ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The current is much stronger than before, and the current cannot be measured simply by how many volts it has. Every increase is a qualitative change.

The armed color is domineering to the extreme, but this does not allow Major General Lu Yi to resist this, and a burning black smoke faintly appears on the black-skinned body.

The two thunder dragons opened their mouths to bite him off, and quickly fused together. Liu Xu was very confident in the power of this, and could easily melt steel.

The power of [-] million volts was released, and the thunder knife was unsheathed again. Purple lightning rose above the thunder knife, and the warship deck was filled with purple.


With a simple and clear word, Liu Xu Lei Dao slashed from the back to the front, and the purple light of the sword extended from the Lei Dao in an instant, galloping all the way from the deck.


The deck could not withstand the attack of the sword, and the surrounding soldiers had already fled, and they thought they were incapable of participating in the major-general-level battle.

Major General Rui, who hadn't broken free from the Thunder Dragon, watched the sword light approaching, and a shock appeared in his eyes, how could this bastard have such strength?Department of nature?Swordsman?

Only those who have reached the level of a swordsman can wield a sword glow, but this requires a certain amount of power to be accumulated.

As for the great swordsman, he can easily unleash his sword light with a single strike!


The dazzling sword light directly hit Major General Lu Yi's body and immediately split his body into the air.


Major General Lu Yi screamed and fell into the sea, but a dark shadow shot from him to the deck.


Liu Xu, who had just completed a blow, hadn't recovered before the black shadow had already reached his eyes.

Western sword, this is Major General Lu Yi's Western sword, and it is also a Western sword with a domineering weapon.

Elementalize?It seems that it can't resist the domineering Western sword armed with color, and it will still be seriously injured.

Thunder knife resist?No, it's too late.


Liu Xu cursed inwardly, there was almost no possibility of resisting at this time.

"Do you want to summon the guy from Nine Songs of Mieshi?"

The strong men in the Nine Songs of Mie Shi are all in the weak stage of being sealed. Calling them out to block the gun may cause them to die.

"Death to me!"

Liu Xu yelled in his heart, all the muscles in his body tensed up, and a strange force emerged from his body, which made him ecstatic.This force is strong, strong!

"Armed color. Hardened!"

Suddenly, Liu Xu yelled, his body turned black instantly, and the western sword could barely hit his body.


Armament's domineering instinct was used to the extreme, and when he used it according to the power in his body, the Western Sword was directly blocked by his body.

"go with!"

With a cold drink, the western sword that hit the body was directly thrown into the air, and he quickly became elemental again and stood on the deck guardrail.

Major General Rui, who fell into the sea, was full of confidence, and the domineering Western sword that contained the armed look was very fast. It was a sword that almost contained all his strength.

Even if the opponent adopts elementalization, it will be difficult to escape this sword.

It's just that things went beyond his expectations. Domineering, it turned out to be armed domineering.

The fact that Liu Xu's skin has become dark can be seen intuitively that he used the armed color domineering, and this level is not weak, and he was able to bounce off his Western sword. This alone is enough to surprise many people .

"No, it's impossible, how could he be armed!"

Major General Lu Yi roared in his heart. A young man is not only on the same level as him, but also has a natural and armament color. He is also a strong swordsman. How can he bear such a thing?

He was once a leader of the younger generation in the naval headquarters. It took a long time to climb to the position of major general, but he was sure to reach the rank of lieutenant general or even general in his lifetime.

A man of the hour among the major generals, this can describe his achievements.

It was only later that everything changed. He blindly believed that he was a genius of the Navy Headquarters and the successor of the future senior leaders.

Major General Yiru began to be arrogant and full of confidence.

In the headquarters, he even dared to slap the table in the office of the Warring States Period, but others didn't dare to do anything.

Well, that's what he thinks so.

"Major General Lu Yi, once your brother-in-law used you to threaten me, and now you threaten me with the lives of all the people on my boat. Now I tell you, you are just an ant, and you are not qualified to threaten this young master. "

Liu Xu's face was cold, and there was a murderous intent in his starry eyes. How can anyone be able to threaten the soldiers and partners who have followed him for several years?

"The old man will not let you go! You just wait for me, and sooner or later I will let you return your capital with interest..."

Major General Rui let out a roar, but his body suddenly trembled, his face turned pale, and a terrifying scar from his shoulder to his abdomen was suddenly covered with countless blood, turning the sea red.

Dao glow, how can Liu Xu's blade glow of the sword hero level plus a current of [-] million volts be so easy to resist?

The sword light hit him, and the lightning quickly evaporated his blood, creating the illusion that there was no blood flowing.Now, when he yelled out in excitement, he directly involved the wound, forcing the blood out again.

"Hahaha! Rui, where did you come from..."

Liu Xu laughed a few times, his body became elemental again, and the strange purple lightning appeared in his eyes again.

"Major General Liu Xu!"

"Mr. Captain!"


"Your Majesty the Major General!"


Everyone was shocked. Killing a major admiral of the Navy headquarters here is a big crime. The headquarters will send people to hunt down and kill, and everything will be troublesome by then.

However, Liu Xu ignored it.

"[-] million volts. Ssangyong strangulation!"

The purple power grid made a "crack" sound behind it and quickly formed two majestic purple brontosaurus, with their mouths wide open, they quickly attacked Major General Rui in the sea.

Major General Lu Yi has no focus in the sea, so how can he use any moves to resist the attack?


Chapter 2411 I got a major general in the headquarters

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


He opened his eyes angrily, using the armed domineering to the extreme, his veins were exposed, and his complexion was dark.

However, the two thunder dragons directly ignored his defense and surrounded his body again, and [-] million volts of lightning entered his body in an instant.


Major General Rui screamed again and again, his armed domineering power failed to resist Liu Xu's lightning, and entered his body along the wound caused by the knife light before, melting his body into ashes from the inside.

In less than ten seconds, the only proof of Major General Rui Yi's existence may be his Western Sword, and everything else has been reduced to ashes by the Thunder Dragon.

In a daze, everyone stared at the man who seemed to be bathed in thunder and lightning. This, all this is too crazy to actually kill this major general. How can this department be blamed?

"Hey, it seems that I have to wander the world with the respected Mr. Captain."

Columbia calmed down after a daze, with a smile on his face, and no fear in his eyes. It seemed that he was not in the navy, so how could he be afraid?

"The duty of a secretary is to follow her boss. As Major General Liu Xu's secretary, Tina is not in danger of escaping alone..."

The mature and steady Tina said such words, and Tina, who strictly followed the orders of the superiors, said such words, which was too surprising.

Nami shook her waist-length curly hair, with a firm smile on her face, she said: "The captain is in a lot of trouble this time, if you give me some Bailey, I can consider continuing to follow him."

The other soldiers looked strange, how could this be?After having followed him for three years, how could he be willing to abandon him at such a time?However, as soldiers of the Ministry, how can they violate the orders of the Ministry?

Suddenly, Tina seemed to remember something, with a meaningful smile on her face.

"No, maybe this is just an ordinary matter. Major General Rui wanted to take Major General Liu Xu's life first, which is a serious violation of the regulations of the headquarters. Also, it is even more serious to attack Princess Madeline's fiancé. felony!"

Tina was in high spirits, and seemed to have no longer worried about anything. Her eyes were full of hope, and the man in front of her really made her...

"Princess Madeline? Who is it?"

Nami is a little puzzled, even Columbia is the same, such an important matter, even Columbia only knows a little bit.

"Don't say it, don't say it, it's a secret in Major General Liu Xu's heart, a secret he doesn't want to mention casually."

Tina didn't talk too much, and she was really suitable for the position of secretary.

After dealing with a major general, Liu Xu had no regrets in his heart, but felt that it was far from enough and that it was too easy for him to die.

"You go back to the headquarters, there is no more of your business here."

After all, the soldiers on the ship of Major General Lu Yi did not participate in the battle, so naturally they had nothing to do with them, so he directly sneaked them back to the headquarters.

"Major General Liu Xu, here you are."

Tina handed over a glass of juice, and there was a faint rhythm of him being a boxer who had just finished a match!

Liu Xu took it naturally, his fingers brushed Tina's tender little hand naturally, and took another breath naturally.

Tina's face froze, and she quickly reacted again, as if nothing had happened, only the gradually emerging red cloud revealed her heart at the moment.

"Liu, Major General Liu Xu, looking for, looking for, looking for you."

Suddenly, a navy soldier took a phone bug and came to him with a trembling voice. Looking at it, yo, that guy Rui's soldier?

Not knowing why, Liu Xu took the phone and asked, "Who is it, what do you want to do with this young master?"

"Major General Liu Xu, I am Warring States."

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