Liu Xu's face became gloomy. It was unexpected that the Navy headquarters came so far. Few people would be able to catch up with him if he escaped now. In the process of killing, this is not what he wants to see.

"Liu Xu, the incident this time is too much trouble, and the pressure from the Warring States period is very high. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with Wu Laoxing's personal confession."

Five old stars?These five old guys were actually involved, so who exposed the news?

"Liu Xu, you don't have to worry too much. Maybe things will turn around this time. I dare not guarantee the details, but I will be present during the trial and do my best to ensure your safety."

I am so touched, Mr. Garp, you are so open-minded.

Liu Xu really wanted to give him a hug, but when he looked at the other person's height and his own height of two meters, forget it, he didn't want to humiliate himself.


Chapter 2434 Collusion?It's obviously a hookup, a flirt...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu said, "Lieutenant General Garp, then I will go back to the Navy headquarters with you to see what this so-called trial is like."

Karp didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward, and after a moment of stunned laughter, he patted the other party's shoulder a few times.

"As expected of me and the Warring States... ahem, as expected of a young man, it's just that simple."

Liu Xu gave a hard look, and immediately ordered Nami to change direction and head directly for the Navy headquarters, but the established sky island also temporarily stopped.

Several warships headed for the navy headquarters mightily, but the mood of the people on the deep purple warship was not so happy, judging their own captain?

It seems that you have to prepare for some action, otherwise you will be tricked by then.

The Navy Headquarters, here is still so solemn and solemn, and nothing has changed.

Walking on the road to the headquarters, Liu Xu's heart was extremely calm. For some reason, he felt very calm when he stepped here. He was still thinking about the so-called trial before, but now he has abandoned them all, and his heart is very clear.

It may be a privilege not to wear sea stone handcuffs like ordinary pirates or navy who have been arrested.

Garp led a team of soldiers with him. Under Liu Xu's order, Columbia and others docked the warship [-] nautical miles away from the Navy Headquarters. It is really inappropriate for them to set foot on a place like the Navy Headquarters at this time. ,Too dangerous.

The face of the originally relaxed naval hero also became a little heavy, and the day finally arrived.

On the round table in the meeting room, there are Lieutenant Generals and Major Generals of Warring States, He, Qingzhi, and Lieutenant Generals.

All these generals in the headquarters were summoned. Among the three generals, only Qingzhi was in the headquarters, and the other red dogs and yellow monkeys were not here. It is said that they entered the new world to perform some tasks.

Those who can sit on the round table are all high-ranking figures, Warring States, generals, lieutenants, etc. As for those major generals, they mostly sit on small benches in other positions.

Heavy, Sengoku and Garp both looked very heavy, and the meeting to be carried out this time was not very happy for them to face.

The generals, Lieutenant General He and Qingzhi, were relatively better and didn't have so many worries.

As for the other lieutenant generals and major generals, some were expressionless, some gloated, and some frowned.

Liu Xu was at the round table like the others in the Warring States Period. At this moment, he still maintained a calm heart, and his face was no longer the bright smile before, but indifferent.

After waiting for a long time, the Sengoku, as the supreme commander here, still spoke.

"Regarding Liu Xu's subjugation of the devil's son, it violated justice and the dignity of the navy. The world government also issued instructions to investigate this matter strictly. Now Major General Liu Xu has returned to the headquarters and made the following judgment: Liu Xu colluded with the devil's son, was demoted from major general to colonel, and was not allowed to leave the Navy headquarters for three years, do you have any objections?"

"Collude? Collude with you, I'm obviously hooking up, flirting with a girl...Nicole Robin is such a beautiful girl, how could she let her go..." Liu Xu's eyes moved, but his face remained indifferent, " She is one of the top ten beauties of One Piece."

As for the colonel and three years or something, he doesn't care at all...

This may be the best result, three years is nothing, it can just bring me the opportunity to improve my strength.

Karp breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, this punishment was not very serious, at least without inhuman torture or obliteration, which should have been a good ending.

Qingzhi looked at Garp and Sengoku thoughtfully, and finally nodded, which was really a good result.

"No, we don't agree!"

Suddenly, a major general on the other side shouted loudly, causing an explosion in the otherwise calm conference room.

The faces of the people in the Warring States period changed, bastard, does this guy want to die?How dare you make trouble at such a time.

Liu Xu's face also changed a little, and his eyes turned to the major general in an instant. With an ordinary face, he should be a swordsman, about fifty years old.

"Liu Xu committed a heinous crime. How can he be punished so easily? We disagree." The major general continued, with righteous indignation on his face that looked like that.

With him taking the lead, some other major generals and even a few lieutenant generals also joined in. It seems that it really can't be solved so easily.

"Then how do you plan to punish?" Garp clenched his fists and asked angrily.

The naval hero seemed very unhappy. The lieutenant general and major general hesitated for a while, and soon someone said: "We suggest that Liu Xu should be sent to the big submarine prison."

"Second, it should be sent to the underwater prison."


The continuous words made Sengoku and Garp's faces even more ugly, and they didn't know how to speak for a while.

And Liu Xu's face became even colder, his eyes swept over the generals who spoke one by one, adding insult to injury, these bastards actually added insult to injury at this critical moment, this is the rhythm that will drive him to death.

The youngest major general possesses all kinds of strange powers. This kind of achievement makes many people jealous. How can someone in his twenties have such a sturdy achievement?They have worked so hard for decades and it is still the same position.

"The sharpness is too revealing, Hawkeye is right!"

At this moment, Liu Xu suddenly remembered what Hawkeye had said, maybe it was because of his sharpness that caused these people's jealousy, and at this time, they made trouble.

"However, so what if you are too sharp? I will repay you one by one for your 'kindness' one by one. Maybe it was too easy to get along with before, hahaha..." Liu Xu sneered in his heart, and put the faces of these people one by one Keep it firmly in my mind, "When the world is not destroyed, I will destroy you first."

There are very few people who can befriend him here, only a few.


Chapter 2435 Declare to the world that I am a softie...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I don't think Major General Liu Xu will go to the big prison under the sea. It is for pirates and criminals. It is not appropriate for a major general of the Navy to enter there."

Suddenly, Qing Zhi, one of the three generals, spoke slowly and calmly.

His words made Sengoku's eyes light up, General Kuzan, you are really a good guy with a bright future...

"Liu Xu entered the big prison under the sea, you guys gave me a reason!"

Karp also got into trouble at this time, turned his head and yelled at the lieutenant generals and major generals, the veins on his body showing the anger in his heart.

Qingzhi's attitude is very important, but it doesn't seem to have much effect in the face of the opposition of so many generals and lieutenants.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, we always believe that Liu Xu should enter the large submarine prison. He is just a sinner who broke the rules of the navy!"

The lieutenant generals and major generals were unconvinced, and they all stood firm.

There are many people, and they have an advantage at this time.

Warring States suddenly became embarrassed again, his face was livid.

In the mind of Warring States and Garp, this trial is just for these generals to be a witness, and at the same time to give an explanation to the world government.

Unexpectedly, there is no news from the world government, but there is a little problem on my side.

This question made the Warring States think of something deeper, the wisdom of the Warring States, his wisdom is far from what these people can match.

The headquarters hyped up a major admiral of the navy headquarters. The East China Sea has been cleared by this major admiral. He seems to be carrying out the first half of the great route.

At this time, it broke out that he was sent to the large submarine prison, which was a major blow to the morale and reputation of the navy.

At the same time, Garp and several other powerful people have a good relationship with him, and besides, he also has certain thoughts about him, how can he be allowed to enter the big submarine prison?

It's just that there are so many major generals and lieutenant generals opposing it, and the situation has suddenly exceeded expectations, and the matter has become complicated.

Lieutenant General Crane, the great staff officer, is very open, and her intelligence is also extremely ferocious, but she has been keeping a silent attitude now, not expressing her position at all.

Embarrassment, Warring States is too embarrassing.

Garp is in a dilemma, Qingzhi is in a dilemma, who can break this deadlock?

Liu Xu sighed in his heart, his face was still as quiet as water, and said, "Marshal of the Warring States Period, don't think too much about it. Sentencing according to my so-called crimes! It's just a big prison under the sea, isn't there a possibility of getting out?"

Zhan Guo's body trembled, and he really wanted to pry open this guy's brain immediately to see what he was thinking, and was there a possibility of coming out?If you enter the undersea prison, you will have no chance to come out, idiot.

Entering such a place means that all previous achievements, all strength, and all efforts will be in vain.

These major generals and lieutenant generals who spoke out were indeed ruthless in their hearts, and they did not give them a way out at all.

Liu Xu didn't have much worries, and it seemed that it would be a good thing to overthrow the large submarine prison.

Helpless, the Warring States was finally helpless.

"Since everyone thinks so, then let's go to the big underwater prison."

Gritting his teeth, Sengoku announced the order.

As soon as the order was issued, two navy soldiers came forward, and what they were holding in their hands was astonishingly Hailoushi handcuffs.

"Hmph, do you still want to calm me down with this little thing?"

Liu Xu smiled coldly in his heart. The power of thunder and lightning is not bound by the ocean and sea stones, and it can be easily destroyed by wearing this thing.

"Pulp Boo, Boo Boo..."

Suddenly a sound diverted Warring States' attention, the phone bug, that was his own phone bug.

With doubts, Sengoku directly pressed the answer button.

"Hello, I'm Warring States!"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I am Madeline."

One sentence made the face of the Warring States change again, and shouted at the two soldiers: "Wait a minute!"

The two soldiers stopped moving and lost their minds. Lord Marshal, we have something to say, it's scary.

Garp's furious face softened, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He finally came, Liu Xu, you are so lucky.

"Princess Madeline, what are your orders?"

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