"Major General Liu Xu, do you really want to go in?"

Tina hesitated for a while. It would not be easy for anyone to become one of the Shichibukai under the king. Some people might think that the bounty of [-] million is not very good, but one thing must be clear, it is his The bounty before becoming the king Shichibukai.

Besides, to be able to become the king's Qiwuhai with such a bounty, let alone his combat effectiveness.

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Of course I have to go in. There's no reason to back down after coming here so hard. You have to see it."

Crocodile's information kept appearing in his mind, and he gave a judgment on why he was killed by that brat Luffy.

Careless, completely ignoring Luffy caused him to be too careless.

If Luffy hadn't been attacked by Luffy by taking advantage of his weakness, how could it be possible for Luffy to fight him?

Stepping forward, Liu Xu couldn't wait.


Suddenly, a figure stood in front of him, forcing him to stop, and at the same time, a sharp thorn approached his face.


The purple brilliance flashed, and Liu Xu's Thunder Saber was half-drawn to block the spikes in front, and the arc flew towards the enemy along the spikes.

With an instant reaction, the surrounding navy soldiers reacted, raising their rifles and samurai swords and aiming at the people in front of them.

In a black leather suit, with a blue explosive head, he has an enchanting body, and his eyes are full of cold light.

"Miss two fingers?"

Liu Xu frowned, and he immediately recognized this image, but this guy didn't seem very friendly!

Bora (miss's real name with both fingers) was hit by the purple arc and didn't suffer much damage. The arc was only used to temporarily paralyze the enemy.

"Navy, you are not welcome here."

Paula sneered, making no effort to hide her dislike of the navy.

This remark made the surrounding navy angry, and the navy is not welcome?Little Niangpi, wait for the uncles to hang you on a warship to show you what the navy is.

"Get out of the way, I have something to do with Sand Crocodile, don't get in the way."

"Don't think about it!"

Paula sneered and opened her arms, her blue hair turned into long and narrow spikes in an instant, and some people who were watching the theater suddenly flashed, it was really disgusting that someone was making trouble in the country's heroic territory.

Cough cough, let's flash first!

Liu Xu's brows were furrowed even tighter. Does this woman deserve a beating?Do you really think that this is the territory of the sand crocodile and no one dares to attack her?

When he was considering whether to kill the opponent, Bora suddenly moved, and the fingers of both hands turned into spikes and stabbed at Nami next to him.

Thorn fruit!

The whole body of the capable person can become extremely sharp, and can easily pierce through the stone wall, and after inserting the spikes into the acupuncture points of the arm, it can become extremely strong again.

The sudden change made many people unable to react, and even Nami couldn't react, and the thorns continued to enlarge in her eyes.

Frightened, panicked emotions rose in Nami's heart. For the first time, she was so close to death. Is this what it feels like to die?


Chapter 2422

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



With a dull sound, the rapidly approaching fingers strayed from the original trajectory and brushed past Nami's ear.

Nami only felt that her heart was about to stop, and the feeling of passing through her ears was very clear, and it was just the friction of the air that made her ears tingle.

"Dare to attack my people, if you miss, you can just say so."

Liu Xu shouted angrily, the power of thunder and lightning permeated his body instantly, purple arcs flew into the air, and thunderclouds gradually appeared in the sky, which really pleased the people here.

Liu Xu was angry. Bora was a cold person, and she knew how to take advantage of opportunities. She always chose the weakest person to strike first. Given Nami's current strength, it was undoubtedly her best choice.

Bora quickly withdrew her arm after a failed blow, but when she was halfway through the retreat, she felt something was wrong, and her arm felt a sharp pain.

"Thorns Meteor Hammer!"

When he made a decisive decision, Bora quickly used his devil fruit ability, and countless spikes suddenly grew out of his arm, directly piercing the palm of his arm.

"Hmph, I don't know whether to live or die."

Liu Xu snorted coldly, the spikes passed through his palm but did not cause any damage to him, the elementalization directly neutralized the opponent's attack.

"Get down on your knees!"

With a loud shout, Liu Xu's palm released a large number of purple arcs that directly enveloped the opponent's body, and the sound of "cracking" continued.


Paula was still waiting for the other party to be hit by her spikes and let go, but she was a little surprised that the other party would directly elementalize and avoid it.

It was at this moment of astonishment that a powerful electric current had already entered her body, causing her to be severely injured in an instant, and her blue hair was carbonized in the blink of an eye, and it was blown away by the wind.

And there were also black marks on the surface of her body, which were burnt by lightning.

Liu Xu can freely control the intensity of the discharge. With Bora's ability, a current of [-] million volts can make her lose her fighting power in an instant.

With a light flick of the hand, Bora, who had been electrocuted and lost consciousness, was directly thrown towards the navy behind him.

"Bring her in Shanghai Loushi handcuffs and keep them under strict supervision."

Hailou stone, the nemesis of devil fruit ability, can seal the ability of devil fruit.


Two soldiers quickly stepped forward to control Paula, and directly put on a pair of Hailoushi handcuffs.

And Liu Xu aimed at the luxurious casino, and encountered these things when he first arrived here. What's the situation?

Sometimes hooliganism is an attitude, a method, a strategy.

Liu Xu implemented this point very well. He killed both fingers of the senior secret agent miss of the Baroque studio and was about to send him to the big submarine prison, right here at the Rain Banquet, right at the gate.

These things happened just after coming here, which really makes people have to think about something. Under the leadership of Sand Crocodile, the people of Baroque Studio have a specific purpose in everything.

What kind of purpose did Paula attack this time?Could it be the instruction of the sand crocodile?

He strode forward and took a group of subordinate partners directly into the luxurious casino.

The casino was full of people, and there were a lot of people entertaining here, and the originally spacious venue was also crowded.

When Liu Xu and others entered here, it caused a sensation even more, making everyone's eyes focus on them.What are these guys doing here?Could it be that they came here to arrest people?navy?Shouldn't the Navy go back to sea?Why are you so naughty here!

The star pupils turned around like lightning, and all the people here were imprinted in Liu Xu's eyes in an instant.

No one was found, except for those gamblers and casino staff, no other suspicious people were found.

"This sand crocodile is well hidden! Nami, let's go smash it."

Liu Xu chuckled, his eyes full of playfulness, like a cat searching for mice.

Nami felt distressed for a while, what a tragic thing gambling is, why do you do such a thing?Wouldn't it be nice to steal their Baileys in a steady way?

"Don't go too far."

Nami prudently exhorted, only to hear someone's sad reminder, although our technology is not good, but at least we have the ability to network, how can we know what the other person is thinking.

Lined up the crowd and sat down in front of a gambling table. The gambling here is very simple, go straight, and press down if there is Bailey. Basically, it is a big bet.

"One million Baileys, bet small."

Liu Xu said something bluntly, and without seeing any movement from him, he took out a million Baileys from the justice coat and threw it down.

When the technician saw Liu Xu sitting down, his eyes lit up, Navy?Are you here to be prey?What a crime.

Gambling is too cruel, Nami next to her face is getting darker and darker, her heart is already cold, and she just wants to strangle the man in front of her without hesitation.

In just ten minutes, I lost [-] million Bailey. Although it wasn't my own money, I felt so distressed when I looked at it. Can I not be so cruel?

Liu Xu was very excited. He looked like a gambler, and his face became more and more gloomy later on, as if he had lost his eyes. He clenched his eyes tightly with his fists and stared at the dice clock, as if every second was so exciting.

"One, one, two, little." The technician's fluttering words made the face of someone in front of him even darker. Damn, he lost again. This is how much Bailey.

"You are cheating!"

His teeth were itching with hatred, and a roar came out of his mouth, and at the same time directly overturned the gaming table in front of him.

"Damn it, you still dare to deceive this young master. Let's see what you are doing. Don't be so obvious about cheating. At least let this young master win a hand or two. You are stupid!"

The table lifts up to reveal what lies beneath, a pedal at the foot of the mechanic and a rod attached to where the dice clock sits, making it easy to see what's going on.

The people around were stunned by his sudden movement, and when they looked at the situation at the gambling table, they were impatient. This guy was actually cheating.

Oh hero of our country, how can you fool us like this?


Chapter 2423 Devil's Son, Nicole Robin

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The technician was already dumbfounded. Such a situation had never happened before, or in other words, such a thing should never exist in this casino.

Crocodile the sand crocodile, one of the Shichibukai under the king, sits in town and is also a hero of the country. How could someone make trouble here?Even those who intend to make trouble will be eliminated in an instant, Nima, where are the guards?

Nami next to him looked even more gloomy, gritted his teeth and said, "I knew it, I knew how the captain could lose. Although his character is not good, but luck is still very good, return the money."

Liu Xu wiped his forehead without any trace, Comrade Nami, why is my character so bad?Personality has always been very good, okay?

"You, you are making trouble here, guard, guard."

The technician's body was trembling, and he pointed at Liu Xu with one hand, but his heart was full of grief and anger. It was really a crime to meet such a neurotic person making trouble here.

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