Miss Valentine's Day was greatly moved by the affirmative words, and she was still a woman with a soft heart, how could she be as hard-hearted as this man?

But the next moment it was like falling into hell, and Nami said: "Sniper, these two people are Pele! Don't kill them, take them for money. Really, now the warships are all I don’t have much money anymore, and living expenses have become a problem.”


Liu Xu was speechless. Comrade Nami, the soldiers' expenses are now a problem. Your old man's small coffers are quite sufficient. How many soldiers' Baileys do you have to scrape to get back the fullness of your little coffers?

Columbia suddenly realized that this is the case, and there is such a thing, it is really a crime.

Putting away the knife instantly, Columbia still had a warm smile on his face, stretched out a hand and said softly: "Please get up, beautiful Miss Bailey."


Liu Xu sprayed decisively, sniper, can we be more serious?People also have names and surnames, okay? Why are you now Miss Bailey?

"That's right, be polite to Bailey."

Nami is very comfortable listening, Miss Bailey, Mr. Bailey, come on, let's have a little more, we don't mind.

Hey, being a financial manager is also very troublesome!

It can be said that I have been influenced a lot by following someone for more than two years!

How could Miss Valentine's Day dare to believe this smiling tiger, holding her body with her hands and quickly retreating, with a look of fear on her face.

Columbia smiled slightly and withdrew his hand, shook his head and said, "Hey, I have failed so badly. I am so rude to scare the beautiful Miss Bailey."

After speaking, he turned and went back behind Liu Xu.

He didn't need to say much about the next thing. A few navy soldiers ran down from the warship, put handcuffs on the two of them and brought them back to the warship.

Suddenly, someone seemed to remember something and shouted loudly.

"Ah... no."

The three were startled by him, what happened to him?Was it stimulated by something?

Tina blushed, could it be that she had pinched a problem for her?What a crime.

But he soon relaxed, and Major General Liu Xu was still so taken aback.

I saw the grief and indignation on Liu Xu's face.

"I almost forgot. These two people don't seem to have a bounty, so it's useless to bring them back. Oh my god, I'm working for nothing."

"...No bounty?"

Nami's face turned dark all of a sudden. After fighting for a while, those two people didn't have a bounty?Damn, is this the rhythm of death, Captain?

"No, no, I have to go to the Warring States period. How can I make this young master suffer so badly. Hmph, I don't believe that there will be no bounty if their identities are revealed."

Liu Xu's eyes were burning with flames. Although the bounty should not be high for the two fruit ability users, there is no problem in finding the Warring States. They have to get some Bailey out.Now that my own treasury is almost exhausted, it is really embarrassing.


Major General Liu Xu, is it really appropriate to go to Marshal Warring States like this?Will people give it?Don't be funny, okay?

"Nami, then I'll leave the matter to you, [-] cents."

Liu Xu handed over the matter of Mr5 and Miss's Valentine's Day to Nami with a single sentence, and the matter was so relaxed and happy.

Nami is not part of the navy's formation, so she can capture people and bring them to the naval base or the branch of the world government to exchange for bounties, but Liu Xu directly gave her two points of the reward, and all other bounties belonged to the warship Daily expenses and his small treasury, the current small treasury, um, let’s say the big treasury, it’s not enough!

"Let me see how many Baileys this young master has, about [-] billion, um, enough to support sailing to the new world, Nami couldn't think of my young master's Bailey in Nine Songs of Destruction..."

Nami already knew about this kind of thing, and it would be better for her to do it.

Liu Xu's eyes flickered with the color of a certain currency and he nodded again and again. The matter was decided so happily.

After explaining the matter, Liu Xu chuckled and said, "Then the next step is to go and see those two giants. They are really cruel, and they are worth a lot of Baileys."

[-] million Baileys are in sight, just above this primitive giant island.

"Major General Liu Xu, what do you plan to do with these two giants, Dongli and Broki?"

"The two of them basically didn't do much harm to the world, but since they are pirates, they have to pay a little price." Liu Xu had already planned in his heart, "Well, defeat them and deprive them of their pirate status! "


Chapter 2417 A disagreement and a hundred-year fight

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"You stay here, I'll take a look there."

Shouting to the soldiers on the warship, Liu Xu took the lead and walked towards the two giants who were still fighting. Well, it seems that there is still a little distance.

On the way, Columbia was the first to leave the team. As a sniper, when facing a powerful enemy like the giants, it is better to choose hidden auxiliary attacks, give full play to the ability of long-range shooting, and find the best commanding heights.

Nami's strength is not very good. As a pirate and thief who doesn't have much fighting power, her strength still needs to be strengthened.

Therefore, she could only choose to watch at a slightly further distance from Liu Xu and the two, so as to gradually improve her experience.

The shock of the two warring giants was ferocious, the forest was destroyed, the rocks were shattered, and every move looked extremely menacing.

Liu Xu is ready and waiting for the best opportunity to play.

Giants, a peculiar race in the world of One Piece, their sturdy bodies and daunting heights are the first impression humans have of them.

It is difficult to define the height of giants. Some are seven or eight meters high, some are more than ten meters high, and some are tens of meters or even hundreds of meters high.

The leap of this height is too large, which makes it difficult to define sometimes.

For example, some human beings can reach six or seven meters in height, which is difficult to determine.

The two giants on the ancient primitive island of Xiaoyuyuan are definitely giants. Although they are not the tallest among the giants, they are still more than [-] meters high. Compared with someone, this is a problem Too sad, let's not talk about it for now...

The two captains of the original Giant Soldier Pirates, Dongli and Broki, started a duel over a little girl at first, and finally fought for the honor of the warrior.

Both sides would not let anyone else, spent a hundred years on this island, and fought for a hundred years if they disagreed with each other.


Dongli's long sword and Broki's battle-axe slammed together and sparked dazzling sparks. The two clenched their teeth and competed for strength. Their legs were firmly on the ground, and their strong arm muscles bulged. One step back one step at a time.

"Hahahaha, come again."

Dong Li laughed loudly, and the long swords and battle axes of the two separated and collided quickly at the same time. The two fought back and forth very lively.

"The battle between the two giants is truly shocking. The competition of pure power is straight forward without any fancy and feinting moves."

Liu Xu said on a tree about [-] meters away from the two of them. The battle between the two of them shocked him greatly.

Seeing the battle of the giants for the first time was really exciting, and at the same time, I was observing carefully.

Tina is also watching carefully wearing sunglasses. There are many giant lieutenant generals in the Navy headquarters, and I have seen many battles with them, but they seldom fight with each other.

The naval headquarters is not a arena for them to fight, but a serious place that represents the majesty of the navy. How can people provoke disputes casually?

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, there is nothing surprising about the battle between these two giants. The pure physical strength seems to be nothing!"

Tina has her own opinions. Having seen the power of Devil Fruit, she has long been accustomed to the various colorful moves of Devil Fruit. In her opinion, this kind of pure power competition is much weaker.

Liu Xu took it for granted, the battle between Dong Li and Broki was indeed not much to watch, but this most primitive battle was quite comfortable to watch.

"Tina, don't underestimate them. The strength and defense of the giants are very strong. Ordinary attacks may not have much effect on them. Even guns can do very little damage to them. Well, Navy Six Type You can give it a try."

There was a hint of teasing in his eyes, and the six-style moves of the Navy might be able to be used here and have a look.

Tina smiled to herself, "Navy Six Styles"? This is interesting to Ting.

Well, also, Nami needs to work harder to learn Nami's sixth naval style!

It is very sad to sail at sea without a skill. If you don't have a devil fruit suitable for Nami, then you should train your physical skills. The six naval styles are the best choice.


The eyes turned to the two giants in battle. The direct battle made their blood boil. For the glory of the warriors, they must do their best to determine the winner.

"Boo! Lo! Kee!"

Dongli roared and slashed down with the long sword again. Not to be outdone, Broki blocked the battle ax horizontally and then quickly drew it out and slashed down fiercely.


The sound of the two fighting can be heard clearly even at a distance of one kilometer. The tall body is like a moving fortress, and every step it moves can make the ground tremble deeply.

I don't know how long this battle will last, and the two of them have no idea in their hearts. In the past, they stopped fighting until they lost the slightest strength. This time the battle has just begun, and the previous one can only be regarded as a warm-up.

The sky gradually darkened, and the hot breath was gradually dissipated, making the two giants in the battle feel a little cool, and the strength and movements of their men became more ferocious.


Dense dark clouds began to condense over the island, and purple arcs shuffled through the clouds, giving them an air of mystery.

Thundercloud, a large thundercloud has been formed, and the number of purple arcs is even larger. Even the air in the island is full of electronic particles, which enter the human body with breathing.

This sudden situation made the two giants not know why, but they didn't think much about it. In places like the Great Route, this kind of situation is often encountered. The weather changes without any warning. Even if it is pouring rain now, the sun is shining There is nothing strange about being bright.

However, this time the situation was beyond their expectations.


The thunder was loud, and the purple thunder and lightning in the thundercloud blended with each other and quickly condensed into a fierce beast. It opened its mouth and roared and landed directly from the thundercloud.


Chapter 2418 The Weakness Of The Giants Is Their Bad Brains

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



The two giants felt the danger at the same time and instinctively wanted to avoid it, but the attack speed of the beast was too fast, and it landed directly between the two of them without giving them any time to react.


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