Chapter 2425 Electricity vs Sand

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"It's not enough!"

Liu Xu grinned, and when the Iron Block of the Navy Sixth Form was used, his whole body swelled up, breaking the arms that bound him.

Surprise flashed across Robin's eyes, and he was broken free so easily. Is this the power of the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?

God, it was horrible.

"Enough, if you want to fight, come out with me, this place is not suitable."

Crocodile let out a low drink at this time, and he stood up and glanced at Robin.

"Mr0, things don't seem to be going well."

Robin didn't have the slightest worry, his face was very calm.

Crocodile sneered and walked outside without even turning his head.

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, the crocodile's character is still so bad at this time, it's really annoying.

But being able to fight is already very good, and the rest is after the battle.


In the endless desert, Crocodile and Robin stood on one side, but their faces were a little strange.

On the opposite side, Liu Xu and Tina were together, and behind them were a hundred soldiers from the Navy headquarters. At this moment, the soldiers were holding up banners, pulling banners, and shouting loudly with a microphone in their mouths.

"Congratulations to Major General Liu Xu, for dominating the rivers and lakes, no one but me, forever and ever."

Hoarse, every soldier yelled with all his strength, and Liu Xu's expression was also very strange.

Damn, who taught them these words?Miss Secretary?Oh no, absolutely impossible, so who taught these things?

Tina looked at the person opposite very calmly, her face was only mature, steady, calm and rigorous.

Colombia is pondering carefully, should it be shot at that time?

"Old Sha, my young master is here to take good care of you."

Completely ignoring those funny soldiers, Liu Xu chuckled and his body quickly became elemental.

And Robin left the sand crocodile position at the moment of his elementalization, and now it is a battle between two people.

Crocodile snorted coldly. If this kind of person who came to pick things up didn't teach him a good lesson, he would be too sorry for his reputation as Qiwuhai.

"Fifty million volts. Kirin!"

It was a big move as soon as he entered the field. Liu Xu moved very quickly. He released an electric arc into the sky with his hands, causing the clouds to form thunderclouds. The purple arcs in the thunderclouds continued to condense, almost in the blink of an eye. The formed purple unicorn pounced directly.

"sand castle!"

The moment Liu Xu was about to attack, the sand crocodile had already landed its hands on the ground, and the surrounding sand quickly formed a fortress-like defensive castle around him, and Qilin also pounced on the castle at this moment.


The unicorn hit the sand castle, and a current of [-] million volts spread throughout the entire fortress in an instant, and the penetration of lightning also directly pierced the sand castle at this time.

"Yeah, the defense is pretty good!"

Liu Xu thought secretly, and a crack appeared in the opposite sand castle hit by the unicorn.

The sand castle hit by the unicorn gradually cracked and shattered, turning into a little bit of sand falling, and the sand crocodile inside also appeared.

Half of his body was smashed to pieces, which looked terrifying, but the sand was repairing his body. There was only a little surprise on his face and no other expression. It seemed that he didn't feel much about the blow just now.

"Thunder fruit ability user? What an enviable power."

Crocodile sneered, but the sand in front of him gradually flowed.


With a loud shout, the flowing sand in front suddenly flew up, forming a tornado-like shape under the action of a gust of wind, and rolled directly towards Liu Xu's position.

In the desert his powers are at their greatest increase, where he is almost invincible.

The power of the sandstorm is terrifying. Unlike his carelessness when dealing with Luffy, a major admiral who is constantly promoted by the Navy headquarters is worthy of his full strength to fight against.

The sandstorm formed by the high-speed rotating sand caused sand and dust to fly all over the area. Liu Xu held his breath, and his mind network gradually unfolded, so as to judge the opponent's next move.

The rapidly approaching sandstorm made Liu Xu feel a little bit of pressure, and his whole body became elementalized again.

"Fifty million volts. Kirin!"

Release the lightning into the sky again to form a thundercloud, the same move as before, the purple lightning unicorn pounces on its head, and directly pounces on the tornado formed by the sand.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a loud noise, and Liu Xu took a few steps back again and again.

The collision between the unicorn and the sandstorm produced a powerful air wave that pushed all the people around back, even the sand crocodile took several steps back before stopping.

The air was filled with fluttering sand and purple arcs, and the scorching heat was a little cooler with sandstorms and thunderclouds.

In the first contest, the two seemed to be on the same level, and they seemed to be similar in terms of physical strength.

Others, including Robin, have already retreated far away, and the battle with Shichibukai, the king, will be affected if they are not careful, so it is better to be careful.

It's just that, even if you are far away, you can still hear the words of the navy soldiers from time to time, forever and ever.

Liu Xu didn't wait for too long. The sand crocodile is a good training object, and he should be able to use all his strength, maybe!

"Eighty million volts. A thousand birds fly"

Pieces of purple light leaped out from both hands to form birds with a wingspan of about one meter. The birds entered the sky and hovered, the number of which was in the thousands, covering the sky and the sun, and the purple birds blocked the sunlight.


Thousands of birds chirped, purple birds swooped down from the sky, the sharp beaks were enough to pierce the rocks, and the strong electric current was enough to carbonize the sand.

A huge number of purple birds were densely packed like rain, but Crocodile didn't have much to worry about.


Chapter 2426 To fight...or not to fight?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Heavy Sandstorm!"

The ability of the Shasha fruit was raised to a whole new level, and the sand in front of the sand crocodile quickly flowed and flew up, forming a huge sandstorm in the blink of an eye. This sandstorm was several times larger than the previous one.

The sand in the desert has been used to the limit for him. The force generated by the rapid rotation of the sand is the same as that of a sharp sword.

The giant sandstorm and the birds collided, and the grayish-yellow sandstorm was instantly filled with purple. Under the control of the sand crocodile, the sandstorm started to move, pulling all the attacks of the birds to the sandstorm, and the power of the sandstorm gradually increased. enhanced.

Instead of fighting against the sandstorm and breaking like the unicorn, the sand crocodile even forcibly increased the power of the sandstorm regardless of the damage of the birds, but it also has a consequence, that is, he himself cannot control such a huge sandstorm.

Finally, the sandstorm finally got out of his control, but the route of travel was still going in the direction of Liu Xu.

"Cut, it's not easy to escape!"

Liu Xu thought secretly.

The scale of the sandstorm was too large, and it was very easy for him to avoid it, but it was impossible for Columbia and the others and the soldiers behind him. Their speed was not as fast as his own, and they would be attacked if they were not careful.

In other words, it will not be hit by the sandstorm itself, but it will be hit by the sand it brings, and the loss will not be small.

No longer paying attention to the birds in the sky, Liu Xu opened his hands, using the power of lightning to the extreme.

"[-] million volts. Fury of Thunder!"

Thunderclouds condensed in the sky again, and the rumbling sound came from the thunderclouds. This time, the thunderclouds had a wide range and could easily cover a medium-sized island.

The purple arc in the thundercloud continued to decompose and form, and then quickly descended. The target area was the area where the sandstorm traveled and Crocodile.

The purple arc was as thick as an arm, and it landed on the sandstorm with a "crackling" sound, directly breaking up the sandstorm.

The purple thunder and lightning fell continuously, and Liu Xu stared at the giant sandstorm closely. There were countless thunder and lightning in the sky, which kept shrinking the sandstorm's size.

Crocodile on the opposite side instinctively sensed a crisis, and also began to elementalize.

The thunder and lightning also landed on his body at this moment, quickly breaking up his body a little.

The same is the ability of the natural system. Elementalization can only be immune to physical attacks, and there is no immune effect to other natural attacks.

The body of the sand crocodile hit by the lightning dissipated a little, but soon there was sand to replenish his body, and it seemed that there was not much damage.

It's just that the face of the sand crocodile has been a little ugly for a long time. The high temperature of thunder and lightning can carbonize the sand. Now his body's recovery speed is getting slower and slower. If he persists, he may be the one who suffers in the end.

The current of [-] million volts consumes a lot of his body. If it weren't for his extraordinary endurance, he would have collapsed long ago.

"Desert King Kong Sword!"

Under the action of the rustling fruit, his hands formed four sharp knives, and he slashed into the air without even thinking about it.

Desert King Kong Sword, one of the powerful attacks of Sand Crocodile.

The four huge desert blades slashed towards the thunder and lightning rage in the air, and even forcibly split the surrounding thunder and lightning.

One blow worked, and Sand Crocodile was overjoyed. The four desert blades swung even faster, splitting the purple lightning that fell from the air one after another.

"It seems that this sand crocodile has a good idea!"

Liu Xu thought to himself that the Sand Crocodile used such a method to fight back and achieved results that were really unexpected.

When the thunder and lightning finally came to an end, the thunder cloud in the sky gradually dissipated, and the movement of Crocodile below gradually slowed down.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Sand Crocodile took a few deep breaths, and the lightning attack that lasted for ten minutes made him constantly use the Desert King Kong Sword to fight back, which really wasted a lot of his energy.

His consumption is very high, and so is Liu Xu's.

Not only does it have to maintain the energy of the thunder cloud, but it also has to control the direction of the thunder and lightning. The consumption of the two points at the same time is even greater than that of Crocodile.

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