ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Madeline moved lightly, and turned around with her arms around her chest. There was a little smile on the corner of her mouth, showing elegance, making people's eyes change with her every move.

"Refuse? Then I'll put this gift away for the time being, and I'll give it to you when you come to see me in San Marijoa."

Secretly heaving a sigh of relief, Liu Xu knew that this time it was a small victory for him, and he seemed to have a little idea of ​​what the so-called gift was.

It's attractive, and it's hard to say no to, but it's really unacceptable, at least not now.

"Why choose me?"

This is a crucial question, and it has been three years since they first met and announced that he was her man.

Three years of ups and downs along the way, this woman only sent someone to shoot once when she first sailed to the Chambord Islands, and then until now.

The time I spent alone with her was only for a short while, when I was taken away at the Navy Headquarters and said it was some kind of servant.

The result was tragic, and I experienced some strange problems that night, and it has continued to this day.

The impression on her is deep and vague.

She is a woman who is unforgettable at a glance, with a noble and elegant temperament, a flawless face, exquisite figure, and all kinds of supreme auras.

However, her strength also makes many people daunted. Who can conquer such a queen-like woman?

His question made Madeline frowned slightly, why did she choose him?

"Feeling, just the feeling at first glance, ten thousand years at a glance."

With a concise and clear answer, Liu Xu fell silent all of a sudden. Would this woman believe in love at first sight?Will you believe the so-called feeling?So sad.

"Is it the feeling? But I will have other women in the future, at least you will not be the only one, so you will still choose me?"

Indeed, for example, the current secretary Tina, as well as Nami, who is gradually developing in a certain direction, and Robin, who was left behind by a strong force, seem to have a lot of women.

Madeline smiled proudly, with strong confidence in her eyes, and said: "It doesn't matter how many women there are, but remember, I, Madeline, will always be number one. I will only treat other women as concubines That's all, it's not surprising that a king has several concubines."


Liu Xu was speechless. It seemed that this woman had really chosen him.

But how uncomfortable is the word concubine?

My big harem has always been a bowl of water.

"At the same time, I have a request now. During the period when you took the first half of the great route, I will send people to support you anytime and anywhere. You have no right to refuse."

Madeline dropped a blockbuster, and sent people to support anytime and anywhere?What is she trying to do?There is absolutely something wrong with this thing.

There is only one possibility to be so sure. She can know her whereabouts anytime and anywhere, and she is clear about what she is doing.

For a moment, Liu Xu felt his hairs stand on end, terrified, this woman's intelligence network is too horrific.

Thinking about it now, it seems that there was talk about Nicole Robin in the conference room, and she was very clear about Nicole Robin's purpose.

Also, it is absolutely impossible to arrive in one day from the holy land of Marigioa, that is to say, she has already rushed to the Navy headquarters before the trial started.

Then, there must be her eyeliner in the Navy headquarters, and she is a guy with a high status.

Thinking of this matter, Liu Xu took a breath, what on earth is Madeline going to do?

"The people I sent in the past took the 'Flying Dragon Nobile' as a token, which is my token."

Madeline said that when she flipped her hand over, a gold hairpin appeared, the flying dragon looked lifelike, made of pure gold, exquisite and luxurious.

"Isn't there a secret code for the dragon, the tiger, and the pagoda to suppress the river demon?" Liu Xu spoofed.

Handing the golden hairpin to Liu Xu's hand, Madeline turned her head and left, moving lightly with lotus steps, so elegant.

Putting away the golden hairpin in his hand, Liu Xu looked at her back in silence for a long time, until the other party completely disappeared from sight before looking away.

Every time Madeline appeared, she brought shock. She was like a queen looking down on all living beings below. Her appearance at a critical moment shocked the world, and also gave Liu Xu a platform to spread her wings and fly high.

The first half of the great voyage, in Madeline's mind, was like a child's play, and conquering such a sea area didn't seem to give her any surprises.

Her vision is very far-sighted, far beyond what the great route can match.

Could it be that he is just a front-runner, and the main player of Mieshi is really Yang Ying?


Unless... the general also looks at the running man?


Back in the Navy Headquarters, it's been two days since I came here, and it's already late at night.

The navy headquarters at night is still full of seriousness, chill, and rigor. This represents the highest power center of the navy in the world. No one will make any trouble here, unless it is a very urgent matter.

Madeline had already left the navy headquarters with the huge sailboat, and was escorted by ten warships, the scale of which was no smaller than the Demon Slaughter Order, so it could be said that she was really superior.

The four of the Warring States have been waiting for a long time, even in the middle of the night their hearts are not so peaceful.

If you want to say that the calmer ones might be Qingzhi and Karp, one of them is lazy, the other is rough, and many behaviors cannot be explained by common sense.

However, Warring States and Lieutenant General He are less calm, so that these generals are closed, it seems that the great route will not be calm for a while.

In the first half of the Great Route, most of the generals of the Navy headquarters participated in the suppression. With their presence, the pirates will be more restrained.

Even the whole world is like this. With these generals going out to do activities, the arrogance of the pirates will be suppressed a lot.

Now, I can only make things less bad.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2440 Collect some interest and kill chickens to warn monkeys

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"He, it is urgent to promote more talents."

Zhan Guo has a serious face, and the flick of his twisted beard shows his restless heart.

Crane's quiet and wise eyes looked straight ahead. There were Qingzhi and Garp, who had calm faces. Seeing the two of them, they didn't care about these things at all.

"The promotion of talents must be carried out quickly, but the selection of xinxing should also be paid attention to, and the situation like today cannot happen again. People with serious jealousy will only disturb the internal peace, don't let the enemy attack the interior by then. It's contradictory."

As a general counselor, her wisdom does not need to be questioned. One thing has already been thought of for a long time, and she has thought of many possibilities.

Warring States is known as a wise general, and his wisdom is naturally a terrifying realm.

As early as in the conference room, he had already thought of many possibilities, and he may be more distant in his view of some things.

"Choose some of the school officials. At the same time, we should also step up the selection of talents from other departments. If possible, they will be absorbed into the headquarters."

There are many naval divisions, and there are naturally many talents.

It would be too weak to simply be limited to the promotion of officers in the headquarters. There are so many talents in the world, what a pity to waste them!

Crane nodded, this is indeed a feasible method, and it is also the best method.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, a soft drink interrupted the conversation between the two of them, but Liu Xu had already arrived, and directly pushed open the door of the conference room that had been repaired.

"Major General Liu Xu, do you have any questions?"

Seeing the coming of Warring States is still serious, not flustered at all.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I'm here to discuss something with you."

Liu Xu got straight to the point. Although Zhan Guo and the others had put in a lot of effort this time, there were still some things that had to be decisive, otherwise they would be looked down upon.

"Wait, then let me ask you one thing first, what do you think of today's events?"

Warring States did not directly ask him to ask, but asked his opinion on this matter.

Liu Xu frowned and thought for a while, and finally said: "The human heart is a terrible thing. There will always be some people who will give you a blow when you don't expect it. It's as simple as that. At the same time, today is also the first time I have seen the Tianlong people. Power can be seen from your attitude."

Very pertinent answer, unbiased.

Warring States nodded with satisfaction, it seemed that the other party did not have irresolvable resentment, so very good.

"The power of the Tianlong people is indeed great, but it is only part of it. Not everyone can be like Princess Madeline, and you will understand later. Now, tell us what you want to discuss!"

Speaking of this matter, Liu Xu suddenly became serious and outspoken.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I will keep in mind what happened today, and one day I will put an end to this matter completely. Now, I will charge a little interest first, otherwise some people will really think that I am easy to bully."

Warring States and others felt uneasy for a while, and sure enough, in the end, he still wouldn't put down this grievance so easily, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"how do you want to do it?"

Serious, Sengoku fists clenched, his heart is now very irritable.

"I will kill the one who is the most powerful, and I will never be soft-hearted!"


Warring States heart skipped a beat, and started a massacre in the naval headquarters?Is this the rhythm of rioting?

"Warring States, let him vent!"

Surprisingly, Garp opened his mouth very cheerfully, and directly blocked the words behind the love of the Warring States period.


"Warring States, he needs to vent, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Garp grinned, he was used to ups and downs, he had seen too many people, and he had seen too many emotional changes.

The Warring States fell silent, and the facial muscles kept twitching, which would have a great impact.

Silence means acquiescence. Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, moved his eyes and finally said: "Don't worry, I will be careful and not let the Navy Headquarters mess up. After all, I am a major general of the Navy Headquarters. What about my actions now? It's just to eliminate the traitors who committed the following crimes, so as not to have an adverse impact on the headquarters in the future, isn't it?"

It is indeed decisive and cruel to come here to tell the Supreme Commander that he will kill the people in the naval headquarters, but he has such a certainty.

"Who are you going to kill?"

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