Liu Xu smiled disdainfully, and said: "Sand Crocodile, you are so weak, it is easy for people to look down on you. I don't care about Robin's identity, as long as he is my crew member, no matter how big the trouble is, I will take care of him." Bear it. Sand crocodile, I am fundamentally different from you. Robin leaving your side, just take it as a small price you paid for our cooperation, and leave.”

After finishing speaking, he left directly, and whether the sand crocodile would attack or not was not his concern.

With so many people, they can do whatever they want.

Sure enough, the sand crocodile had a livid face but did not attack, and left with a fierce shake of the fur coat.


The dark purple warship rides the wind and waves, the sun is shining, and the soft light reflects the dazzling light on the warship.

On the deck, hundreds of combat team members are conducting daily training. These trainings are arranged by Tina, while Nami and Columbia are serving as instructors.

One can train marksmanship, and the other can train the physical fitness of soldiers by relying on some of the six naval styles that have been learned.

Get ready for the training of Navy Six Styles and build a strong fighting team.

Although not all soldiers will eventually be able to practice the six naval styles, such training will also greatly improve their physical fitness.

Give back, a simple word.

These soldiers who have followed Liu Xu for three years have an obvious attitude towards Liu Xu, that is, absolute respect and obedience.

From this point alone, it is worthwhile for Liu Xu to improve their strength and give them great strength.

There is also a rule on this warship. The soldiers on the third floor are exclusive to Liu Xu's balcony. These soldiers will not set foot on it, they will only shout on the deck.

The balcony on the third floor belongs to Liu Xu, and it is also a place for the other partners to spend their daily leisure time.

Two men and three women, a beach chair and a small table were added to the balcony again.

A few days of sailing time Robin quickly adapted to life on the warship, which is related to her previous experience, and needs to adapt quickly and maintain a good attitude anywhere.

Lying on the beach chair and looking at the book or the waves in front of him as usual, a battle with the sand crocodile proved his strength, even if he killed some hundreds of millions of pirates, he was completely sure.

The combat power of the sand crocodile can properly compete with those hundreds of millions of pirates.


A loud bang sounded on the side of the warship, causing the whole warship to shake violently, a mass of water column rose, and the water splashed to the deck.


Liu Xu's eyes popped, which bastard would attack his warship so recklessly?

However, the other party didn't seem to give him the time to see clearly, and several giant cannonballs bombed over, blocking the sky and the sun directly blocking his vision.

"Ten million volts. Heaven and earth!"

The hands quickly became elemental, and several groups of purple electric lights were quickly shot out from the palms towards the cannonballs, which quickly expanded in mid-air to form five huge nets of lightning that directly covered the cannonballs.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several giant cannonballs exploded immediately after being stimulated by lightning, and thick black smoke and dazzling firelight rose in the air. It was a luxurious and beautiful fireworks show.

Several warships, one of which is the most eye-catching.

The huge dog has a huge bone in its head, and the giant "Navy" text on the front sail, the dog-headed warship, its identity is ready to be revealed.

Navy hero, Lieutenant General Garp!

Liu Xu could see the warship clearly. The warship was only a hundred meters away from him at this moment. If he had reacted slower just now, he might have been bombed.

Thinking of this, I broke out in a cold sweat, Lieutenant General Karp, you are too cruel.

"Liu Xu, don't let the old man stop."

The rude and heroic roar came from the dog-headed warship, and Kapti roared angrily, the voice clearly audible.

Huh?Liu Xu was tangled up, and he should be dissatisfied, so why did he speak first?

"Nami, stop the boat."

After the order was issued, Nami quickly adjusted her direction and stopped, her doubtful eyes swept across the warship.


"Liu Xu, do you know that you got into trouble?"

Garp jumped off the warship and punched Liu Xu directly.

Liu Xu blocked the fist very easily, and said: "Lieutenant General Garp, long time no see. By the way, why are you still so irritable? Tell me, what trouble did you cause?"

Garp snorted coldly, but he was surprised that this kid blocked his fist so easily. It seems that the time has improved rapidly in the past few years!

"You kid actually sent Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, to his warship. Do you know the impact of this incident? You bastard!"

The more he talks about it, the more angry he is, that this kid is so ignorant of the rules to contact such a dangerous person, this time it can be regarded as poking a hornet's nest...

"Her name is not Nicole Robin now, I changed her name to... Nicole... how about Kidman?"

Liu Xu suddenly realized that this was the case, but is it really that serious?


"I'm good at picking names, right?"


"Come on, it tastes good, and by the way, what is the effect?"

Liu Xu laughed, but took out a bucket of senbei from behind and opened it, and the aroma was tangy.

"Ah? Hahaha, you are very smart, kid."

Garp laughed and took the senbei and ate it unceremoniously. The marines around him were all silent. This is a great naval hero!

"Liu Xu, the Navy Headquarters has already fallen out. Nicole Robin's status is too special. You are foolish enough to contact her."

Garp said while eating, although there was still a smile on his resolute face, he was also a little worried.Who can know the anxiety in his heart now, this time things are not so simple!

"I'm just carrying out my own justice. Now that Nicole Robin is my crew member, what's wrong with that?"

There was a look of determination in Liu Xu's eyes.


Chapter 2433 Alarming the Five Old Stars

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Justice?" Garp stopped, and grinned, "Liu Xu, you actually told me justice? Is it justice to be in contact with Nicole Robin? Tell me about your justice, let Let me see what you insist on."

Nicole Robin on the balcony turned pale, the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp, such a character gave her too much psychological pressure, if this legendary figure wanted to arrest herself, I am afraid she would not be able to escape.

As if he already knew that the other party would say that, Liu Xu already had the words to respond, and said with a smile: "Lieutenant General Garp, there is one thing I don't understand, and I want to ask you for advice."


"You must be well aware of the O'Hara incident. Do you think that kind of behavior is justice? Is it justice that belongs to the Navy? Justice that belongs to the World Government? Or justice that belongs to some special characters?"

This remark made Garp stunned. Of course, he was very clear about the O'Hara incident, and the details were also clear.


Karp is a person who has his own independent views on justice, otherwise he would not have become close friends because of countless confrontations with One Piece, and even help One Piece Roger take care of his children.

The O'Hara incident shocked the world and let the whole world see the power of the Demon Slaying Order, and Garp was also very clear about some of the reasons, so he could only be silent.

Liu Xu flashed a smile, and said: "Robin is my crew member and my partner now, I hope you don't stop me. Besides, ahem, Luffy's unlucky boy has already gone to sea and formed a pirate group." , it seems that there are still a few guys with barely enough strength to join his pirate group!"


Garp was furious in an instant, and he would never have known that Luffy had gone to sea without those things happening.Now that the news came out, it was really sour.

"So, why don't you go and see your grandson? Hey, that unfortunate child is really pitiful. My grandfather doesn't even care about him."

Liu Xu shook his head regretfully, but his words were a little weird.

"You don't need to teach the old man, that stinky old man Luffy must take good care of him, bastard."

Karp roared, it seemed that someone was going to suffer in the future.

But Liu Xu laughed out loud. He knew that his matter should have passed, and Karp would not dwell on it anymore.

"Liu Xu, why are you still wandering around in the first half? Why don't you go to the New World to take a look?"

After his anger calmed down, Garp seemed to be very relaxed. Instead of worrying about his grandson, he asked about Liu Xu instead.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes and said, "You know my goal. It's far away and seems impossible. But I'm working towards this goal now. The first half of the great route is a brand new stage, and it's very good here. .”

Karp grinned, but he didn't agree with his words at all, brand new stage?The stage is too small!

"Then you're not going to the new world?"

One question made Liu Xu silent. It is inevitable to go to the new world, but he can't go there now. There are still many strong people on the great route who have not challenged him, and his partners are still short of some powerful combat partners.

"Lieutenant General Karp, there are some things that I can't tell you now, and I can't tell you clearly. I'll explain it to you later when I have time. Now let's talk about the purpose of your coming here, I'm afraid it's not that simple. ."

Karp was amazed for a while, when did this kid's brain become so smart?Did you eat something?

"Hey, why did you suddenly become smarter?"

A word made someone's head drop a black line, and I can't wait to punch this guy back.

"It's really not that simple this time, it's because of the matter between you and Nicole Robin. The navy headquarters has fallen out, and the world government has put a lot of pressure on it. It was originally planned to send CP9 to arrest you and return to the headquarters , the old man came out first, you should go back to the Navy headquarters with me!"

Garp's face was a little weird, worried, and a little strange, as if he was hiding something.

Liu Xu frowned all of a sudden, and sent CP9 to arrest him?Then this matter is really not that simple.This guy Karp is still very face-saving. If the people from CP9 really come to arrest him, then maybe there will be a big war, and it will not be good for anyone at that time.

"What will happen this time back? Any news?"

This is the most important thing. When a major admiral of the Navy headquarters is brought back, there must be a big move, especially a major admiral who has been constantly promoted before.

Karp's eyes suddenly sharpened and he said seriously: "This time, if you go back, it will be a trial, and you must accept the trial of the Navy Headquarters."


These two words made Liu Xu's heart skip a beat, and several other partners instantly appeared beside him when they heard the words. What kind of joke were they trying to judge their own captain? Go to hell!

Hundreds of combatants were stunned. Damn, Major General Liu Xu has to accept the trial of the headquarters?Liar?

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