"The one who jumped the most, the first one to fall into the trap, that's all."

Hearing this, several people in the Warring States period secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the impact of such words would not be great.

Seeing how many people remained silent, Liu Xu knew that he had achieved his goal this time, so he turned and left.

"I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse!"

Lieutenant General He sighed, his face full of vicissitudes.

"As long as he doesn't defect to Navy Headquarters."

Zhan Guo's eyes were full of wisdom, and Lieutenant General He seemed to have thought of something, and a smile appeared on his face.

"What nonsense are you playing?"

Cap didn't understand.


Nobles will always be nobles, with status and power that ordinary people cannot match. They exist at the top of the world's food chain.

Even some of the scum, the powerless nobles have power that ordinary people can't match.

When the Tianlong people are attacked or insulted, the general of the navy headquarters will help and kill the enemy to the scum. This is an iron law.

Some people are confused by the cowardice and majesty of some Tianlong people, and think that Tianlong people are garbage, scum who work for tigers under the shelter of their ancestors.

But how many people have thought that hundreds of years have passed, why these Tianlong people can still have such powerful power?

They have the meaning of existence and capital.

There are three admirals in the navy headquarters, more lieutenant admirals, and more major admirals.

There are so many generals that the quality is a bit uneven. Liu Xu has already selected a target. This time he wants to play with the heartbeat and excitement.

Use this action to completely lay a solid foundation in the naval headquarters, so as not to be tricked by villains in the future.

Early the next morning, a group of admirals just got up and prepared to lead the soldiers for daily training, however...


Chapter 2441 The fifth strike

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



A loud noise echoed over the naval headquarters, the golden light of the rising sun was instantly covered up, thunderclouds rolled in the sky, and the purple electric light confused the entire navy headquarters among the thunderclouds.

Such an unusual change attracted everyone's attention and looked towards the center.

Liu Xu had already been stuck in the wide square early in the morning. After some investigation last night, he already knew the major general's daily behavior pattern.

They must come here every morning to conduct rigorous training on the subordinates of the navy.

He is [-] meters tall, has long blue hair, and looks unremarkable, with a big knife hanging from his waist and a coat of justice.

It was the guy who was the first to jump his head in the conference room before, and today's target is him, which is very suitable for standing up.

"Major General Liu Xu, what do you mean?"

The middle-aged major general frowned, this guy came to provoke early in the morning, did he really think he would be afraid of him?

Liu Xu sneered. His whole body was bathed in purple arcs. The Thunder Knife was out of its sheath and straddled the ground obliquely. More and more soldiers and officers gathered around, but no one dared to step forward to stop anything.

In the battle between major generals, unless it is a general-level officer, other people are simply not qualified and have no strength to stop it.

Now all the generals in the Navy headquarters have participated in yesterday's incident, and they are well aware of what happened to Liu Xu today, so let's protect ourselves wisely with the idea that a dead friend will not die a poor man!

"Major General Trichy, now I declare your crime. Attempting to slander and frame the nobles of the world is a death penalty!"

A big hat was buttoned down, and Major General Trish's expression changed. This guy was too ruthless to directly charge him with such a crime.

Based on what Madeline said yesterday, Liu Xu can be regarded as a world nobleman.

"Liu, Liu Xu, what are you talking about?"

Major General Trish roared, but there was already a touch of panic in his words.

The other soldiers and officers had strange expressions on their faces. Major General Liu Xu's actions were intended to completely drive them to death.

Ruthless, ruthless enough, too ruthless to refute.

"Trichy, now I will deprive you of all duties and powers, execute the justice of the navy, and kill you!"

Liu Xu's face was as cold as ice, and strange purple lightning flashed in his eyes, and the thunder knife had already been raised.


Knowing that he couldn't escape today, Trichy roared and pulled out the big sword hanging from his waist. It was a weapon similar to a saber. The body of the sword was white and bright, and there was a sunken blood groove in the middle.

"Zi Lei Saber Technique, the fifth strike, the violent thunder shakes the sky!"

The purple-black blade was covered by lightning. Liu Xu added the power of lightning to the weapon, and swung it down with one hand. With a condescending blow, the power was concentrated on the blade, and nine consecutive lightning strikes were cut at super high speed.

Nine streaks of purple light with lightning shot out from the blade rapidly, and the moon-shaped light created narrow and long cracks on the ground. The ground was lifted where it passed, and the fine stone chips were turned into the smallest dust.

"Don't underestimate me."

Major General Trish let out an angry roar, and suddenly a smear of earthy yellow color appeared on the Saber Saber, and it was also chopped down with a ray of saber light.


The nine purple waning moon blade lights collided with the earthy yellow blade lights and exploded, but the earthy yellow blade lights only disintegrated two blade lights, and the remaining seven purple blade lights quickly approached Major General Trish.

In one blow, a judgment is made.

With just one move, the power gap between the two can be seen, and the seven purple waning moon blade lights have reached Major General Trish in the blink of an eye.


Major General Trish's eyes were wide open. At this moment, he still maintained the posture of waving his sword light. How could he have time to defend?


Seven purple sword glows hit his body and flew directly into the distance, without any obstacles along the way, and finally stopped barely hundreds of meters away.

"It's just ants."

Liu Xu snorted coldly, since the opponent is a swordsman, then use the strength of a swordsman to defeat him, so as to serve as a better deterrent.

With one strike, the other party has no room to resist.

Without mercy, he directly showed his strength.

"[-] million volts. Ssangyong strangulation!"

With a loud shout, his whole body was elementalized to form a dense power grid behind him, and the purple power grid formed two majestic brontosaurus in the blink of an eye, roaring and flying towards the position where Major General Trish finally stopped.

The thunder dragon had already displayed the power of thunder in the air, in stark contrast to the thunder cloud that covered the entire naval headquarters.


The two thunder dragons opened their bloody mouths downward from the air in two directions and rushed down directly!

[-] million volts of lightning, two thunder dragons swooped down, directly covering Major General Trish in purple lightning.

The soldiers and officers on the square have already retreated, and this is not a place where they can continue to stay. Who knows if Chiyu will be affected later.

Shrouded in the purple electric light, Major General Trichy felt as if his entire body had been penetrated, and the unspeakable pain spread throughout his body, as if he was about to be torn apart.

But Liu Xu didn't give him a chance to react here. The Thunder Knife was unsheathed again, and his whole body began to gather strength, and the Thunder Knife swung down fiercely.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

Another purple waning moon blade glow swung out, and the purple blade glow rushed in rapidly. Major General Trish, who was hit by the thunder dragon, hadn't recovered from the pain, and the waning moon shaped blade glow had pierced through his body. Pass.

"Uh..." Major General Trish shook his body and let out a scream, his body was actually split into two.

The purple waning moon-shaped sword light flew through his body and flew straight to the sea in the distance, leaving endless electric light along the way.


The blade slashed across the sea, and the sea split into two straight into the sky.

Seeing this, Liu Xu put away the Thunder Knife, cast a cold glance at Major General Trish who had been split into two, and then turned around and walked directly into the headquarters.

Shock, fear, envy.

A group of naval officers and soldiers had complicated emotions inside. This major general actually killed Major General Trish, and he also showed such combat effectiveness. It was indeed very cruel, and his strength had reached such a level.


Chapter 2442 Promoted to lieutenant general, trip to empty island

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Liu Xu's next target will not be us?" A major general said to a lieutenant general with a strange expression.

The lieutenant general's expression changed, and he quickly calmed down again, saying: "Of course not, Marshal Warring States will not let him destroy the order of the headquarters so easily."

The major general felt a little more comfortable and nodded slowly.


"Liu Xu's strength has exceeded our expectations by a lot."

Warring States looked at a big screen, and the picture inside was the battle between Liu Xu and Major General Trish.

Beside the Warring States period are the three cranes. It seems that the relationship between these four people is still very good.

At least Qingzhi, who has always been lazy, will watch here at this time, which is already a rare thing.

"Hahaha, Liu Xu really surprised the old man, I really want to see how many people he can kill."

Garp laughed loudly, but what he said made the three of them full of black lines.

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