On the deck, Nami waved a hand up, reminding someone that it was time to look here.

Navigator, the most talented navigator Nami.

It took more than two years to fully adapt to the life of the warship, and the helmsman was directly replaced by her.

His powerful sailing skills have won the respect of all naval soldiers, and his confident and kind heart has made many people feel warm.

It is the love of money that makes all the navy soldiers feel cool in their hearts. Every time they think of being deducted from their salary for various reasons, these soldiers want to hit the wall.

"Whiskey Peak is here? It's really fast, then let's land, replenish supplies, and have a good rest."

Liu Xu got up lazily, took an orange from the table next to him and peeled it, and elementalized went straight to the deck.


Chapter 2407 A Town That Welcomes Pirates

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Thanks for your patronage, ten thousand Baileys."

Nami stretched out her hand, with a sly smile on her face.


He quickly put the peeled orange into his mouth and swallowed it without hesitation, even throwing the peel of the orange into the sea.

"Captain, you ate my orange, a [-] Bailey."

Nami said with a smile, her eyes had turned into a certain currency.

"Oranges? What oranges? Why didn't I know? Nami, you are too bad. You don't know how to share oranges."

Liu Xu was stunned at first, with a look of confusion, and then a look of grief and indignation.

Nami's face turned dark, and the characters "well" on her forehead gradually jumped violently. She clenched her fists tightly. After a while, a sinister smile appeared on her face, and she flicked the curly orange hair that had grown to her waist. send.

"Captain, next time, don't be caught by me next time."

Nami was very sad and indignant. After more than two years on the ship, she has learned that the captain is definitely a rich man with countless Baileys on him.

The question is, where are these Baileys hiding?Why haven't you seen it?

Liu Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was smart. This girl was thinking about getting her Bailey all day long. Fortunately, no one could get the place she hid.

When the boat stopped and went into the sea, Liu Xu went down first, and a town could be vaguely seen on the coast. It was very lively, and it was considered a very nice town.

"Mr. Captain, it seems that someone has come out to greet us." Columbia bowed and smiled.

Liu Xu let out a groan and looked in the direction he said, um, someone did come to greet him, but this doesn't look like a good character!

In the direction of the town, a group of about a hundred people rushed here, with great momentum, and what's more, they even pulled a flag and wrote: "Welcome to the town of pirates."

"These people are mentally ill!"

Liu Xu made a decisive judgment.


"Welcome, welcome the great pirate brothers to the Whiskey Mountain in the pirate town."

"Men at sea, pirate town welcomes you."

Surrounded by hundreds of people, Liu Xu's expression was very strange, pirate?Since when did we look like pirates?Haven't you seen the mighty and domineering coat of justice?Didn't you see this gorgeous hundreds of naval soldiers?Didn't you see this crazy and cool navy flag?

Pirate town?The pit father town is almost the same.

"Hey, did you make a mistake? This young master is a navy!"

Speechless, full of dissatisfaction, these people are purely eye problems.

Unexpectedly, the man laughed loudly, and said straightly: "Brother Pirates, stop making trouble, how could you be a navy. Where did the navy enter the great route from the Reversing Mountain? By the way, your way of disguising is really great. It looks good, but it is easy to attract the jealousy of the Navy!"

Huh?There is such a thing?Liu Xu frowned, do these people really not understand what the art of the navy is?What a handsome flag, um, it may attract the jealousy of the navy, they don't have such a handsome navy flag at all.

"Mr. Captain, something is wrong with them!"

Columbia smiled, but his eyes were sharp, and he looked closely at the positions of these people.

Surrounded, these people completely surrounded them, leaving no way out.

"Hey, we don't agree with what you said. What's wrong with us welcoming hot-blooded sea men?"

A group of people are filled with righteous indignation, motherfuckers, come out to greet you, you still have to get up, it's too shameless.

Liu Xu frowned, is this girl looking for trouble?then...

"Catch these guys who colluded with pirates and send them to the submarine prison."

With a big wave of Liu Xu's hand, a purple arc was released from his whole body, and the purple arc flew around quickly, paralyzing the people around him.

"Hmph, it's really a sin to not choose a good partner after knocking on the sap."

As Liu Xu moaned and said, the people under him also started to move, and quickly drew their katanas and rifles to attack these people.

"Bounty hunters, tsk tsk, why are you so stupid? It's said that this young master is a navy, so stupid."

As Liu Xu said, his hands gradually spread out, and the purple arc between his hands formed a huge purple lightning net. Pushing his hands, the lightning net covered those bounty hunters who hadn't reacted yet.

"Ten million volts. Heaven and earth!"

The voice fell, and a net of lightning condensed between his hands, and five nets of lightning in a row covered the bounty hunter.

Lei Wang's advanced skills directly reach the power of [-] million volts, but it has a very good effect on these bounty hunters.

Most of the bounty hunters are people with a little power, and this electric current should be able to keep them alive, but it can also make them incapacitated.

"Ahhh... Ray..."

"Wow... help..."

The bounty hunters were screaming and howling, and the people who were covered by the net had no ability to resist at all, and they were easily dealt with at once.

It is destined to be a sad thing for a hundred bounty hunters to meet a hundred soldiers and people like Liu Xu.

The soldiers who had already practiced good skills felt at ease and controlled these bounty hunters. Liu Xu's network easily controlled more than [-] bounty hunters.

Tina and Columbia had dealt with more than twenty bounty hunters in the blink of an eye, and there were about twenty bounty hunters left, so they could only cry silently.

Punching and kicking, without too much consideration, a few soldiers grabbed a bounty hunter and beat him up, implementing what Liu Xu had always taught.

Hit, hit to death.

As soon as he entered here, he encountered these bounty hunters and stubbornly believed that he was a pirate. Liu Xu couldn't calm down at all, but calmed down soon.

"Don't, don't hit me, I'm vomiting blood."

A bounty hunter was crying, and he really vomited blood.

Hearing this, the navy soldiers who beat him up stopped, and threw the guy who was beaten into a pig's head and bleeding continuously in front of Liu Xu.


Chapter 2408 Baroque Workers

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Holding a baseball bat, with a wretched face, holding a gun, and a "9" mustache, the clothes are a bit biased towards princes, and there is a golden crown on his head.

"Mr.9? Why is this wretched man?"

Liu Xu frowned. This guy who pretended to be a prince was Weiwei's partner in the Baroque Work Agency.

The Baroque Workshop (TheBaroqueWorkshop), a secret criminal company, also known as Baroque Walker, the code name of the president is Mr.0, and the naming rules of the senior agents are also: Mr. + number, their nominal purpose is to build an ideal kingdom, The real purpose is to get the ancient weapon "Pluto" to gain more powerful power.

Members of the Baroque Work Club are numbered with numbers, the smaller the number, the stronger. Obtaining this number means that you are a cadre in the Baroque Work Club.

However, compared with the number on his body, Mr.9's strength is a bit weak.

Shouldn't this guy go hunting Rab with Princess Weiwei and be stopped by the Straw Hat Boy?Why is this here?

Of course he didn't know, he beat up Luffy violently, and the Straw Hats, who were almost scared out of their wits, had already slipped away, and ran away from Upside Down Mountain without seeing Princess Vivi at all.

"Hey, you're not dead yet, are you?"

Liu Xu knelt down and poked the other person's face.

"No, not yet."

Mr. 9 hurriedly replied, this time it's really playing too big, it seems that he is really a navy, what should I do?

"Not dead, keep fighting."

Liu Xu kicked him back as he spoke.

"By the way, where is Weiwei now? Forget it, I'm too lazy to pay attention, I should go and play with the little crocodile."

Weiwei, whose full name is Neferutali. Weiwei, was also an aristocrat in the world eight hundred years ago, and now he is the heir to the Kingdom of Alabasta, but this country is currently in civil strife and is controlled by the king Shichibukai Crocodile , the lifeline of the entire world is under his control.

Hades, Crocodile's ultimate purpose, also brought great suffering to the country.

Wang Xia Qiwuhai has now seen the world's largest swordsman, Eagle Eye, and has never seen the others. I really look forward to what interesting things will happen when I meet Sand Crocodile.

Sand crocodile is actually a very powerful guy in Liu Xu's heart. Although the bounty is not much, its combat power is definitely comparable to that of hundreds of millions of pirates.

It can be seen from the incident of the war on the top that he dared to attack the Four Emperors Whitebeard and duel with Hawkeye as soon as he arrived at the scene. Who can say that his strength is not good?

It's just that this guy is a careerist and a guy who is good at using strategies. He has easily controlled a country through various means, and also made people in this country believe in him, but from this point we can know that he is a A guy who is good at using conspiracy.

"Throw them into the sea to feed the sea kings, and then we'll hit a guy, hehe."

The more he thought about it, the more interesting it became. Liu Xu was looking forward to meeting Crocodile, so he simply ordered his subordinates to act quickly.

The matter of Whiskey Mountain was handled very simply. In the end, I didn’t see the princess of Alabasta. Although it was a little regret, I didn’t feel much. People who don't have a half-cent relationship.

According to the established route, follow the magnetic force to the Kingdom of Alabasta. It will take a few stops, but it will be reached soon.

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