Luffy's mentality changed very quickly, Lianlian nodded, making people speechless.


Chapter 2404 Figure Out Who Is The Protagonist

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The young navigator's navigation skills are very good, and he manipulates the pirate ship to make various unscientific evasive actions, which makes people want to spray him. This is a ship, not a human, okay?

"So slippery, looking at the enchanting posture, hehe, stimulate him."

Liu Xu had a smile on his face, but why were the words so weird?

The artillery shells attacked continuously, except for scaring the Straw Hats and not hitting them directly, which is a big pity.

Unable to attack for a long time, Liu Xu curled his lips, this girl's navigator is not bad, and the technology is excellent.

But, if there is a unicorn, you can't avoid it, right?

But think about it, forget it, if you really kill people, then many things will be too boring.

"Lu Fei, stop for me immediately, or your grandfather will send you to the navy!"

huh?It's a bit of a special behavior, shouldn't it be very sturdy if you threaten it?How did you pull out someone's grandfather?

The people on the warship don't understand, what is Major General Liu Xu playing with?Why didn't you play cards according to common sense?

There was a disdainful smile on the faces of the Straw Hat Boys, heck, pull his grandfather out?How funny!

By the way, who is Luffy's grandfather?

Looking at Lu Fei again, he was already stunned when he heard Liu Xu's shout, and he couldn't help shouting.


His mind instantly recalled his grandfather's "love" care for him when he was a child, and his body shook violently. This guy knew his grandfather?

"Who are you? How did you know my grandpa?"

Luffy yelled out after a long distance, but the voice sounded a little sad.

Liu Xu chuckled, knowing that his plan was a success. It seemed that Luffy and the boy were very afraid of his grandfather, especially when they first went to sea.

"Stop now, or I'll call your grandpa out."


Grandpa was on that boat?My God, what's wrong with this?

Luffy felt a tragedy in his heart, it's over, it's over, what if he gets caught?run?It doesn't seem to work!

"Stop the boat!"

After thinking about it, Lu Fei pressed the straw hat, looking very serious.


A few people are incredible, he actually chose to stop the ship?Isn't this waiting for people to beat him?

"Stop the ship, this matter must be dealt with."

Lu Fei said seriously, this is related to his future sailing life, no matter what needs to be done.

"Cut, it's really troublesome."

Sauron said something, but he didn't object. The other people gradually stopped the boat when they saw this. Since they knew his grandfather, it should be fine, right?

Upside down the mountain, the warship slowly approached the Golden Merry, and Liu Xu stared closely at the Straw Hat Boy Luffy.

Now that Liu Xu said so, Luffy really directly believed that Garp was on this warship, and he simply asked people to stop the ship.

The navy soldiers set up the ladder on the deck of the Golden Merry, and Liu Xu walked over directly with the three of them.

"Luffy, you bastard is so inconspicuous, you dare to move this young master's warship."

As soon as he arrived on the deck, Liu Xu directly launched an attack, not giving those doubtful people a chance to speak at all.

Luffy was dumbfounded, he attacked the warship?

Hmm, that seems to be the case.


Correct it if you know your mistake, and Luffy apologized directly.

"You're an idiot. They attacked us first."

The deceitful cloth on the side can't stand it anymore, can you stop being deceived so easily?In other words, deceiving people should be the patent of this uncle, why was he preempted here?

Lu Fei suddenly realized that it seemed to be true, and when he was about to refute, Liu Xu spoke again.

"Bastard, this young master is in the navy now. It is my obligation to attack you. Do you think it is wrong? So in the end, it is your fault."

huh?Does this work?The chin of the man on the Golden Merry hit the ground directly, thinking about it carefully, it really is like this.

Confused, Luffy felt that his brain seemed to be insufficient, and this person's words seemed... Ting made sense.

"Where is my grandpa? Why didn't you see him?"

Changing the subject, Luffy felt that he was possessed by the God of Wisdom at this moment.

"Your grandfather? He's not here, what's the matter?"

Liu Xu chuckled, and there was a deep smile in his eyes. This kid is so funny that he was so easily fooled.

Luffy was relieved when he heard the words, it would be great if he wasn't here.

"By the way, can you be my partner? Hee hee."

Lu Fei put his head in his hands, smiled heartlessly, and his whole body was also generous.

Be his partner?

Liu Xu's heart skipped a beat, did he make a mistake, hey hey hey, find out who is the protagonist!

"do not want!"

Liu Xu refused decisively without the slightest hesitation.

"Ah? Why? You are very powerful. It must be good to be my partner."

Luffy is still unwilling to give up, how can he slip away with such a strong man in front of his eyes?

Hearing this, Liu Xu glared, and shouted: "Lu Fei, I am a navy, it's pretty good that I didn't kill you now. Heh heh, I have to teach you a lesson for your grandpa, how dare you sneak away to become a soldier?" Pirate, I have a bad temper, I'll be sorry for Garp if I don't beat you up."

When the voice fell, Liu Xu's body flashed with electric arcs, and the purple electric light reflected the entire pirate ship in purple.

Fight?The Straw Hats laughed, it seemed like they were never afraid of a fight!

"It's really interesting to fight with such a navy."

Zoro was already in position, ready for a fight at any moment.

Sanji blew out a puff of smoke lightly, and said, "Although it is impolite to fight in front of a lady, it is even more impolite to fight our captain."

As for the navigator and the liar cloth, they have already withdrawn to the rear, and it seems that their combat effectiveness is not very good.

Liu Xu frowned, good guy, Ting Qixin, I give you thirty-eight likes, but...


Chapter 2405 Grandpa's friend, I can't afford to mess with it

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Those two, this young master is now teaching him instead of his grandfather. Why, you still want to intervene? Could it are also his grandson?"


Sanji's cigarette dropped, Zoro's posture was messed up, grandson, grandson?

Several people in Colombia were very accustomed to his special way, and went straight to stop them.

"The respectful captain wants to teach his grandson a lesson on behalf of his friend, so I'm really sorry to ask you not to interfere."

With a slight bow, Columbia's armed domineering has wrapped around his body, and his skin has turned dark.

"Oh, what an insult to the image of a gentleman."

"Che... What a boring person, Tina is very sorry."

Tina opened her hands as she spoke, and the black iron bars stretched out from her arms, directly trapping the two of them.

"Sanji, Zoro, don't interfere."

Lu Fei's face was very sad, this man's identity was too sinful, he was a navy man, and he was an acquaintance of his grandfather.

grandson?How strange does this sound!


Sanji and Zoro shouted loudly, but Luffy's expression remained firm, so they stopped, pursed their lips and relaxed their posture, but their eyes were always on Liu Xu and Luffy.

Liu Xu laughed straight, this feeling is really pleasant!

"Lu Fei, stand still and let this young master beat you up."

Just stand still and don't move?Give me a beating?

Normal people would think that this is what a lunatic said. How could anyone be so idiot and stand still for you to hit?

However, this seems to work well for Luffy.

He is, grandpa's friend, I can't afford to mess with him!

Feeling refreshed, Liu Xu stepped forward without hesitation and raised his fist to beat him fiercely, a bright purple light flashed past.

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