"Major General Liu Xu, then I'll go get ready."

Tina said seriously, then turned and left. We can't stay here for a while now, who knows what will happen later, it's better to go first.

The instigator naturally wouldn't stop her from leaving at this time, some things were tacit, but they couldn't go too far.

It is not good to go too far in anything, and maintaining a certain degree is the best choice.

On the huge island that remained in its original state, two warriors over [-] meters tall were fighting fiercely.


The collision of the giant sword and the battle ax caused a strong airflow around it, and every gesture of the giants could bring about huge turmoil.

Just an ordinary battle is already unbearable, even if you are far away, you can hear the sound like thunder.

Giants, a unique species in the world of One Piece, are famous for their huge height, defense and attack power, which are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

On the edge of the island, a man and a woman laughed, with a hint of cunning on their faces.

"Mr.5, it's really interesting, hahahaha..."

Miss Valentine, who wore a sleeveless lemon print one-piece dress with hips, smiled exaggeratedly, and her pretty appearance was somewhat attractive.

But her partner, Mr.5, is a very trendy black man, wearing sunglasses and a big windbreaker with an afro, and looks very stylish. At first glance, he thought he was a rock singer, but the way he is holding his nose now is disgusting. cold.

"For the giant family with a bounty of 0 million, Mr[-] has made a lot of money this time."

With a glint of shadow in his eyes, Mr5 smiled slyly, as if the two warring giants were already their prey.

"Huh? How come there is a boat coming?"

Miss Valentine's Day holding a parasol and looking at an unknown warship not far away. So, generally no one is willing to dock on such a pristine island. What does this mean?

Mr5 also looked over. At first he was shocked when he saw the warship, but he felt relieved when he saw the flag.

What, it turned out to be a pirate, or such an arrogant pirate.

Tsk tsk, it must be an inexperienced pirate, otherwise, how could he make such a flag of suicide.

"Looks like it's a pirate, hehe, I can get a little more bounty..."

Mr.5 is a superman with explosive fruit, any part of his body can explode, even the booger that pops out, and the air blown out of his mouth can also be used as an explosive.

"Nasal air gun!"

When he finished speaking just now, the booger-picking action stopped, and a piece of booger popped out from his fingertips, and it quickly approached the warship that was about to dock not far away, and quickly grew into a cannonball in mid-air.

Liu Xu on the warship had already discovered them when the two were talking, and was still wondering why it was these two people, when the booger bomb bombed over, disgusting him so much that he had goosebumps. The thing is blown up, not to mention anything else, just being disgusting can make people sick to death.

Fortunately, Nami, the perfect navigator, was very experienced, and the steering wheel turned again and again, and the warship quickly changed direction to avoid the attack of the booger bomb.

"You dare to attack the warship so arrogantly, isn't it just death?"

Liu Xu's brows twitched. It's really a crime for anyone not to bully but to find him. It seems impossible not to teach him some profound lessons!

In other words, these two should be hunting down the Straw Hats after Whiskey Peak was killed by Luffy. Why are they here now?Did something go wrong?

Not knowing why, Liu Xu walked out of the room that had been closed for several days and came to the balcony. At this moment, the balcony was empty.

During the retreat period, no one will disturb here. This is an iron rule, a rule on a warship.

The ability of Xinwang has increased a lot, from the previous five to eight kilometers to the current eighteen kilometers. This is a great improvement, and the coverage area is very ferocious. As long as the enemy is close to this area, they can be easily found.

Except for some special people, who can casually catch up with them at such a long distance?

He was all too familiar with the two giants on the island. The two captains of the original Giant Soldiers Pirates had duel due to a little girl's problem a hundred years ago, in order to argue who is stronger.

It is too cruel to fight for a hundred years.

Of course, it's also a pain in the ass. Only the giant race, whose lifespan is several times longer than that of humans, has so much time to engage in such battles.

Not to mention these, now a disgusting booger man with a booger bomb has made him deeply sick, and he can't wait to get off the boat immediately and beat someone up.

"Get off the boat and kill that guy for me."

Liu Xu shouted loudly, and the soldiers on the warship quickly agreed, although they didn't know who the other party was...

On the shore, Mr5 and Miss Valentine were a little surprised that someone was able to dodge the bomb attack. That ship was so lucky.

"Mr5, the people on that ship seem to be very powerful, so lucky."

Miss Valentine’s Day laughs, stronger enemies means higher bounties, this is really lucky, perfect execution of the mission!

"Miss Valentine, the other party may not be a simple person. Being able to avoid my bomb means that they are destined to be extraordinary."

Me5 is holding a revolver, looking a bit wary.

He is sinister and cunning, but also slightly cautious and arrogant.

A person who can avoid his own bomb is an extraordinary person, this is mr.5's view.

Miss Valentine's Day doesn't care, who else in this sea can compare with the Baroque studio?That is simply a joke!


Chapter 2414 Just look at the record...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Waiting, while the two were waiting, the warship gradually docked.

Soldiers on deck dropped anchors and set ladders, and everything was in order.

A figure appeared, led by a young man with black hair and a majestic coat of justice.

Next to her was a beautiful long-haired woman, mature and charming, confident and sunny.

Then there was a man in a black suit with a sinister face and smiling eyes.

And a woman with long orange curly hair, whose figure seems to be a bit out of order.

The four people disembarked, and the head of the person looked icy cold. The dark and bright star pupils looked at the man with the explosive head opposite, and there was a murderous intent in their eyes.

"Pirate, Admiral Ben will arrest you in the name of the Navy Headquarters!"

Liu Xu uttered such a sentence as soon as he got off the boat, which was really a bit scary. He didn't care about the factions the two belonged to, and it seemed to be a bit of the navy's usual style.


Columbia was the first to untie the sniper rifle behind him when he heard the news, opened the scope and pulled the bolt, and he could give the enemy a fatal blow at any time as long as he gave an order.

The expression of Mr5 on the opposite side moved, the Navy Headquarters?Damn, this thing seems to be a little troublesome, how can you get these people?What a sin, what do you do with such a misleading flag?

However, as a member of the Baroque studio, he did not give in so easily.

"It turned out to be the navy. What happened just now was just a misunderstanding. There's no need to do so absolutely, right?"

Liu Xu just wanted to give me a blank stare. You are a villain. I am a rear general of the Navy headquarters. Is it impossible to arrest you?

No, not at all.

Suddenly, the revolver in Mr5's hand on the opposite side made a loud "bang", and a bullet shot towards Liu Xu's head quickly.


There were two loud bangs around Liu Xu, plumes of smoke rose from the muzzle of Columbia's gun, and two pitch-black bullets shot out from the barrel.

"Ding! Bang!"

One of the bullets hit the revolver's bullet in mid-air, killing it to the ground.

Another bullet landed in front of Mr5's feet, directly blasting the ground into a large crater with a diameter of more than two meters, scaring the opponent back several steps before stopping.

"It's a very bad thing to attack Mr. Captain that I respect, this gentleman." Columbia smiled with a relaxed expression, and the two people in front of him could not attract his attention at all.

Having spent several years on the Great Route, he has seen a wide variety of characters, so where would he put these two seemingly incompetent guys in his eyes.

Mr5 lowered his head halfway to keep calm, but his eyes behind the sunglasses were cold. This guy seemed to take himself too seriously.

Liu Xu didn't panic when he was attacked, he was just a guy who couldn't even beat that kid Luffy.

pistol?Can this kind of weapon pose a threat to himself in his hands?Forget it, stop kidding.

"Booger man, you are quite courageous. Do you think you can compete with the rear admiral of the Navy headquarters? Very well, this young master will satisfy your request."

An indifferent smile hung on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, and the thunder knife was slowly drawn out, and the purple light suddenly appeared, and the long and narrow purple-black sword brought a kind of oppressive force to people.

"Booger man?" Mr5's brows jumped, this name is really uncomfortable, no matter how uncomfortable he thinks, he shouted angrily, "I am a person with the ability to explode fruit, this is just my ability, you bastard."


Another shot, Colombia fired without hesitation.

Really, why do you always talk about your own captain, bastard?Then what have you become, motherfucker.

The pitch-black bullets flew out of the gun and landed in front of him again, bombarding the ground again into a large pit with a diameter of two meters, with dust flying and slag stirring.

Mr5 took a few steps back again and swallowed hard. Damn, this sniper can't be his own, right?Why are you always targeting yourself?sin.

Black, his face darkened.

The murderous intent in Liu Xu's eyes was undisguised. Now that this kid is slaughtered, it's almost done, and then he can complete other things.

Tina knew that the major general who had been with him for three years was angry. He was so provoked over and over again. If he didn't get angry, he would be a ghost.

"Major General Liu Xu, get mad!"

Tina said softly, and Nami next to her was covered with black lines, Miss Secretary, can you stop being so leisurely, this is a battle, okay?

Suddenly, a scream rang out, and a person quickly stood in front of Mr5. This change made people stunned. What's the situation?Why did you start screaming before this even started?

Miss Valentine's Day, with a parasol in front of her partner, she was the one who screamed just now, but now she looks like there is no emotion called fear in it, what's the situation?Is it okay to scream and cultivate your sentiments?

"If you want to fight, you have to pass my level first."

Saying so, Miss's lover's body suddenly flew into the air lightly, and then fell down in an instant.

Liu Xu was speechless. Is this woman out of her mind?What this young master wants to hit is that booger man, what are you doing blindly?

"Boring woman."


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