Crocodile's eyes flashed viciously, and his speech was a bit ambiguous.

"Old Sha, don't be stupid, put away those ridiculous ideas before you have the power to compete with the entire Whitebeard Pirates! Also, there are some things that everyone tacitly agrees to, too much is not good."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he took Tina and the three to leave, and walked towards the restaurant of the casino.

Crocodile's face was gloomy, but he suddenly laughed again, making Robin on the side confused.


Inside the restaurant, a young man in his twenties had black hair and freckles on his cheeks.The left arm has a tattoo of the word "ASCE", of which the S is crossed, and an orange cowboy hat with two badges of "smile" and "sad" on the brim.In addition, there is a brand of skull and crossbones tied with a red bead necklace around the neck.The back is the iconic Whitebeard Pirates tattoo, the identity of this person is ready to be revealed.

At this moment, Ace was struggling with the food in front of him, and the movements of his hands did not stop at all, ignoring the surprised eyes of the people around him.

When Liu Xu came to the restaurant, he saw this familiar scene at first sight, ah, it was very similar to some people in the Navy Headquarters, eating a meal was like fighting a war.

"Dear Captain, Fire Fist Ace is very famous, are you sure you want to contact the other party?"

Columbia smiled and bowed, still a faint smile on his face, but there was obvious fear in his eyes.

The same is true for Tina by her side. She has been in the Navy Headquarters for a long time. She has a relatively comprehensive understanding of the Whitebeard Pirates and knows some of them well.

A strong smile hung on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, and said: "Of course, you have to take a look at this Fire Fist Ace, even if you fight him, it's okay, although his strength is very good, but this young master is not a vegetarian. "

The extent of his strength is not very clear to Columbia and others now, they only know that it is above themselves.

Seeing that he was so confident, Colombia did not continue to stop it. It is very important to believe in his own captain.

Walking directly over, Liu Xu patted Ace on the shoulder and said, "Fire Fist Ace, do you mind chatting?"

Ace stopped eating, turned his head to look at the guy who said hello, and frowned, "Are you a navy?"


Chapter 2429 Ace, your family is dead-brained

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The navy and pirates meet in this situation, is this the rhythm of the outbreak?Ace didn't understand, there seemed to be something wrong with this navy!

"Yes, we are friends with your grandfather."

Liu Xu grinned, it was the most gorgeous thing to take advantage of.

"Are you friends with grandpa?" Ace stood up with a changed face, and bowed directly, "I didn't expect you and grandpa to be friends. I'm really sorry just now."

Politeness, what is politeness, is a perfect example.

Liu Xu accepted this very calmly, waved his hands, and said, "Don't be so restrained, let's sit down and talk!"

Anti-customer-oriented, suddenly occupied the initiative.

When Ace heard the words, he sat down and instantly forgot his navy identity. If he was friends with his grandfather, there shouldn't be any problem, right?

"I heard that you are going to hunt down Marshall D. Teach? Do you know where he is?"

Ace replied in a proper manner: "Yes, Titch killed his companion. This is absolutely not allowed. I will arrest him personally and hand it over to Dad."

Sure enough, the gears of fate are still turning, and this event has finally come.

"Ace, Tiki's strength is not something you can compete with now. I advise you to be careful and try not to fight him alone."

Hearing this, Ace directly refused.

"Sir, it is absolutely unforgivable that Tichi killed his companion. He violated the iron law of the Whitebeard Pirates. I must capture him back."


They are both members of the Whitebeard Pirates, one is an old member who has joined at least [-] years, and the other is a new member who has only joined for a few years. There seems to be no comparison between the two.

In terms of familiarity with the Pirates, this is a bit inferior to Tiki, but Ace has his own insistence, and he must capture this person back and hand it over to Whitebeard.

"Ace, your burning fruit and dark fruit are not comparable. He has developed a very strong power, I am afraid you will be killed by him if you are not careful."

Liu Xu really didn't want Ace to "send him to death". Blackbeard is one of the four emperors in the future.

"Sir, I must arrest him, even at the cost of his life."

Liu Xu's stomach hurts, why doesn't this unlucky kid understand this?Don't you know how to choose other ways if you don't have the strength to compete with the opponent?It's good to have more companions to help!

Liu Xu got annoyed at the thought of this, and shouted: "Master, I told you that the battle with Tiqi is absolutely in danger of your life. Hmph, do you still want to go now?"

huh?Absolutely life-threatening?Why so sure?

Not calm anymore, Ace is not calm at all, why does this grandpa's friend look down on himself so much?How can you be so sure?

Tina and the others couldn't bear it anymore. The great captain, he is a big pirate, not a navy. Wouldn't it be a good thing for him to fight with Tiki and die?

"Sir, why do you curse me so?"

Ace scratched his face, didn't seem to offend him?

However, Liu Xu snorted and said, "Ace, you'd better think about the consequences. Once you are defeated by Tiqi, what will happen to you? At that time, the entire great route will usher in a big change, and even white The Beard Pirates will also be involved, after all, your identity is very special, it is inevitable that someone will use it to make a big fuss..."

Um?This is a bit of a leak.

Ace's face changed sharply, and he thought of various possibilities in an instant, and his face gradually became ugly.

Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this kid has finally figured it out.

"Thank you for your reminder, Mr. I will be careful. The arrest of Titch must be carried out."


In the end, he still made up his mind and did not follow Liu Xu's wishes at all, which really made someone unhappy.

"Ace, your family is dead-brained."

Liu Xu is embarrassing, it seems that a big battle will be inevitable at that time, um, we have to hurry up, otherwise there will be no good drama.

The conversation was fruitless, and Liu Xu was also very bachelor and ignored these tangled things. How things will change in the future depends on how to deal with them.

From the heart, Ace is a very comfortable character, not only has super strong fighting power, but also a person with excellent personality, who has attractive charm in all aspects of his behavior.

It would be a very refreshing thing to receive such a number one person under his command, but it is a little sad now, and everything is too late.

Ace, who is so devoted to Whitebeard, wants to push Whitebeard to the position of Pirate King, so how can he enter other people's team.

What's more, his identity is a pirate, which is a very embarrassing thing.

Without further words, Liu Xu simply took his own people and left, leaving a confused Ace to continue fighting for the food on the table.

"Major General Liu Xu, why do you treat Fire Fist Ace like this? Being so close to pirates is not good for your image."

Tina was worried. From many things, Liu Xu and the pirates were indeed very close, and even let some big pirates go.

Today's Fire Fist Ace is a proof that letting go of such a big pirate is already a very serious matter, and now he still has the heart to save the life of this big pirate. This, is this the rhythm of making people catch the handle?

"If he can abandon his identity as a pirate and stay with us, wouldn't it be a great thing for you?"

Liu Xu laughed, and had already had such an idea when he heard Ace appear.

Tina's face is weird, is this possible?The answer is yes, it is impossible.

"Let's find a hotel to stay in. We'll leave here in a few days, and Alabasta will be handed over to Lao Sha. Well, maybe we need to add another companion."

Suddenly, I remembered that the matter of a certain person had not been dealt with yet, and this person had to be brought under his command.


Chapter 2430 Robin, you can only come to my bowl

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Partner? Dear Mr. Captain, which one do you like?"

Columbia's face is full of smiles, it is really pleasant to not have to face that Fire Fist Ace, that is not on the same level at all, the strength is too strong!

"A very wise woman, Nicole Robin!"

Liu Xu said bluntly that he wanted to take this woman under his command. This seemed like another big deal!

"Nicole Robin, son of the devil?" Tina jumped up, "Major General Liu Xu, this person must not appear on the warship. This is a very serious matter."

The Devil's Son is the only person in the world who can decipher the text of history, and is listed as an absolutely dangerous person by the World Government, with a bounty of seventy-nine million Baileys.

Now if a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters subdues this person, it will be a challenge to the world government.

Major General Liu Xu, can you stop playing so big every time?

"What's wrong, I'll take care of it alone. Her experience is not very good, but she will be a very good partner."

Liu Xu insisted on his own ideas and followed the throbbing heartbeat in his heart. Once he missed it, he would never have another chance.



Carrying the beliefs of O'Hara scholars, finding the text of history and uncovering the blank [-]-year history is the goal that Nico Robin has always adhered to. For this goal, she has experienced countless dark lives that ordinary people can't imagine. of the dark life.

A tragic woman is always easy to make people feel pity and cherish jade, and can always get the maximum care from others, especially when the other party is still a beautiful woman.

Others don't know what happened to her, but Liu Xu knows it well.

It is undeniable that he is a normal man. Now he has a tough fiancée, a little ambiguous secretary, and a navigator who is gradually approaching. Now there is another wise scholar, which seems to be a bit too many up.

However, a man can't put down so many women in his heart.

From the heartbeat at the first sight to the obsession with it now, Liu Xu has already developed a strong desire for this woman in just one day.

Get her, get her no matter what method you use!


Hundreds of soldiers were arranged in the hotel, and night gradually fell.

The rainy banquet in the night is still so prosperous. With their national hero Crocodile in this place, the civilians are confident in all aspects of their safety.

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