All-round attack.

"Puff puff!"

With a dull sound, the white slash attacked directly in front of the two giants' bodies, directly hitting the two giants' bodies back and forth, and blood splashed all over the ground.


Liu Xu's movements stopped instantly, and his cold starry eyes stared at the two giants who were still retreating.


Finally, the two giants retreated a distance of tens of meters and stopped, crashing to the ground, and the surrounding trees were directly crushed.


Liu Xu let out a foul breath.

Sure enough, the two giants fell on the ground with their mouths wide open, their eyes were dead gray, and the blood on their bodies continued to drip like gushing spring water.


Chapter 2420 The next stop, Santing Island

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Columbia in the distance and Tina and Nami who were hiding nearby breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The two giants seemed to be quite oppressive, and now the battle was finally over.

Moreover, it seems that people like myself don't need to make a move at all.

Major General Liu Xu's strength is indeed sturdy enough.

At this age, he is a genius, which is enough to be proud of.

Putting away the sniper rifle, Colombia quickly approached Liu Xu, and Nami who was nearby also found Tina.

"Major General Liu Xu, these two..."

When Tina came to her side, she was the first to speak. Was it really just a matter of depriving them of their identities?

Both of them are pirates, and according to regulations, they should be taken back to the submarine prison for custody.

Liu Xu raised his hand to stop her words, and said, "Just do as I say."

Tina was silent, since the Major General wants to insist, then let him be, what else can you do?

Nami looked at the two giants who fell on the ground. Their bodies were completely stained red with blood, which looked shocking.

A deep unbearable flashed in her eyes. After all, she was still a kind girl.

"Dear Captain, if it didn't stop bleeding, I'm afraid these two giants should have lost too much blood and died."

Columbia smiled, but there was no worry on his face.

Liu Xu nodded, and waved his palm, two balls of purple lightning flew out and landed on the two of them.

The thunder and lightning spread to the entire body of the two of them in an instant, and the gushing blood stopped almost instantly.

Thunder and lightning can instantly coagulate blood. As long as the speed is controlled properly, it can still play a very good role in stopping bleeding.

"Hey, wake up."

Liu Xu raised his voice and roared, the matter is not over yet, so it's not okay to continue to sleep like this.

The two giants were still secretly sad at first, but they came back to their senses when they were stimulated by the thunder and lightning. Then they sighed in their hearts when they heard Liu Xu's roar, and sat up obediently.

"Navy boy, you won, now you can cut off our heads, we have no objection."

Although Dong Li's voice was a little lonely, it was also very hearty, as if he didn't take life and death too seriously.

Liu Xu admired secretly in his heart, but said in his mouth: "What I want your heads to do is not worth money. I have made it very clear before. I will deprive you of your achievements because you didn't do anything like burning, killing, and looting." The identity of pirates, from now on you are no longer pirates. Go back to your hometown and be your warriors honestly!"


Broki was the first to be unable to bear it, depriving him of his identity as a pirate?What's the situation?I've never heard of it, is this a joke?

"Shut up, now everything you have belongs to me, your glory, and your life belong to me. Therefore, I have complete control. Why, as soldiers, you can't even do this. arrive?"

Liu Xu's face was full of sarcasm, scolding unceremoniously.

These words made the two of them fall silent again, and finally Dong Li sighed heavily.

"Forget it, we lost today's battle, the identity of the pirate? Hahaha, the glory of Elbaf's warrior is above all else!"

Broki was silent for a long time before slowly nodding his head, which was regarded as acknowledging his words.

Depriving them of their identity as pirates will only make them uncomfortable for a while, but their true identity is the warriors of Elbaf, and they will soon be able to revive their morale.

Liu Xu knew that his goal had been achieved. The affairs of the two strong men a hundred years ago had now come to an end.

"Remember my name, Rear Admiral Liu Xu of the Navy Headquarters! No see!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu left first, making the three partners stunned for a moment. What's going on?Don't you want to collect something from them?

Back on the warship, Liu Xu seemed to remember something, and said, "By the way, let the navy headquarters revoke the rewards for the two of them. Now they no longer have the status of pirates. I don't think they have done anything harmful to the world before. For the sake of the matter, cancel the reward offer!"

Sending Buddha to the West, since everything has been done, it must be the most perfect.

Tina nodded and returned to her room to contact the Navy Headquarters.

And Liu Xu was lying comfortably on the beach chair, thinking about his current situation carefully.

The lightning ability has been trained to be very ferocious, and hundreds of millions of lightning can be used easily.

In terms of swordsmanship, he has reached the level of a swordsman, and among the swordsmen he is still a strong one, but he has not yet figured out a few powerful moves.

The Navy Six Styles has also researched a lot of moves, which are relatively close to actual combat moves, and can be used in singles and groups.

In terms of domineering, now the armed color domineering is very familiar, and the next step is to continuously improve the strength of the armed color domineering.

After all the calculations, the current comprehensive ability is strong enough.

So, let's go directly to the key places!

"Nami, next stop, Santing Island, I'm going to meet someone in Alabasta."

"Yes, Captain."

Nami below responded.

Following the voyage of warships and charting the entire world, her dream is gradually being fulfilled.


Alabasta is located on the island of Santin, a kingdom full of desert culture. It is full of deserts and has a hot climate. After three years, there has not been a drop of rain here, and the environment here is even worse.

The situation in this kingdom is very complicated. There is no rain in other places, but the capital Albana often has rain, which has led to many incidents.

At the same time, there is also a key figure here, Crocodile, one of the King's Seven Wuhais.

"Major General Liu Xu is about to arrive in Alabasta. Do you need to prepare anything?"

Tina was looking at the document while she was holding the document. The short-sleeved hot pants on her body had also been replaced by a white short-sleeved shirt and a black narrow skirt. With black pointed-mouth high-heeled shoes, she had a mature and steady breath and calm and wise eyes. , a fashionable white-collar secretary who is truly enviable.


Chapter 2421 King Qiwuhai, sand crocodile

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu chuckled and said, "Just prepare some water and food. Well, just leave some people guarding the warship, and all the others will follow me to one place."

To sell off, this is just to sell off.

Tina didn't mean to refuse, twisted her plump waist and left the balcony to arrange things.

The warship was close to the coast, and a scorching wave of air was blowing towards the face. The scorching air wave could be felt from a distance. The sand was constantly emitting energy under the scorching sun, and the whole desert looked like a Like a stove, it constantly tests people's willpower.

"It's really hot enough."

Liu Xu tightened the coat of justice on his body. With the ability of thunder and lightning, he would not be troubled by such an environment, but some other soldiers had a little difficulty.

I am used to sailing at sea, so it is really difficult to suddenly come to such a hot place.

But after all, they are well-trained soldiers, and no one complained. After packing enough items, they waited to go.

"Dear Captain, what is our goal this time?"

Colombia began to sweat on his forehead, but he still insisted on the image of a gentleman. His black suit was meticulously arranged, and he was reluctant to take it off.

Liu Xu grinned and said in a low voice: "The target this time, of course, is Crocodile, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the king."


A few people in Colombia tweeted, God, the great Major General Liu Xu, do you want to come with such thrilling news every time?One of the seven martial arts under the king?Don't you think that every prince Qiwuhai gets along so well with Brother Hawkeye?

Tina's brows were wrinkled, but Crocodile had an impression on her, she seemed to be a tough guy.

"Let's go, let's go, if you don't hurry, it will be too late, I really want to see how the fighting power of that crocodile is, if possible, ahaha..."

One sentence made several people's hearts jump, what do you want to do, old man?Don't scare us!

A hundred or so people approached the interior of Alabasta mightily, and Liu Xu had already planned in his mind how to face the Shichibukai, the king, and I believe it would be a very interesting thing.


Yu Yan, the king's Qiwuhai Crocodile's territory in Alabasta, as a conspirator and a careerist, he has great ambitions.

The sand fruit ability person is almost invincible in the desert, and the endless desert is his defense and weapon, and his combat effectiveness in fighting here can be described as a rhythm to break the table.

In the prosperous area of ​​Yuyan, commercial activities can be seen everywhere, but the surrounding cities are completely opposite.

The navy is hard to see here, and it seems that not many people associate the navy with the desert environment.

Therefore, the presence of more than [-] navies in the rain banquet attracts people's attention and frequently attracts attention.

The casino is one of Crocodile's industries, and Liu Xu's goal is here.

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