
"Ah, it hurts!"

Luffy's body suddenly fell short, holding his head and yelling.

"Wow, it's really comfortable!"

Liu Xu blew into his fist, and he could faintly see a purple flash of lightning.

Looking at Luffy's head again, a large bag appeared, and it was faintly charred.

Luffy who ate the rubber fruit seems to be immune to lightning, but nothing is absolute, no matter how insulated his body is, lightning can still attack him.

Liu Xu made an idea to change the attack form of lightning to cause damage, such as forming a sharp needle shape, and continuously attacking a point to break the surface, which can cause a lot of damage.

Another example is the formation of a sharp sword, the smaller the force area of ​​the attack, the more damage it can cause.

Rubber, seemingly unable to withstand the attack of a sword.

The punch just now seemed simple, but it used the needle-like state of lightning to attack. I did a little test here and got the expected ending, which is really lucky.

One Piece has a lot of black technology, and many things are unscientific and unreasonable.

An ordinary pirate can withstand tens of thousands of volts of lightning, and some strong ones can withstand tens of millions of volts, which sounds terrifying.


Sanji and Zoro roared again, but Tina's prison was ready, and they could be imprisoned with just a move of both hands.

What's more, Colombia, a powerful sniper, is watching. How can I help him?

As soon as the two of them made a change, Columbia took off the sniper rifle and pulled the bolt to directly aim at Sanji.

Well, this one says it's rude to touch a lady, gentleman?

NO, there can only be one gentleman here.

"Gentlemen, please don't move around at will!"

Smiling, the smile on Columbia's face does not reveal any murderous intent, but deep in his eyes, he is cautious. Although these two people are not very good, it is not good to frighten the respected Mr. Captain.

"You, you are too arrogant."

Sanji's face twisted, so arrogant?Do you really think you are a cow?


Without warning, plumes of smoke rose from Columbia's muzzle, and the jet-black bullets shot from the muzzle, landing directly on the deck in front of Sanji.


The sniper rifle, armed with domineering colors, has a strong lethality. It easily blasted a big hole out of the deck, making Sanji's expression change, and he obediently stood where he was.

"Don't do anything to my partner."

Luffy was angry, his eyes were burning with anger, and he dared to do something to his partner, which is unforgivable.


"Stinky boy, this young master hasn't finished teaching you yet. What are you yelling at, he hasn't been beaten yet."

Liu Xu let out a roar, and his fist with the purple arc came down again, and the big bag on someone's head went up to a higher level.

"Ah? Didn't hit, hee hee, sorry."

Luffy cares about his partner, and he is a naive and straightforward young man. When Liu Xu said this, he reacted, and obediently accepted the lesson of this grandpa's friend. It seems that grandpa's friend is on the same level as himself, right?Well, this relationship is messy.

Liu Xu chuckled, it's so comfortable!

"Well, can you be my partner? Don't be a navy."

Huh?If this is the case, how big is your kid's heart!

It's embarrassing, Liu Xu is completely embarrassing, this guy's brain is not bright, he is too weak.

Don't talk nonsense, just build the collar of the boy with the hat, walk to the railing, and lift his body out of the railing, "Boy, I will throw you down, the one without hesitation."

"Ahhh...don't do it, I'm most afraid of sea water."

Lu Fei danced and struggled, such a thing is too sad, what if he fell into the sea?Then it's really over.

"Hmph, it's fine if you know you're afraid. This young master will be merciful and let you go this time. Next time I see you, hehe, I will pull out your pirate flag first."

With that said, Liu Xu threw Luffy's body directly under the mast.

"Let's go."

With a satisfied call, Liu Xu led the people away directly, leaving behind a few sad people.


Chapter 2406 Whiskey Peak

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


As soon as he returned to the warship, the navigator's ability was shown again, and he jumped abruptly on the Golden Merry and slipped away decisively.

And Luffy was thrown under the mast, his face turned black, and he pulled his pirate flag?Is this a life-and-death struggle?

"The next time I see you, I will definitely blow you away."

Jumping onto the bow, Luffy yelled loudly, and the crew praised him angrily, just for this kind of momentum.

And Liu Xu frowned, is this kid begging for a beating?

OK, that's enough for you.

"Fifty million volts. Kirin!"

The hands quickly elementalized and raised their heads high, releasing purple arcs into the air from their hands.

The clear sky was stimulated by purple electric arcs, and in an instant, dark clouds rolled. Several hundred meters of dark clouds shrouded the sky above the Golden Merry, and followed the movement of the ship. The purple electric lights in the dark clouds flickered from time to time.

"Hey, it's so strange!"

Luffy couldn't figure it out, what's going on?

Suddenly, the purple electric light in the thundercloud condensed, and a fierce beast rushed down in an instant.

"Ah, I'm going to die."

Liar Bu's legs are trembling, what's the matter?

"It's that person just now."

Sauron's face was serious, but he also had a little smile on his face. The strong one is really exciting!

The ferocious beast rushed down, and Sauron and the others were about to fight back immediately.

However, the unicorn fell beside the pirate ship and rushed directly into the sea.


The unicorn entered the sea water, and the sponge immediately set off waves of waves, which directly threw the Golden Merry up, and the people on the boat burst into tears.

On the sea surface, a purple arc quickly spread out.

"Run for your life!"

Lieutenant Bu roared, and the navigator beat the steering wheel repeatedly, and he flew far away.

"Hey, let you threaten me."

Liu Xu moved his body and laughed.

The people next to him were speechless, Major General Liu Xu, he was just a child, so he couldn't help being frightened.


In the first half of the great voyage, wealth, power, and fame are the beginning of everything here, making countless people flock to the great voyage.

There are seven routes in the first half of the Great Journey, and the seven routes have unique magnetic guidance. Once selected, it is difficult to change the route.

Liu Xu thought again and again, and still chose Whiskey Mountain.

Whiskey Mountain is a town that welcomes pirates to land, but it is actually a gathering place for bounty hunters, specializing in fooling those young boys who have just entered the great road and letting them fall into their own traps to get the bounty.

Liu Xu, who beat up the Straw Hat boy angrily, feels very comfortable now. He has seen the protagonist of the original book in this world, and before he is about to enter the great route, he raised the flag and beat him up, making him dare not fight back. How many people can do such a thing?

"Major General Liu Xu, why did you teach that little straw hat kid a lesson? Tina is very puzzled."

There was a little doubt in Tina's eyes, why did she attack him?And that kid's identity is a bit too scary, the grandson of the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp, really the grandson of Niu Cha.

Hearing this, Liu Xu chuckled, with a playful look in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's very simple. I just want to teach him a lesson. It's that simple. Well, this kid's achievements in the future are not low. Be careful with him." Cough cough, if necessary, make some stumbling blocks, hit me with a sap, frame me, just don't kill me."


Major General Liu Xu, are you sure that guy is really the grandson of your friend Lieutenant General Garp?Is there such a thing as cheating on grandchildren?How will Kap feel?

Tina was silent. Major General Liu Xu's thinking was too strange to figure it out.

I'm used to it, I'm used to his mysterious shots, I'm used to his sudden nonsensical jokes.

After working as an official secretary for two and a half years, Tina thinks that her xinxing has been tempered very well now, and she is used to any behavior of such a man.

But, are you really used to all the behaviors?

Being lazy, Liu Xu naturally closed his eyes and thought about it. After such a violent beating, the straw hat boy wonders if he will have a psychological shadow when he sees the ability of the thunder fruit next time?

The straw hat boy is a little-known little pirate. He didn't defeat Klick, he didn't defeat the colonel, he just escaped the pursuit of Smoker, and he was able to summon people like Sauron. I have to say that sometimes fate The power is indeed very powerful, and it just links these people together.

An unknown little pirate with decent strength, a few talented partners, and a pirate ship full of faith.

What kind of achievements can such a team have in the great route?

"This kid won't fight any Tianlongren in the future, right? It seems that there are no Tianlongren that he can beat up. Don't think about it. This young master is the biggest protagonist."

Thinking of this, Liu Xu felt at ease and thought about how to improve his abilities after closing the curtain.

Two and a half years in the East China Sea, a sea area where there are no powerful pirates, may lack the passion of other sea areas, but there is also a rare quietness.

"Captain, are you going to land here?"

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