Warring States put away his livid face, and his face returned to its usual seriousness and calmness.

Madeline on the other side of the phone worm lightly tapped on the armrest, her face was very calm, her chin was slightly raised and she looked at the sea area in front of her, there was a phone worm on the table next to her.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, do you have any opinion on my husband-in-law?"

Zhan Guo in the conference room was sweating profusely in an instant. Good guy, why is she so well informed?Is there her eyeliner here?God, the great Princess Madeline, don't be so irritating.

"Princess Madeline, Liu Xu committed a heinous crime. He took in Nico Robin, the son of the devil, and tried him at the request of the world government and some generals in the headquarters."

Madeline's eyes remained unchanged, she squinted at the phone bug, a slight smile appeared on the corners of her lips, with a noble and elegant temperament that belonged to her alone, she seemed careless, but full of charm.

"Then the result of the trial? It seems to be a large prison under the sea?"

Nani?Did she actually know the outcome of the trial?In addition to the shock in the warring heart, there is also a little joy.

"Yes, at the request of the generals of the headquarters, Major General Liu Xu is going to be sent to the large submarine prison."

"Presumptuous, who gave you such power?"

Madeline over there suddenly made an attack, but her tone was neither hasty nor slow, she maintained a certain speed, but her mentality was not affected in the slightest.

The words of rebuke made the entire conference room silent, she, she was actually scolding the Admiral?

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, Liu Xu is my Madeline's husband-in-law, even if he has not been married, even if he is a son-in-law who came to the door, only Tianlong people can judge him for any faults." Madeline asked: "Your navy When did you have the power to surpass the nobles of the world?"

"Are you announcing to the world that I am your little boy?"

Liu Xu was speechless.


Chapter 2436 Ice time, world nobles

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


A drop of sweat dripped from the forehead of the Warring States Period, this, isn't this too cruel?

To elevate things to such a height all of a sudden is to commit crimes.

The expressions of the other admirals changed, this woman is too cruel.

Warring States didn't reply, Madeline over there continued: "Wait for me there, I'll come and deal with it myself."

Make everyone wait?Maybe she is the only one who dares to ask for it, no, or she dares to order everyone like this.

Warring States thought over and over again, and replied: "Yes, Princess Madeline."

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, why are you still waiting for her to come? Liu Xu has committed such a serious crime and should be sent to the seabed prison immediately."

A major general was dissatisfied, and he didn't even send him in?

"General Kuzan, kill him."

Among the phone bugs, Madeline's voice came, it was still so elegant and noble, but she didn't take this person's life seriously, as if he was an ant.

"Yes!" Qing Zhi replied, "Ice River Moment!"

At the moment of freezing, one of the skills developed by those with the ability to freeze ice fruit is to completely freeze the opponent's body by touching the opponent's body. If the ice sculpture is broken, the person will also die, but this trick can be passed through warm water. The method of melting ice removes the ice on the body.

Qingzhi appeared next to the major general in an instant, and pressed his hand directly on the opponent's body.

I saw that the major general's body froze quickly, and he was frozen in the blink of an eye.

I was stunned and couldn't believe it.

The major general opened his mouth wide and opened his eyes angrily, he was completely frozen before he could react.


After freezing his opponent, Qingzhi punched the ice sculpture, the sound of "click" continued, cracks appeared on the ice sculpture, and Qingzhi's spikes quickly returned to his seat.


The cracks in the ice sculpture reached the extreme, and the whole ice sculpture shattered to the ground with a bang. There was no blood dripping, only countless ice shavings.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the way of death.

This way of not leaving any corpses made Lieutenant General Naxi feel what it means to be cruel, General Kuzan, it is terrible!

"General Kuzan, well done."

Madeline in the phone bug affirmed, and then there was no sound.

"It's really troublesome."

Qing Zhi muttered something in a low voice, and pulled off the blindfold on her forehead, it seemed that she was going to sleep here?

Zhan Guo just changed his face and then didn't move anymore, but he was complaining in his heart, he couldn't be like this if he was stupid, openly provoking the Tianlong people, whoever dies if you don't die?

Madeline's strong behavior made the people present a little uneasy. According to her intention, everyone has to wait here. It's really...


A day passed quickly, and waiting for a day did not make these generals feel tired. Liu Xu was also very calm, with no sadness or joy in his heart.


The door of the conference room was suddenly bounced open, and two huge wooden door panels flew directly into the conference room.

At the door, a group of twenty-one people walked in slowly.

The one in the lead was Madeline, still wearing that familiar attire.

Brown curly long hair is well-trimmed, tall and tall, her eyebrows are like crescent moons, her eyes are like stars, her face is like a lotus flower, her smile is like a witch, and her frown and smile touch people's hearts. She is wearing red crystal high-heeled shoes, which perfectly set off her slender and straight pair She wore red half-finger gloves inlaid with gold trim on her hands, which set off her white and slender slender fingers, and the red satin windbreaker covered up her exquisite figure.

Charm, this is a noble, elegant and charming woman.

The sudden change made everyone turn their eyes away, obsessed, shocked, amazed...

Zhan Guo had already stood up and nodded slightly.

"Princess Madeline, please sit down."

As he spoke, he pulled away a chair beside him.

Madeline didn't say a word, she just stared at that position, and didn't even glance at everyone around her.

Walking over with graceful steps, Madeline sat down leisurely, and glanced sideways at Qing Zhi beside her.

"General Kuzan, thank you for your hard work."

Qingzhi put away the blindfold, with her usual slackness on her face, and said: "Princess Madeline, you're joking."

While talking, he put away the hand underneath, but he put a phone bug in his pocket.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, is the husband-in-law of the Tianlong people also a world nobleman?"

Looking back, Madeline smiled slightly, and said so without looking back.

Behind her are twenty strong men in uniform black suits, with sunglasses on their eyes, expressionless faces, and the breath on their bodies looks extremely fierce.

A question that embarrassed the Warring States, this is to ask the guilt from Xingshi, and if the answer is not good, I am afraid the matter will be more serious.

"Of course, strictly speaking, it is also a world noble."

"It must be a world noble! Marshal of the Warring States Period, what should your navy do when the world nobles are treated unequally?"

Madeline glanced at him, her expression was indifferent, aloof and noble, her fingers lightly tapped on the armrest, the rhythm was neither too fast nor too slow, making one's heartbeat follow her movements.

Warring States was sweating profusely, and sure enough, it wasn't that simple for her to come here in person.

"The navy has the duty to protect the world nobles. When the world nobles encounter unequal treatment, there should be generals to protect them and kill those who slander the world nobles."

Madeline raised her chin slightly, with a disdainful arc hanging from the corner of her mouth, she said: "Very good, kill them."


One sentence made these generals feel cold, this woman is too cruel, especially those who just asked Liu Xu to be sent to the big submarine prison. The situation is changing too fast, and I can't keep up with the rhythm.

The face of the Warring States changed, if it was other Tianlong people, he would definitely ignore it, but this one is different, what should I do?

"Hmph, not decisive at all, Marshal Warring States, you are very disappointing. You said earlier that it was the decision of the World Government to put my husband on trial?"

"Yes, Wu Laoxing personally explained the matter."

Zhan Guo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that he has not been entangled in this matter.


Chapter 2437 Restoration of duties, cancellation of rewards

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The light in Madeline's eyes flashed, and she said: "When will the five old fellows be able to make decisions instead of the nobles of the world, and they are qualified to judge my husband-in-law? Who gave them the power!"

"Remember, my husband-in-law is not at fault at all in this matter. I hope you will give me an explanation for those roaring navies."

Strong, will always be so strong, Madeline seems not to take these admirals seriously, they may be equivalent to ants in her mind.

The livers of all the admirals trembled, especially those newly promoted admirals, those admirals who didn't know Madeline at all.

Liu Xu was also full of emotion in his heart, Madeline, this world noble who forcefully announced that he was her man, did not expect it to end.

The Warring States period was silent, and there were quite a few admirals who booed before. If they were all dealt with, it would be a huge blow to the strength of the Navy headquarters.

If it is not dealt with, Her Royal Highness will not let it go, and it is not yet known what kind of disturbance will be caused.

Madeline's status is so special that she has an unparalleled status in the holy land of Marijoya.

Can the Navy Headquarters object to her request?

"Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, has the ability to decipher the text of history. She is a sinner in the world. Liu Xu violated the rules of the navy with her. Why do we need to give an explanation?"

A major general couldn't help it. He was also one of the people who made a fuss. Now that his own interests are involved, how can he sit still?

The major general's eyes looked at the aloof nobleman in the world, his demeanor was outstanding enough to make any man submit to her.

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