The purple beast made of thunder and lightning landed on the land between them. As soon as it touched the ground, the body of the purple beast radiated a huge electric current that spread out in all directions.

The electric arc landed on the two giants in a blink of an eye. Dongli and Broki froze at the same time. The numbness made their bodies weak, and it was difficult to control the weapons in their hands.


The two giants fell to the ground at the same time, feeling too ferocious. What happened to this thunder and lightning?How could it suddenly land and still appear in this situation?

I don't know why, the two giants don't understand at all. Could it be that the battle is too long for God to see?Well, we need to speed up the fight.

"You two, don't mind Major General having a chat with you?"

Just when the two were struggling to stand up and continue fighting, a black and white figure appeared between them and spoke leisurely.

Simply and neatly!

The thunderclouds in the sky were still emitting arcs, and the sound of "rumbling" thunder was endless.

The two giants who fought on the island were silent. Damn, who is this villain?Why does it look familiar?This outfit, um, does look familiar!

Liu Xu directly intervened in their battle when they were in the midst of a fierce battle, and forcibly intervened in their battle with a move like [-] million volts. Qilin, which seemed a bit impolite, but he was very calm.

Sometimes when navigating at sea, there is no need for politeness. Do you have to say to the other party when you encounter an emergency: Sorry, can I intervene?

Qilin's attack speed is basically incomprehensible. There are very few people in this world who can avoid this attack. With an attack speed of one thousandth of a second, who can avoid Qilin's attack in such a short time?

Maybe only those guys with detached speed can avoid it, but it is a pity that the current of this trick is not the most powerful. If it is improved in the future, it should be able to increase the current, and then it will have both speed and attack power at the same time.

Liu Xu's words caused the two giants to be silent, but also faintly angry. How could others interfere in the battle between the warriors? This was simply the greatest insult to them.

It is the glory of their fighters to prefer to die in battle than to be interrupted by others in a duel.

"Boy, dare to hinder our duel, do you want to die?"

Broki was the first to roar uncontrollably. Why is this guy so small that he can't see clearly?

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, good guy, shouldn't you be grateful that this young master helped you stop the bloodshed?Really rude guy.

Dongli was also full of anger, and the glory of the warrior made him want to kill the little guy in front of him now.

"I said, the two of you have been fighting for such a long time and have not been able to decide the winner or loser. What's the point of this?"

Liu Xu thought that his words were very kind, and he had the rhythm of guiding people to make progress every day.

However, the two giants will not appreciate this.

"Bastard, how dare you despise the glory of our soldiers!"

The two roared at the same time, and the sound made people's ears numb.

There was a roar in Liu Xu's ears and he quickly covered his ears. The voices of the two giants were too strong. I'm afraid everyone who came to the island could hear these words clearly.

"The weakness of the giants is that they can't use their brains well." Liu Xu frowned and said, "You two idiots, my young master saw you foolishly fighting like this without any results, so I stopped you. This young master told you, this young master is a navy, and now I want to overthrow you, what's the matter?"

After a lot of cannonballs, I finally felt comfortable after talking a lot, and he looked at the two giants who had been stunned.

"I'll go, this voice is no lower than ours, are we too weak?"

Dongli and Broki felt sad, why did such a little guy speak so loudly?No less than their voices, has it been so long since they left the island, has the world changed so much?If you committed a crime, will you be beaten to death if you leave the island in the future?

Um?No, Navy?Damn, no wonder it feels familiar, it turned out to be this dress!

"Navy boy, do you want to arrest us?"

Broki opened his mouth wide and roared again and again, vaguely remembering that the navy in the past was very cruel, and he would not be polite to them. Fights and the like happened often.

Liu Xu curled his lips, this is nothing, but now he should do the business first, so as not to delay his schedule.

"Ahem, arresting you, I don't have the idea for the time being. But your identities are pirates after all. Since you are pirates and I am a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters, I have an obligation to deal with you. It depends on you For the sake of not causing any harm to this world, this young master shows mercy and deprives you of your status as pirates. Of course, the prerequisite for this is to kill you. How, do you have the courage to accept this young master's challenge? "

huh?Deprived of identity?challenge?

The giant is restless, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?Just such a little guy?challenge?

"I refuse, fighting a little guy like you is a disgrace to the glory of our warriors."


Liu Xu sprayed decisively, little guy?Humiliate the glory of the warrior?I won't be called Liu Xu if I don't turn you over.

"The fighters in Elbaf Village aren't very good, huh, what's wrong with looking down on you guys? You dare to call yourself a fighter if you don't even dare to accept my challenge?"

Angry, decisively angry, this little guy is too bullying.


Without saying hello in advance, Dong Li's long sword slashed down directly, and the huge long sword slashed down with the whistling sound of the wind.

In other words, there is no need to say hello in advance for a fight...


Chapter 2419 The second blow, the sky spins and thunders

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu was secretly happy, and there was a look of success in his starry eyes, and he drew out the thunder knife without saying a word, and the purple lightning flashed past.


With a loud shout, the purple light of the sword flew out from the blade of the thunder knife, and the dazzling glare made it difficult to open the eyes.

"not simple!"

The two of Dongli made a judgment in an instant, and the person who could wield the sword light proved that he was a strong man, at least a strong swordsman.


Daomang hit Dongli's long sword, and the long sword broke off in response to the sound.

After a hundred years of battle, the weapons of the two have long lost their power, and the wear and tear is so severe that they can't even take a knife.

As the sword light approached, Dongli retreated again and again, but unfortunately, his huge body caused certain obstacles to his actions, and one could not dodge and was directly hit by the sword light.


With a dull sound, Dongli's body suddenly fell down, blood spurting out from the wound, and the sky seemed to be raining blood.

Seeing this, Broki rushed up with a tomahawk in his hand, and the lethality of the tomahawk was even greater.

If the battle with the giants is a bit troublesome, it may be due to the strong defense of the giants.

The weapon Broki uses is a battle axe. The lethality of a battle axe is much higher than that of a long sword. Holding a round shield increases his defense a lot.

He cut it down with an axe, but Liu Xu was already elementalized. The tomahawk pierced through his body and split his body in half, but soon bursts of purple light shone from the wound, and his body was quickly repaired.

"Devil fruit ability user, I can't spare you."

Broki roared, devil fruit ability users are the most troublesome for giants like them who don't have domineering and special abilities.

Dong Li, who was cut by Daomang with a knife wound, also rushed over at this time. The blood dripping from the sky didn't have much effect on him, but it seemed a bit permeable.

The bright red blood stained the armor red, and only a small piece of the long sword remained.

Without too much nonsense, the thunder knife in Liu Xu's hand swung a purple light again.

The giant who suffered a loss has learned his lesson and jumped aside when Daomang first appeared.


The sword light hit the air and split the trees and rocks in front of it, leaving a long and narrow crack that was fifty meters long.

"Tch, these two giants still have some brains!" Liu Xu secretly said, "Well, during the battle."

At the same time, he pointed at the two of them with both hands.

"Zi Lei Saber Technique, the second strike, the sky spins and thunders!"

Liu Xu swung the revolving knife, creating a whirlwind with air, and attacked the enemy with multiple slashes.

There are thousands of sword glows, and the dazzling purple light hovers in the air and falls on the two giants in a beautiful arc.

Raiden's attack speed is very fast, which is one of its great advantages.


The multiple slashes landed on the two giants almost instantly, and lightning as high as [-] million volts burst out in an instant, and the two giants' bodies were filled with purple arcs.


Dongli and Brocky roared at the same time. The [-] million volts of lightning caused their bodies to vibrate violently. The weapons in their hands fell to the ground the moment the lightning struck, and even their shields were directly attacked by the lightning. turned to ashes.

The high temperature and penetrating power generated by lightning are not something these ordinary weapons can resist, and Liu Xu also took advantage of the gap between the two being attacked by lightning to quickly attack again.

"Lanjiao. The City of Imprisonment!"

The whole person jumped into the air and passed over the heads of the two of them, and his feet quickly kicked down. The white linear slash fell from the air and quickly formed a square and kept moving towards the middle.

"Bang bang bang!"

After the kick that lasted more than ten seconds was completed, white air circles appeared under Liu Xu's feet, but it was the effect of using the moon step.

The smoke and dust billowed down below, and a large amount of dust rose from the ground due to the attack of Lan's feet. The bodies of the two giants were completely shrouded in it, and the distance of [-] meters was also filled with smoke and dust. It was not clear what was going on below.

Liu Xu's eyes were fixed on the center below, and if nothing unexpected happened, the two giants should be here.

After a minute or so, the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and only then did Liu Xu see a little bit of the situation below.

Not as tall as before, the two giants were half-kneeling on the ground with their hands on the ground, their bodies trembled violently, their flesh and blood were blurred, and blood dripped down their bodies to the ground to form a small lake.

In the imprisoned city, Liu Xu researched the skill of Lanjiao modified by the six styles. Through a large number of Lanjiao attacks, he formed a linear attack and gradually moved closer to the middle, ensuring that he could attack the enemy to the greatest extent.

The two giants struggled to stand up. The glory of the warriors made them not give up easily and would fight until the last moment.

The constantly struggling body made Liu Xu's eyes flash fiercely. He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Sometimes rough nerves are a good thing, and persistence is a good thing.

But it would be uncomfortable to continue to insist on some unnecessary things, and now the only way is to let them get down completely.

Falling back to the ground in an instant, Liu Xu twisted his body to support the ground with his hands, and his whole body spun rapidly.

"Lanjiao. Wrath of Tornado!"

A white tornado seemed to be raging around the rapidly spinning body. With his legs spread out, a white half-crescent slash flew out from his feet, bombarding the two giants in all directions.

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