It's just that people are born to like to come out and make trouble.

A warship, a warship with a green goat on its bow, was heading here, and it had just sailed out for less than a nautical mile before encountering it.

"What do you mean? Want to hit the boat?"

Liu Xu frowned. The warship was heading towards his warship. What does that mean?Could it be someone you know?Childish?Well, it doesn't seem right, that guy likes to walk around on a bicycle, so who else?

"The warship ahead, stop immediately!"

Mu Ran, a roar came from the green bow warship, and the sound was transmitted to the dark purple warship through the phone bug.

This sentence made Liu Xu's soldiers angry. Who is this girl?How dare you be so arrogant, it's too much.

Liu Xu was also puzzled, they were all colleagues, why did this guy speak so aggressively?

"Lean over and see what that guy wants to do?"

The warship drove towards the green warship. Several people in Colombia are ready. It is certain that the comers are not good. I just hope that there will not be too many battles.

Tina looked at the warship with a little doubt, why is this warship so familiar?Where have you seen it?

The two warships docked side by side, the navy soldiers on the opposite side directly lowered the ladder, and a man walked over with a dozen soldiers.

A middle-aged man in his forties, with long green hair and a shawl, he is about [-] meters tall, with a strong physique and a cross-shaped scar on each cheek.

He glared at the man in front of him with pitch-black pupils like beasts, which meant hatred, anger, grief and anger.

Such behavior made Liu Xu even more puzzled. This person is absolutely not in his memory. Why does he look at him like this?Could it be that he is a fool?

"who are you?"

Liu Xu frowned tightly, with a touch of doubt and confusion.

"Liu Xu, the old man has been waiting for you for a long time, and I want to ask you for an explanation today. If you don't give an explanation, the old man will let you die in the sea."

Huh, it's too much to talk about.

Liu Xu's face turned gloomy and cold, let a boatload of people die in the sea, are you trying to fight?

"Speak your identity first, this young master will not kill unknown people."

The purple electric light lit up instantly, and the electric arc drew a beautiful arc around Liu Xu, his eyes flickered with electric light, and there was a strong murderous intent in the corner of his mouth.

People don't offend me, it depends on my mood; if people offend me, I will kill your whole family.

The middle-aged man's face was cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Liu Xu, remember the old man's name, Rui, Rear Admiral Rui of the Navy Headquarters!"

Major General Rui?

do not know!

Liu Xu shook his head, but that's okay, killing a major admiral of the Navy Headquarters seems to be a very exciting thing. I don't know how the Navy Headquarters will react this time.


Chapter 2409 Thirty million immune, what about [-] million?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Major General Lu Yi? Give me a reason."

"You killed my brother-in-law, Major Moss, now is the time to settle accounts with you."

The middle-aged man's violent anger was undisguised, and it deeply enveloped this man. As long as he could do something, he could kill him at any time.

"Major Moss? What's the deal? This young master has killed too many scum in the past few years, I can't remember. Snipers, secretaries, sailors, do you remember this person?"

With a disdainful smile, Liu Xu turned his head and asked about his partners.

Columbia shook his head, and Nami shook his head too. Only Tina seemed to remember something, and said, "Major General Liu Xu, when we arrived in the East China Sea, we killed a major at a naval base, and that was Major Moss."

In this way, Liu Xu remembered that there really was such a person, and it was related to his sniper.

"I didn't expect to be the brother-in-law of that scum, hehe, what an honor!"

Liu Xu had a sarcasm on his face. Since he was the brother-in-law of that scum, he came to him now just to settle accounts after the fall. It's really disgusting.

Major General Rui Yi's expression changed, but his furious breath remained unchanged, and he shouted, "Liu Xu, you..."

"You're nothing but a scum."

Liu Xu interrupted him directly, and at the same time quickly elementalized.

"Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"

There was a purple lightning in his right hand, and he ejected quickly.


The purple electric light shone, and the electric light instantly penetrated Major General Lu Yi's shoulder.


Major General Rui let out a scream when his left shoulder was penetrated, and he backed up again and again and fell to sit on the deck.

The dozen or so soldiers he brought with him immediately surrounded him and protected him.

"Little soldiers, this matter has nothing to do with you, I order you to leave."

Liu Xu's face was cold. The battle between the generals was not something these small soldiers could participate in. A shot against a major general could kill them at any time.

After he said this, the dozen or so soldiers hesitated and then backed away, daring not to stop.

"Liu Xu, the old man wants you to be buried with a boatload of people."

When attacked, Major General Rui roared, his eyes red like a mad beast.

"Tina, don't interfere, I will settle this matter myself."

Liu Xu smiled coldly, how could a major general be afraid?Now it's time for him to witness what power is.

Major General Rui was about to go crazy, and suddenly shouted: "Armed color. Enhanced!"

When the words fell, Major General Lu Yi's whole body became dark, his body bulged slightly, his muscles were knotted, and he was majestic. Only the wound on his left shoulder looked ironic.

"Armed and domineering? It seems that the masters at the lieutenant general level can master this ability? Hmph, no matter how arrogant you are, you have to kneel today."

With a disdainful smile on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, he quickly pulled out the thunder knife from his waist.

Major General Rui, his strength is indeed very good.

The skin of the whole body became dark, and the defensive power suddenly increased a lot.

"court death."

Major General Rui yelled angrily, and then drew out a jet-black knife, similar to a Western sword.

With one sword slashed, the armed color domineering attached to the Western sword, and the power of the attack increased several times at once.


Liu Xulei easily blocked the force of the blow with the horizontal blade.

However, his complexion changed soon, and his strength increased, and it continued to increase.

Major General Rui's attack speed is very fast, and the strength of each knife increases.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Liu Xu was not to be outdone, how could he fail under the command of a major general? This is simply a great shame.

"Thirty million volts. Three strikes with Thunder Saber!"

The Thunder Knife quickly returned to its sheath, turning both hands into elements, and the purple lightning formed a five-meter-long Thunder Knife above the head in the blink of an eye, and quickly cut it down.

The three thunder knives fell from different directions, and Major General Lu Yi snorted coldly, the armed color was used to the extreme, and the whole body's skin was as black as ink.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three knives fell, and [-] million volts of lightning instantly entered Major General Lu Yi's body, but the current only made his body shake a few times before making no sound.

"Isn't [-] million volts enough to cause a lot of damage?" Liu Xu was thinking in his heart. Armed domineering can catch the body of the natural type, but it is not immune to the attack of the natural type. As long as the thunder and lightning attack hits him Still works.

However, Major General Lu Yi's armed arrogance seems to be very powerful, and he has resisted most of the attacks with this ability.

After being attacked by three knives, Major General Lu Yi grinned with deep disdain.

"Natural devil fruit abilities can't do me any harm, stupid guy."

Self-confidence, this is absolute self-confidence, it can also be said to be arrogant.

Liu Xu secretly despises, nature is useless to you?This joke is not funny at all, how many natural elements can easily kill you.

"Then, you might try this."

With murderous intent in Liu Xu's eyes, he quickly elementalized and jumped up towards the green warship.

"Don't try to escape."

Major General Rui gave a loud shout, then jumped up the ladder and chased after him.

As soon as Liu Xu got on the green warship, his whole body was elementalized to form a dense grid behind him, and the purple grid formed two majestic brontosaurus in the blink of an eye.

"Thirty million immune, what about [-] million? Shuanglong strangulation!"

Pulling their hands forward, the two brontosaurs roared angrily and rushed directly towards Major General Rui who had already jumped into the green warship.

As soon as he returned to his warship, he was attacked like this, but Major General Lu Yi did not pay attention to it. He had fought against how many people with abilities of the natural system, which one could cause damage to him?joke!

However, when the two thunder dragons opened their bloody mouths from two directions and bit down, the complexion of Major General Rui, who had dark skin all over his body, changed. This feeling is not right!


With a loud roar, Major General Lu Yi raised his armed arrogance to the extreme in time to fight.


Chapter 2410 Where did you come from...

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