Hearing this, I saw a flash of purple light, and the technician's arms had been removed and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, a purple arc flew out of Liu Xu's palm, directly scorching those two arms black. one slice.

"Don't gamble in the future, this young master is for your own good."

Liu Xu snorted coldly, raised his foot and kicked the unresponsive technician away.

Only at this time did the technician react, and a scream came from his mouth, making those who heard it sad and those who saw it wept.


It's nothing to deal with a technician, the big fish behind is the most important.

Liu Xu grinned, this rhythm is really pleasant.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth and yelled, Liu Xu said, "Sand crocodile, come out for me quickly, if you don't come out again, I will ruin the scene for you."

The sound waves rang out in the entire venue, and several people in Colombia smiled bitterly to themselves, the great Major General Liu Xu, please don't play like this, it's too exciting.

huh?Smash the field?

The gamblers around are not calm anymore, they are smashing the game in the territory of the national hero, big brother, you are in the rhythm of death!

Onlookers, quickly onlookers.

Things are always so unexpected, Liu Xu felt comfortable and relaxed after yelling.

However, after a while, he still didn't see Crocodile's figure, which made him regret for a while, that guy isn't really here, right?

Thinking of this, Liu Xu simply mobilized his lightning ability. The strange purple lightning flashed in his eyes, and a dazzling electric arc was released from his whole body, flooding the entire venue in an instant. The intentionally controlled current made his body numb, but there was no major accident damage.

"Sir, our boss is looking for you."

A clear and beautiful voice suddenly resounded in the venue, making someone happy, and finally appeared.

The appearance of the purple arc made many people in the venue want to escape. The other party seemed to be a devil fruit person. Now it is not suitable for watching the fun.

A group of gamblers endured physical discomfort and fled outside, even if someone blocked them at the door, they could not stop them.

"Asshole, Bailey let them take it."

"Damn it, come back."

Some technicians shouted, these people are too cruel, they even grabbed Bailey on the gambling table when they fled, can this be a happy gambling?

The escape of these people made people like Liu Xu relax. If they were to fight the sand crocodile, these people would be a burden, and it would not be good if they accidentally injured them.

But the sudden clear voice made Liu Xu very excited, and he knew who this person was without thinking too much.

Devil's Son, Nicole Robin.

Besides this beautiful woman who was following the sand crocodile, who would come out to stop these things?

He has long black hair combed behind his head, a pair of orange glasses on his forehead, delicate facial features, holy blue-black eyes, a gentle and elegant smile on his face, a dark blue vest and pink-orange printed long hair The skirt brought out the slender figure and the small waist that could only be grasped, and a pair of orange high-heeled shoes brought out the straight and slender white and tender calves.

Elegant and noble, this is Nico Robin's first impression. She is like a graceful aristocrat in the castle, and her every move has a kind of blurred charm.

Nicole Robin looked at Liu Xu with a smile on the opposite side who released purple arcs like a god of thunder, a little surprised in her heart, but not much worried.

"This gentleman, please come with me!"

The voice is gentle, the attitude is polite, and every action makes people have no objection.

Liu Xu laughed and put away the arc, and left directly behind her, leaving only some staff and naval soldiers who were paralyzed by the arc.


"Does that mean you came here specifically to find me?"

In the basement, Crocodile wearing a fur coat with black hair combed back said so, with a little wisdom and ambition hidden in his dull eyes.

A major admiral of the Navy Headquarters appeared on his own territory. This kind of thing filled his heart, but he was not a person who would show his heart on his face, and he perfectly concealed his emotions.

Liu Xu smiled leisurely, only Tina and the other three came in with him, so he could open up and talk about a lot of things.

"Yes, I came here specifically to find you. The purpose is actually very simple. How about a fight with me?"

Um?This purpose seems a bit simplistic, doesn't it?

Crocodile smiled flatly, and said, "Why do you want to fight with you? Also, since you are here to find me, why bother causing trouble in my casino."

"The reason for fighting is very simple. Only by fighting constantly can you gain stronger strength. Isn't this what you have always hoped for? As for the troubles you mentioned, who will cause troubles first?"

Liu Xu was confident, and unceremoniously refuted the sand crocodile back.

He didn't back down a little bit, the sand crocodile's ambition was huge, and it was a terrifying ambition for anyone, no matter for himself.


Chapter 2424 Fight

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Knowing the temper of the sand crocodile, Liu Xu did not intend to back down. It would be better if he could fight him here or achieve another possibility.

Take a gamble, this is the real gamble.

Crocodile was silent, while Robin beside her was thoughtful. Her ingenuity was terrifying, but fortunately she used it on her dreams.

Otherwise, relying on her wisdom, she has already played with everyone in the palm of her hand.

After a while, the sand crocodile said: "I have no need to fight you. My status is given by the Navy Headquarters. If you want to fight with me, do you mean you want to challenge the majesty of the Navy Headquarters? The youngest major general, Liu Asahi."

Crocodile sneered inwardly, secretly saying that he had already given a lot of face, and if he continued to entangle, he would not really have to give it a try.

Still refused, and adopted more severe means. Crocodile has the title of national hero in Alabasta. Once something is exposed during the battle, it will be very detrimental to him...

Liu Xu secretly regretted it for a while. Not only did the sand crocodile not be fooled, but he was also planning to set up a trap for himself. This guy is too cruel. It seems that he needs to learn more. This kind of rhythm that kills others is still not good what!

"Sand Crocodile, you don't have to fight with me, but I just want to fight with you, what can you do? The title of national hero is really good, but I don't know if it really fits this title, what do you think?"

Crocodile's eyes moved, his dull face instantly gloomy, and the golden hook in his left hand showed a golden glow under the reflection of the light.


Standing up from his seat all of a sudden, the murderous intent in his eyes was creepy.

"You already know what's going on."

There is no need to ask why the other party knows, Sand Crocodile knows very well that since the other party has said such a thing, it must have already understood something, simple and clear, straight-forward is the last word.

"Sand crocodile, you seem to be very nervous about this matter, how much do you think I will know?"

Liu Xu smiled all over his face when he saw this, and his eyes were full of mischief.


The ground under Crocodile's feet began to dry, crack and desert and quickly spread to the surroundings, saying: "It doesn't matter how much you know, as long as no one talks about it."

Ruthless, even in the face of his loyal subordinates, as long as the other party fails to complete his task, he will ruthlessly kill them.

Colombia and Tina are already ready, Nami is stepping back at this moment, and it is the best choice to ensure that she does not drag her companions back when her strength is insufficient.

"Sand Crocodile, what if Sengoku waits to find out about this? Hey, the bearded Sengoku and the muscular man Karp will miss you very much."


The rapidly expanding desertified area stopped instantly, and Crocodile's face seemed a little ugly at the moment.


The name Liu Xu was once widely circulated by some people on the Great Airway, and many people already knew this name under the deliberate propaganda of the Warring States Period.

And as time passed year after year, during the period when Liu Xu cleared the East China Sea, the people on the great route had gradually forgotten about this matter.

However, this name cannot be forgotten in the hearts of some strong people or some special people.

The Navy Headquarters publicized the youngest major general, and continued to promote the justice of the navy when he went to sea. This incident made many people think, why should he be so special?Is there something hidden in this?

Wang Xia Qiwuhai knew that there was nothing unusual about this character, and every character in it was not simple.

Crocodile took back the strength of the rustling fruit and sat down again, and said with a blank expression: "Liu Xu, what do you think Zhan Guo and Karp will think?"

Sengoku and Karp, these two names prompted the sand crocodile to stop its actions.

One is the Supreme Commander of the Navy, and the other is the Navy Hero, who became famous in Roger's era and repeatedly pushed Roger, the One Piece King, into desperation. Only such deeds can make the sand crocodile temporarily stop all actions.

As expected, Liu Xu laughed out loud, exaggeratedly.

The sand crocodile is afraid of the names of two people, what a joyful thing!

"Sand crocodile, do you think they will know about this now? King Shichibukai, tsk tsk, it's really surprising!"

Without answering his question directly, Liu Xu enjoyed the way the sand crocodile was deflated.

Crocodile was silent, restrained by stillness, and successful careerists and conspirators can always endure what ordinary people cannot.

Liu Xu was very bored by being silent for a long time, it seemed a bit too much.

Hey, when did this threat come and go!

"Sand crocodile, I won't talk nonsense with you. Let's fight, everything will be discussed after the fight. You must fight today's battle."

Crocodile is embarrassed, fighting for no reason, fighting without any benefit, does such a fight really make sense?No, it means absolutely nothing to him.

Liu Xu is very satisfied, and what he wants now is to fight Crocodile to prove his strength and achieve that thing.

The few characters he met in the East China Sea still make him unforgettable. In this world, not only must there be a strong fighting force, but also a strong force, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

"Don't do it? Then I will give you some motivation to do it."

Seeing that the opponent still had no intention of making a move, Liu Xu turned into an element directly, releasing purple arcs all over his body, and the electric light in his eyes instantly illuminated the entire basement, dyeing it purple.

"Rotating Flower!"

Crocodile didn't intend to make a move, but Robin took the initiative to make a move, crossing his hands in front of him, and saw several arms growing out of Liu Xu's body.


The arms growing out of his body directly bind his joints, this ability is very useful, and it can also surprise him.


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