Boring woman?This sentence is very controversial, and in some cases it can unceremoniously attack opponents.

But now when there are two female partners around, such words are obviously not very suitable to say.

Tina and Nami looked a little weird, but fortunately they were reasonable and kind people.

Miss Valentine's body in the sky quickly fell, and the process of falling caused a burst of air, and the speed was very fast.

The kilogram fruit can change its weight at will, up to one kilogram. With the function of the parasol, it rises into the air and then changes its weight and suddenly falls, causing a strong impact on the enemy.

This kind of fruit is actually very good, but the people who use it obviously don't make good use of it.

Just look at the record...

VS Princess Weiwei, to no avail.

VSMiss.Monday, Victory.

VS Sauron, lost.

VS Luffy, defeated.

VS Usopp, victory.

VS Usopp, interrupted.

VS Nami and Princess Weiwei, lost.

VS Tina, lost.


Chapter 2415 The battle has begun, the battle is over...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Devil fruits have spirits, so they probably cry too!"

Liu Xu shook his head regretfully, it's a pity that such fruit was wasted on this woman.

If such a fruit is obtained by a big pirate, God, how cruel must it be used?

With a rapidly falling body, Miss Valentine is very sure of her own attack, and how many people are hanging on to her own attack.

"[-]kg guillotine!"

Liu Xu's elementalization, Lei Dian's speed easily avoided her attack in an instant, and flew directly towards the booger man, who was the one he wanted to kill.

"Sniper, I'll leave this woman to you, so don't thank me, young master."

Lightly gave a sentence, Liu Xu had already appeared beside Mr5, and the Thunder Saber in his hand directly chopped down.

"Oh, it's so dangerous!"

Mr5 laughed softly, rolled on the spot to avoid the slash this time, and at the same time blew out a breath towards Liu Xu.

"Silently detonated!"

Those who have the ability to explode fruit, this kind of ability is also very good, but unfortunately it also appears on the wrong person.

"Five million volts. Thunder Shield!"

The hands quickly bounced away, and the dense arc of electricity quickly condensed forward between the hands to form a shield with a diameter of five meters. The moment the shield was just formed, there was an explosion.

Lei Dun blocked the attack of the bomb, and Liu Xu didn't want to waste too much time here, so Lei Dao slashed at the opponent with a purple blade glow.

The purple light suddenly rose, and the huge sword awn slashed directly at Mr5. The grass and trees flew up and the dust was stirred up wherever it passed.

Mr5's eyes popped, what, why is it different from what he imagined?Shouldn't it be an earth-shattering battle?Why all of a sudden such a bully attack?

There was no time to think about it, Mr5 instinctively jumped aside.


The purple sword glow hit the target, and the dazzling glare made people unable to open their eyes at once. Liu Xu put away the lightning sword in an instant, and said softly, "Call work!"

The strong light gradually receded, and a person was lying there where the knife light passed, a long and narrow knife mark on his right hand and right leg was bleeding out.

The speed of the sword glow was so fast that Mr5 didn't have enough time to dodge, and was finally hit by the sword glow.

The blade glow of the sword hero level is not something that a person like him can bear, and he can easily kill him in seconds, which is in line with the style of a major admiral of the Navy headquarters.

To sum up the battle between Liu Xu and mr.5 in one sentence, that is, the battle has begun and the battle is over...

On the other side, Columbia, who was assigned a task, shrugged his shoulders. It really doesn't fit the image of a gentleman to attack a woman.

It's okay, I'm a calm sniper, how can I be stumped by this kind of thing?

"Bang bang bang!"

Three jet-black bullets approached Miss Valentine, who had been frightened by the sword light, and the loud noise made her come back to her senses, but it was too late to dodge.

"Ahhh... I'm going to die."

Miss Valentine screamed and closed her eyes, but instead of the expected pain, she felt a wave of air appearing in front of her and on both sides, directly blowing her body away.

"Beautiful lady, I have already made the biggest concession, and it's time for me to attack."

Columbia bowed slightly, looking harmless with a gentle smile on his face.

Where Miss stood before Valentine's Day, there was a [-]-meter-long crater in front of her, on the left and right sides, which was obviously caused by the three bullets just now.

"The sniper is obviously a certain wolf, why do you pretend like that?"

Liu Xu couldn't calm down anymore, if Miss Valentine's Day was ugly, you would have killed her with a single shot, right?

The frightened Miss Valentine screamed a few times, the weight of her body also decreased rapidly, and with the help of the power of the parasol, she rose into the air, and her heart calmed down a little.

However, she soon felt sad and wanted to slap herself.

Flying into the air, isn't that a target for other people's snipers?


In the first shot, the black bullet approached rapidly, and before the other party could react, it went straight through her hat and knocked her hat into the air.


In the second shot, the black bullet drew a beautiful arc through the opponent's one-piece skirt, and suddenly burst into light, infinitely beautiful.


The third shot directly hit Miss Valentine's parasol, causing it to fall directly from dozens of meters in the air.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Columbia put away the sniper rifle and smiled slightly, ah, what a beautiful picture, look, there is a beautiful beauty falling from the sky.

Reaching out, he easily picked up the opponent, but then let go.

Miss Valentine was still in panic at first, but after being caught, she felt relieved and slightly touched.

This guy is still a good guy, I can't tell.

However, as soon as the other party let go of his hand, he was sadly reminded, and fell directly to the ground. It is really embarrassing that the ups and downs of life come too fast.

Clapping his hands, Columbia coughed and turned his head, bowing slightly with a smile on his face.

"Dear Captain, I've ended the battle."


The way the snipers dealt with them left the three of them with black lines, only to feel that a group of crows flew across the sky. That scene, that momentum, was really exciting.

They are also men, Liu Xu's eyes were a little straight when he did it. Although it is not as illegal as Nami, and it is not as perfect as Tina, it is still good to have a good eye.

It's just, what does the hand that covers his eyes mean?

"Tina, what are you doing?"

"Major General Liu Xu, this kind of thing is not clean, please don't look around, Tina is very angry."

Tina's slightly angry voice sounded, and the hand covering someone's eyes wished to become a deadly scissors hand and click somewhere on Liu Xu.


Chapter 2416 Be polite to Bailey

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"How can you say that, Tina, this young master is so pure and kind, I'm just afraid that she will freeze."

Liu Xu whimpered and said a few words, then withdrew Tina's hand and held it tightly, refusing to let go.

"Major General Liu Xu, that's the enemy, don't worry about it, old man."

Tina struggled for a while but was still not satisfied, so she simply gave up.

After the report, Columbia took out a short knife and aimed it at the enemy. It seemed that he was going to destroy the flowers?

Sure enough, the calm sniper still considers everything for the team, how can he let the enemy go just because he is a beautiful woman?

The dagger in his hand accelerated sharply, aiming at the enemy's heart.

Miss Valentine's face turned pale, this man is too ruthless, humiliated himself and even silenced, this, this is too ruthless.

The resentment that someone caught him and let go of him just now made him feel terribly painful has completely disappeared, and now he just thinks that someone can come to save him, um, you can pay whatever you want.

"Wait a moment!"

When the dagger was about to hit her heart, there was a shout, and then Columbia stopped moving, with a slightly hesitant expression on his face.

And Miss Valentine's Day is touched, this, this is really moved by me, and sent an angel to save me, huh?Still a woman.

Looking up, it was a woman with long orange curly hair, with a determined face, and the essence of kindness could be seen in her eyes.

"Sniper, don't kill her."

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