The bustling situation continued into the middle of the night, and there were only a few drunken men on the wide streets teetering toward their homes.

Liu Xu left the hotel alone without disturbing anyone, and the coat of justice behind him was taken off and placed in his room.

The night temperature in the desert dropped below zero, but Liu Xu didn't feel the slightest chill. This is one of the benefits of practicing. He won't feel too much in the face of high or low temperatures, unless the temperature exceeds normal.

"Is this where Nicole Robin lives?"

Looking at the small house in front of him, Liu Xu muttered, the road has been explored clearly, now it's time to implement his ideas.

"Boom boom boom!"

After knocking on the door a few times, Liu Xu took a deep breath.

However, after more than ten seconds, the door had been opened, and Liu Xu's eyes lit up as he was still wearing the familiar attire.

Sure enough, this intellectual and intelligent holy beauty was the most eye-catching, and she walked in without saying much.

Nico Robin was still wondering, who would come to him in the middle of the night, and suddenly felt a strange feeling when he opened the door.What does this Rear Admiral mean?What is the purpose of coming here?

His identity is very clear, the son of the devil who is wanted by the world government, this identity alone can make many people avoid it.

Now a special Admiral of the Navy Headquarters has come to his residence, what is it for?

After serving the coffee, Robin sat gracefully across from him and said, "Mr. Major General, I wonder what your business is for visiting late at night?"

"Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, survived O'Hara's demon-slaying order. I already know your identity. What do you think I am here for?"

Liu Xu smiled all over his face, but directly revealed his identity.

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Nicole Robin's face changed, the gentle smile disappeared, her little face was pale, and her beautiful eyes were filled with fear.

Demon Slaughtering Order, indiscriminate attack, the power to destroy the world!

All kinds of things in the past appeared in her mind, and she still has deep fear in retrospect.

"You, are you here to arrest me?"

Nicole Robin tried her best to stabilize her emotions, but her body still trembled unconsciously.

"Arrest you? No, no, no, how could this young master do such a boring thing. Your dream is a blank [-]-year history, and I happen to have such a piece of information, or I have a way to let you as soon as possible. to learn about the blank one hundred years of history. Are you interested?"

Historical text?

Robin's pupils shrank, this is his dream, the dream that carries the last wishes of countless O'Hara scholars.But, will this man be that simple?

"I'm not interested, I dream that I will get it with my own hands, even at the cost of my life."

Resolutely refused, Liu Xu was not surprised, this was expected, if Nicole Robin agreed so easily, it would be really expensive.

A woman who is often betrayed will not trust others so easily. The only thing she can do now is to stay by her side temporarily, even if it is by any means.

"Your rejection is expected, but you don't have to refuse." Liu Xu said calmly, "Robin, you can only come to my bowl."

"Nibenshu. Gallows!"

Robin didn't say much about attacking directly, and crossed his hands in front of him. Two arms suddenly grew out of Liu Xu's body and directly wrapped around his neck.


With Liu Xu's simple words, the iron block of the Navy's sixth style was used in an instant, directly shattering the two arms wrapped around his neck.

Chapter 2431 She's My Man

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



With a soft shout, Liu Xu stomped on the ground with his feet continuously, and with the help of the reaction force, he was directly ejected behind the opponent, and the purple brilliance flashed past.

"You have been defeated."

Simple and rude, a purple-black knife was placed directly on Nicole Robin's neck, stopping her next move, and her eyes were calm except for fear.

"Now you only have one choice. I will definitely bring you to my boat. I don't care about the way. I only need you."

Crazy, such words are crazy words to others, Nicole Robin fell silent.

Strong, although it is out of a strong desire in his heart, Liu Xu has no regrets.

The opportunity is right in front of you, once you miss it, you don't have it anymore.

Nicole Robin has her way of life, and the navy is like an enemy, but now this enemy can bring her the possibility of the dream of a scholar O'Hara, how to choose?Is there a choice?

In silence, the thunder knife on her neck has been put away.

"The main text of history is in the great route, but it will definitely not give you any information about the blank hundred years of history here in the first half, and the new world is possible. At the end, the blank hundred years of history, you are absolutely It can’t be done. Now you have no choice, the sand crocodile is not a simple character, you should just give up!”

Liu Xu's expression remained calm, and he had worked hard to get Robin under his command.

Different from Columbia and Nami's subjugation process, those two started from the gratitude and touch in their hearts.

As for Robin, time is running out and we can only execute it forcefully.

Robin's face was pale. She had seen Liu Xu's combat power before, and it was the first time she had seen the sand crocodile's combat power.

The position of vice president of the Baroque studio is just a way for her to study the historical text, so the president and the like don't care at all.

Without giving a final answer, Liu Xu pondered for a while and released the lightning power directly. The purple arc filled the entire room without hurting Robin at all.

"There are still many such powers in the great route. What is your final choice?"

Robin's body was shocked, and his pale face for a long time had disappeared, and instead a gentle smile appeared.

"There's no choice, is there? Mr. Captain."

Bingo, last answer, best answer.

Liu Xu immediately put away the purple arc and laughed loudly, saying: "Nicole Robin, you will be proud of today's choice in the future. We will set off tomorrow to save trouble."

After speaking, he turned and left directly, no longer worrying that Nicole Robin would run away in silence.

A wise woman should know that if a Rear Admiral of the Admiralty really wants to find her, she has no chance of running away.

Robin watched the other party leave and sighed for the last time. Tonight's events were so sudden that she couldn't get used to it until now. How should she go on the road in the future?Is it the same way as before?


Back at the hotel, Liu Xu directly pulled the three of them up with a bright smile on his face.

"Everyone, I am announcing one thing. Nicole Robin has become our partner and will sail with us on the sea in the future."

As if announcing a great news, Liu Xu really felt a strong sense of excitement at the moment.

"So it is, my honorable captain."

Columbia bowed and smiled. Isn't this matter already determined?


Tina responded in a low voice, with a hint of worry in her eyes, and quickly dispelled the worry.

"The vice president of Baroque Studio must be very rich."

Nami's eyes lit up with excitement.

Liu Xu is sweating profusely, why did he get involved with Bailey?

Forget it, just make sure.

Early the next morning, Nico Robin found the hotel directly, wearing a cowboy hat with a leisurely expression.

"You are very early, so let's go now!"

Liu Xu came out to greet him, behind him were naval soldiers ready to go.

"Yes, Mr. Captain."

Robin smiled softly, a smile that could captivate a city.

A group of people walked towards the coast where the warship was docked. The purpose of coming to Alabasta was the sand crocodile. Now that it has been resolved, there is no need to stay any longer.

As for the future fate of this country, it can only be resigned to fate.

Defeating the sand crocodiles might bring the country back to normal, but now there are more important tasks to perform, so it can only be abandoned.

At the same time, cooperating with the sand crocodile and waiting for him to provide information on the strong in the first half, how could it be possible to kill him?

However, his actions are destined to be stopped by someone.

"Liu Xu, it doesn't seem too good to just leave like this!"

A cold voice came from not far away, a gust of sand rolled up, and a figure appeared in the center of the sand.

"Sand Crocodile, do I have to notify you when I leave?"

It is very rude to speak, even if the identity of the major general is not comparable to the identity of Qiwuhai, but in the case of the same or more than the strength, the suppression between the ranks will not have much effect.

"You took all my subordinates away from you, won't you give an explanation?"

Crocodile sneered, Nicole Robin is very useful, it would not be a pleasant thing to let people slip away like this.

"Your subordinate? I think you made a mistake. Now Nicole Robin is mine, and she has nothing to do with you. Sand crocodile, don't hold any ridiculous thoughts, there is no you in that place What I want, what I promise will naturally be fulfilled.”

Crocodile's face is gloomy, this kid seems to be a little too arrogant, damn, if it wasn't for his strength, he would have killed this guy long ago.

"You should know what she stands for."

It took him a long time before he choked out such a sentence, the identity of the devil's son is enough to make many people shy away.

Robin's face turned pale. After all, this identity was the most insurmountable difficulty.


Chapter 2432 How about calling Nicole Kidman?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


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