chart of the whole world means going to sea, and the best camps to go to sea are the navy and pirates, and it is impractical for merchants or to travel alone.

The Dragon Pirates have controlled this place for many years, and Colonel Mouse is supporting him. It seems that there is no choice between the two.

And if you must choose, the navy is undoubtedly the best choice.

"This... let me think about it again, okay?"

Huh?Liu Xu's face froze, what's going on?Want to?Would you like to give me some kind words?Great Miss Navigator.

"Okay, then tell me when you've made up your mind! We're going to sea tomorrow morning, and we still have important things to do."

Liu Xu was very "generous".

Apologetic eyes flashed across Nami's eyes, and she suddenly seemed to remember something, and quickly said, "Ah... I still have important things to do, so I'll take my leave first."

As he spoke, he quickly turned around and left, leaving only a teardrop on the back of the other party's hand.

Looking at the crystal teardrop in his hand, Liu Xu was speechless.

In the end, did she still fail to become a navigator?

Hey, it seems that only violence can be used.

The windy woman quickly shuttled through the dragon park, making the surrounding navy puzzled.

What do these tears mean?Could it be that he was bullied by Major General Liu Xu just now?Oh, no, Major General Liu Xu wouldn't do that!

Look, look, Colonel Tina, who is by her side, has been with her for such a long time. How could she possibly bully a girl?

girl?Huh?Does Major General Liu Xu have some special hobbies?Colonel Tina, you are so poor...

Unaware of the strange thoughts of the soldiers, Liu Xu and the three went back to the ground and looked at the murlocs and pirates lying on the ground around them, feeling a little emotional in their hearts.

No matter how hard the training of naval soldiers and how powerful they are, it is still difficult to compare with the murlocs, who are innately endowed with super physiques.

The murloc's physical fitness is too strong, even if the naval soldiers in the headquarters practice hard, only a few can surpass them.

Others, it's hard to catch up.

"Let's sort it out and treat the wounded. Well, as for these murlocs, check them out. If they don't do much evil, they will be controlled and sent to the prison. As for those who have done serious evil, they should be eliminated immediately and drink fish soup at night, hum. Humph!"

Liu Xu looked unhappy, maybe he was a little jealous that the opponent's physical fitness was better than his own soldiers!

The Dragon Pirates were killed. This news was a great joy for the entire Cocoyasi Village and nearby villages. The villagers ran to the street and cheered loudly.

"Great, great, finally liberated."

A villager seemed to be insane, pounding the ground fiercely, God knows what kind of suffering they have suffered.

"Colonel Mouse was also killed, and the navy changed?"

Another villager spoke blankly, and finally laughed so hard that tears flowed down his face.

"Celebrate, hold a group banquet to celebrate!"

"Yes, celebrate."

The villagers were ecstatic, and Liu Xu led all the soldiers towards the warship. Behind them was a group of tightly bound members of the Dragon Pirates.

"Look, it's the Navy, the Navy from the Navy Headquarters."

The villagers quickly surrounded them and surrounded them.

"Ah? What do you mean?"

Liu Xu was puzzled, wouldn't this guy want to besiege people like himself?It's a crime, and it's all because of the good things that the mouse did.

The collusion between Colonel Mouse and the evil dragon is nothing unusual for these villagers, or if Colonel Mouse hadn't colluded with the evil dragon, the situation of the evil dragon here would not be so easy.

If it were a righteous naval captain here, he would order the soldiers to fight to the death with the Dragon Pirates.

Even if you can't fight, you can contact the nearby naval base, or even ask for support from the headquarters through the phone bug.

"thanks, thanks!"

The first person knelt down directly, and then the people around him knelt down one after another.

Liu Xu was really dumbfounded now, we are not nobles in the world, so we don't need to perform such a grand ceremony.

Even if we kill a pirate group, that's still within the scope of our obligations.

"Get up, everyone, get up!"

Liu Xu walked over and helped the villagers up one by one, as did Tina and the surrounding naval soldiers, evil dragon, what happened to you!


The next day, Liu Xu stood on the balcony and looked at the villagers who had gathered at the port.

The sun is rising and the sea is calm, which is a good day for sailing.

Liu Xu got ready early in the morning and kept looking at the location of the port.

"Major General Liu Xu, I still haven't seen Miss Navigator."

Tina said softly and brought a cup of coffee.

Liu Xu took the coffee and took a few sips, but his eyes still did not leave the port.

The port was crowded with people, but there was still no one I was waiting for.

"It seems that it is not..."

Liu Xu sighed in his heart, but when he was sighing, he suddenly stopped, with surprise in his eyes.

Where the eyes were locked, an orange-haired girl wearing a cloak kept pushing towards the port from the crowd. She moved quickly and shouted: "Let me go, let me go..."

The surrounding villagers made way for him.

"Stinky girl, you're still so reckless."

"Girl, don't be in such a hurry."



The villagers laughed and cursed, but they didn't mean to blame at all.

They already knew what happened yesterday, or they already knew about the girl's behavior, but no one ever opened their mouths to expose it.


Chapter 2402 Clear the first half of the great route

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Ah ha ha!"

The girl ran onto the warship, the soldiers put away their anchors, and the warship began to sail.

"I stole it now!"

The girl laughed and unfolded the windbreaker, and a lot of things fell out of the windbreaker. Looking closely, ah, isn't it a wallet?

The villagers were shocked and checked their pockets again and again, but where is the shadow of the wallet?

"Smelly girl, give it back to me."

"Girl, you are still the same!"...

The villagers were angry, but after a while their expressions changed again, with a reluctant smile.

"Nami, you must come back often!"

"Girl, remember to write back."

Liu Xu watched this scene from behind the girl, a familiar, very familiar scene.

A boulder in his heart finally fell to the ground, it seems that he has not been fooled.

"Nami, welcome to our new navigator."

Liu Xu laughed straight, very comfortable.

Nami wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes, turned around and laughed: "Are you worried?"

"What am I worried about?"

Liu Xu curled his lips and directly denied it. With such a pure and glorious image, this young master is optimistic and cheerful, so why worry?

Nami was indeed smiling, and her beautiful eyes turned into crescent-shaped smiles.

"I knew you must be worried, worried that I won't be your navigator, right? Don't worry, I'll do what I say!"

"Walk what you say?"

Liu Xu complained hard in his heart, miss, you seem to have fooled a lot of people, right?And keep what you say...

No matter what, the navigator's affairs were finally settled, and Liu Xu was very satisfied.

"Let's go!" With a shout, the helmsman quickly adjusted the direction and went in the established direction.

And Nami rolled her eyes and walked directly towards the balcony.


Time flies, and two and a half years passed unknowingly during the voyage. For Liu Xu, the biggest gain from this voyage may be the two partners, Columbia and Nami, and the power of the rapid rise.

One is a sniper with outstanding spear skills, and the other is a navigator with extremely high talent.

Moreover, Liu Xu perfectly conquered the entire East China Sea.

For the pirates and some navies in the East China Sea, this is destined to be a tragic two years.

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