Madeline knew the look in the other party's eyes without even looking at him, turned her head to face Qingzhi again, and said, "General Kuzan, kill this disgusting man."

Qingzhi is embarrassed, has he become a professional thug?

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

Qingzhi stretched out his hand, a layer of ice formed on his right hand, and a cold air rushed towards the major general.


The major general seemed to have taken precautions, but in the end he still couldn't compete in terms of speed. The air-conditioning bullet had directly hit his body, and instantly his body was covered with ice, and the surrounding ground was also covered in ice.

Madeline maintained her usual nobility and arrogance, and said: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, I hope you think it over carefully. There must be no mistake in restoring all the positions and powers of Liu Xu. As for the matter of the devil's son, the reward for the devil's son is officially cancelled. "

Decision, this is her decision, and everyone's faces changed dramatically.

"Princess Madeline, the matter with the devil's son Nicole Robin is too serious..."

Warring States has a serious face, this matter should not be underestimated.

He was secretly happy that Liu Xu's identity had been restored, but the incident with the Devil's Son had a very bad impact.

"It's nothing serious. The target of the historical text is the world's nobles. We are not afraid. What are you afraid of?"

Madeline directly interrupted his words to confirm this matter.

Dumbfounded, Sengoku was a little dumbfounded.

The heart of this princess is too big, right?If the matter of the historical text is exposed, it will cause harm to the rule of the entire world.

"A regime that has not experienced bloodshed is just a mob. The reason why world nobles can become world nobles is very simple. When someone can withstand such bloodshed, they will deny the existence of world nobles. Nobles will always be nobles!"

Madeline's explanation was very domineering and powerful, but it also revealed a bit of news, which was also a truth.

The establishment of every regime has experienced bloody storms. The world's nobles have their reasons for existence. If you want to resist them, it's good, then you are also going through such a bloody storm to overthrow the status of the world's nobles!

The Warring States fell silent again, and after thinking about it, he finally nodded, as if he had acknowledged what she had said.

Seeing this, the corners of Madeline's mouth curled up, and her light tapping on the handrail stopped, making everyone feel relieved.

"This is the end of the matter." She said, she got up and walked to Liu Xu's side, and said calmly, "Follow me."

Twenty guards followed her, but Liu Xu was full of thoughts, what did she want to do?Do you really think you are her man?No, I'm afraid things are not that simple!

Full of doubts, Liu Xu still followed.

In the conference room, the generals, the Warring States and others looked very good. The faces of the major generals and lieutenants who were making a fuss were ugly. In the end, there was nothing wrong with them, and they also cancelled the identity of the son of the devil, bastard, let this Guy is so easy...

"You bastards, give me half a year to reflect on it. For half a year, you can't take a step outside the Navy headquarters, and those who violate the order will be deprived of all positions and powers."

Warring States yelled at the generals who were booing, they screwed up what happened today, otherwise they wouldn't be so aggrieved.

Fortunately, Liu Xu had nothing to do, otherwise things would be serious.

Those generals looked ugly, but they couldn't make any response.

As Madeline said, nobles will always be nobles, they are incomparable.

Under the roar of the Warring States Period, these generals got up and left one after another. What happened today can only be said to be regrettable.

"Hahaha, Warring States, it's really interesting to see the expressions of these guys."

In the end, Karp still couldn't help laughing heartily. After Madeline came in, he didn't say a word, or he didn't want to say it anymore.

"General Kuzan, you played this hand very well."

Chief of Staff Lieutenant General He stared at Qing Zhi, the expression in his eyes made people very puzzled.

Qingzhi lowered her head halfway, and said, "I just don't want things to be too troublesome, so I'm leaving."

As he said that, he slipped away, leaving behind a few people who were a little stunned.

"This kid Kuzan moves faster than me, it's really amazing, hahaha!"

Garp laughed again, making the two people around him helpless.

Fortunately, today's matter finally came to an end.


Chapter 2438 The king's man, the perfect gift

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


At the port of the Navy Headquarters, the gentle breeze calmed down the slightly impetuous thoughts.

The waves on the sea are still, a rare quiet and leisure.

The two of them stood looking at the horizon line in front of them. No one spoke first, as if something was brewing.

The guards waited respectfully [-] meters away. The soldiers in the port had been expelled, and even the warships that occasionally prepared to enter the port to dock were also guided by the signal tower to dock elsewhere.

The world aristocracy, the most powerful ethnic group in the world, the ethnic group with supreme power.

The sunset sank, and the two stood for more than three hours, perhaps thinking about something.

"You make me very disappointed."

Madeline beside her finally broke the silence first, with deep disappointment and no doubt in her voice.

"Disappointed? Why?"

Liu Xu turned his head and looked at the side face of this charming and charming woman. It was still so perfect, still so touching, and even one side could make people's heart beat endlessly.

There was a bit of regret in Madeline's beautiful eyes, and there was confidence on her beautiful and soft face, revealing a touch of nobility and detachment, and her slender eyelashes trembled slightly.

"You haven't made any amazing achievements in three years, and you are still just a major general, although your strength has improved a lot."

Plain, very plain words negated everything Liu Xu had done in the past three years.

Such an achievement is too insignificant in her eyes to be a capital to show off.

Liu Xu frowned, it would be too much to deny his achievements.

What she has done in the past few years is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and what is she relying on to deny it?

"In three years, I have cleared the entire East China Sea, and now the first half of the great route is also stepping up the challenge. This is something that ordinary people cannot do. Why do you deny my achievements?"

"That's just more than the average person. My man must have more brilliant achievements. Put away those children's tricks, take the world seriously, and win the glory that belongs to you."

Madeline denied it again, is it a child's trick?Such words make many people feel powerless. Her goal is too far away, and people still can't figure it out.

"I'll finish the first half of the Great Route soon. Is this still a child's trick?"

Liu Xu's self-esteem suffered a huge blow at this moment, and one day he must kill this woman and let her know that he is an absolute strongman.

"That's all?"

Madeline's voice was still flat and noble.

Liu Xu was silent.

After being silent for a long time, Madeline finally turned her head to face him, her charming eyes were full of dignity and elegance.

"My man has to be decisive and not look down on anyone. If you can't do it, it's really disappointing."

Stimulate, seriously stimulate someone's heart.

"Whoever said that I will definitely be your man, don't say 'my man' in one bite, it will always remind me of 'king's man'."

"The decision I made will not change, do you have an opinion?"

Madeline didn't move an inch, and completely silenced Liu Xu's words.

Her identity is very special, special to the extent that the Warring States period gave in, special to the point where Qingzhi randomly killed two major generals at the naval headquarters.

Her complexion softened slightly, and Madeline's calm face wore a faint smile.

"So keep working hard. I'll give you a time. After you finish the first half of the Great Route, come to the Holy Land Marijoa to find me, and then there's something important to explain to you."

"Madeline, it doesn't matter whether you are a high-ranking world noble, or how powerful your background is. One day I will let you submit under me and show the side that a woman should have. Absolutely!"

Madeline was not irritated by his words, but instead laughed softly, like a hundred flowers blooming, like a thousand years of ice and snow melting, making people's eyes completely focus on her face.

Perfect, still so perfect.

This noble woman never seems to be intimidated by anything, and has no anger at a man declaring war like this.

He stretched out his jade hand and stroked the man's resolute face and gradually slid down, his index finger hooked the other's chin and gently picked it up, a meaningful smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and thoughtfully said: "Submit? Is there a side a woman should have? Yes? Yes, you will see it one day, but not now. If you want me to surrender, use all your strengths to defeat me in every way, and fully witness your ability."

Withdrawing her fingers, Madeline stroked the hair between her foreheads, looking graceful and luxurious, insurmountable.

"This day will come soon, when the time comes, show your side of a woman obediently and serve your husband obediently."

Liu Xu clenched his teeth and said, by the way, is this an indirect acknowledgment of a certain identity?

Madeline embraced her hands, completely indifferent to what the other party said.

"Perhaps, I should do you a favor now."

benefit?This combination of words sounds so heartwarming, no matter what it is, it is always good for you.

Liu Xu is not immune, but he still feels a little awkward, making him really feel like he has been taken care of by this woman. This situation is extremely uncomfortable.

"I don't need your favor."

Madeline's eyes moved, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she said meaningfully: "Oh? Really don't need it? This benefit is what many people dream of. It is one of the most perfect gifts in the world."

Temptation, this is temptation, the most perfect gift in the world, what would it be?

Liu Xu was still so uncomfortable in his heart, did she mean those?Forget it, although it is very exciting, it is not suitable now, and I will get this gift in person when I have a chance in the future.

"I still don't want it. No matter how good things are, I will get them with my own hands."

Liu Xu was very stubborn at this moment, and he didn't accept such a temptation.


Chapter 2439 One thousand years at a glance, golden dragon flying hairpin

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