"Karp, there are some things you can't say nonsense."

Zhan Guo tried his best to smooth the twitching eyebrows. Doesn't this guy understand what that means?How many people to kill?How many generals in the headquarters can be beheaded by him?Besides, those officers have not been promoted yet, how can we weaken the strength of the headquarters?

Karp laughed indifferently, rubbing the back of his head with one hand, seemingly nonchalantly.

Warring States had already understood the character of this old friend, so he was too lazy to say anything more, and turned to face Lieutenant General Crane.

"He, Liu Xu's strength has reached the rank of lieutenant general. In view of Donghai's affairs and his status, he should be able to be promoted to lieutenant general of the headquarters."

Blockbuster, the words of the Warring States period are completely a blockbuster, which directly woke up the smirking Garp.

"What? Lieutenant General Liu Xu? How is it possible?"

Garp was dumbfounded, Brother Warring States, the old man hasn't spoken yet, why are you so anxious?

"Well, it should have been at the rank of lieutenant general a long time ago. It's just that it will be very difficult to be promoted to the rank of general or higher in the future."

Garp's face changed again in an instant, but these words made the three of Warring States think.

Upgrading to the general level is not something that can be done simply by strength.

Military merit, countless military merits, and the approval of the majority are also required.

Now it seems that Liu Xu's military achievements are not enough to become a general, and not many people in the headquarters will recognize him. This is a troublesome problem.

Besides, the three generals are very stable now, do you want to kick one?Or increase to the four generals?Tangled, the Warring States was completely tangled.

"Liu Xu's achievements in the future will be very high. It is certain that we don't need to think too much about it. We just hope that he will not go astray, otherwise it will be a pity."

Lieutenant General Crane is very calm and wise, and he can keep his face in the face of anything...

Qingzhi, the lazy general, also said at this time: "I have no opinion on Liu Xu becoming a lieutenant general, you can decide."

As he said that, he pulled down the blindfold, looking very relaxed.

The Warring States period is helpless, Qingzhi is the talent he is most optimistic about, and he can even accept a general who can take his place in the future, but his personality is a bit entangled, he is too lazy, and he doesn't know what will happen to him after taking his place. Nothing will change.

"Then this matter will be confirmed in this way, and Liu Xu will be announced as the lieutenant general of the headquarters in two days!"

The Warring States period has finally made a decision. The most powerful people in the headquarters have been determined. As for the other two generals or other generals, it is not necessary to consider them for the time being.

And speaking of Liu Xu, at this moment he is walking towards the Warring States.

According to yesterday's agreement, he will not disrupt the order of the headquarters now, nor will it hit the strength of the headquarters.

Killing the most happiest major general can temporarily calm his hatred and anger.

Next, he should continue his voyage, and at the same time fulfill his promise to Madeline.

After the end of the first half of the Great Route, go to the Holy Land Marijoa to see and find out what she has to do by herself.

With the status of a world noble, or the status of half a world noble, it can bring him convenience in many things.

In the past, it was resistance from the heart, but now I have silently accepted it, or in other words, I have acknowledged my special identity in this battle. This is a big change, a surprising change.

All available resources must be utilized, Madeline gave such a superior gift, so it should be utilized well.

And the flying dragon gold hairpin, according to what she said, will send people to support it anytime and anywhere, which is an even bigger wealth.

"Major General Liu Xu, Marshal of the Warring States Period is looking for you!"

A navy soldier came over and said respectfully.


The promotion of the generals of the navy headquarters is very difficult, and the promotion of each level seems to be like crossing the sky.

The promotion of some generals is similar to recruiting security, as long as there is a strong force, there is a certain influence on a certain area, etc., it is possible to become a general.

Liu Xu bears the title of world nobleman, plus his own strength, thunder and lightning ability, swordsmanship, domineering, and six styles of navy. The combination of these kinds of strength is enough to take up more challenging positions.

Being promoted to a lieutenant general may also have consolation and other meanings in it.

How can the person in power be an ignorant person, and the so-called wise general in the Warring States Period will naturally not be an ignorant person.

When he met Marshal Warring States again with doubts, Liu Xu was also straight to the point.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, what do you have to do with me? I plan to go to sea again in the next two days. There are some things to deal with."

The goal of Liu Xu's next stop is Sky Island, to see if he can get the Thunderbolt fruit.

Zhan Guo looked serious and said in a deep voice: "Liu Xu, in view of your various performances, the headquarters is going to make an exception and promote you to lieutenant general. You should prepare for the inauguration ceremony of lieutenant general."

Um?Lieutenant General?

Liu Xu frowned, wouldn't it be too soon to be promoted to middle school now?Will those people in the headquarters be convinced?


Chapter 2443 Spreading all over the world, high-profile declaration of war

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Marshal of the Warring States Period, do you think I am suitable for Lieutenant General now?"

Liu Xu had just gotten into a stalemate with most of the generals in the headquarters, even if he became a lieutenant general, it would not be so easy.

Zhan Guo smiled and said: "What's not suitable, I believe you have the ability to handle these matters well, this matter has been settled, I hope you will not let me down."

The Warring States has already made a decision, Liu Xu smiled proudly, no matter how difficult the difficulty is, he is sure to face it, since he is so kind, there is no reason for him to refuse.

"I understand, I will handle these things, it's just the way, you'll have to take care of it then."

This can be regarded as a boost to the Warring States in advance, lest something uncontrollable really happen at that time, it would be really sad.

The relationship with the generals needs to be dealt with slowly. As for the way to deal with it, it depends on your own mentality.

The Warring States twitched, as if he didn't care what he said.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, do you think I am suitable for Lieutenant General now?"

Self-awareness, and most of the generals in the headquarters are deadlocked, even if it becomes a lieutenant general, it will not be so easy.

Zhan Guo smiled and said: "What's not suitable, I believe you have the ability to handle these matters well, this matter has been settled, I hope you will not let me down."

The Warring States has already made a decision, Liu Xu smiled proudly, no matter how difficult the difficulty is, he is sure to face it, since he is so kind, there is no reason for him to refuse.

"I understand, I will handle these things, it's just the way, you'll have to take care of it then."

This can be regarded as a boost to the Warring States in advance, lest something uncontrollable really happen at that time, it would be really sad.

The relationship with the generals needs to be dealt with slowly. As for the way to deal with it, it depends on your own mentality.

The Warring States twitched, as if he didn't care what he said.


The next thing was much simpler. Several people from the Warring States Period urgently arranged a meeting to directly expose Liu Xu's matter. This matter is destined to shock many people.

"Damn it, he was actually promoted to lieutenant general."

A major general of a strong man had a look of grief and indignation, with frightening lights shining in his eyes, which showed his anger.

"Hmph, so what if he becomes a lieutenant general? I really don't understand why Marshal Warring States made such a huge announcement."

The other lieutenant general also looked very upset when he saw the countless soldiers in the square and those people who came to broadcast it, but he denied the existence of this lieutenant general in words.

"A lieutenant general in his twenties, I will not admit such a person."

The words of the same lieutenant general were filled with anger.

Some of the other generals were of different minds, some indifferent, some excited, some angry, some hated.

Standing together with Zhan Guo and others, Liu Xu's heart network has been opened, and the psychological activities of these people have been captured by him one by one.

"Stupid guy, I will deal with you slowly when the time comes."

Liu Xu sneered secretly in his heart, and his eyes swept over these people. These people were the generals who participated in the booing in the conference room before.

And those officers such as the colonel were much calmer in their hearts. After all, they had never experienced anything in the conference room and had no direct relationship with them.

"Above all, Rear Admiral Liu Xu has been officially promoted to Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, sailing on the great route to carry out the justice of the Navy!"

The Warring States period said a lot of mandarin, and the last sentence settled the matter.


The square suddenly boiled. For those soldiers, one more lieutenant general would provide more security. The power of a lieutenant general is also one of the high-level forces in the Navy headquarters.

Only some of the generals seemed unconvinced. They worked so hard not to send this arrogant guy to the underwater prison, and even made him a lieutenant general. This is unacceptable.

Crap, this thing is so stupid.

The video phone bug spread Liu Xu's video to all over the world, and the word Liu Xu spread almost instantly.

There are pros and cons to such a big publicity. The advantage is that the world can witness the power of the new generation of the Navy headquarters, and the disadvantage is that his identity is exposed prematurely, which will inevitably have a certain impact on future voyages.

Liu Xu had a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, and his starry eyes showed a stern look, he stepped forward and opened his hands in two steps.

"From today, I, Liu Xu, will work harder for justice and punish all evil people, no matter where they come from."

His eyes swept over some of the people below. Since they had already offended them, it was more thorough.

Declare war, and see who wins in the end.

As soon as Liu Xu's words came out, the faces of the generals below changed. Is this guy provoking them?Bastard, do you really think that no one can cure you?

The face of the Warring States froze, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, why are you doing this!

The same words will have different effects in the ears of different people. Those low-level officers and soldiers are even more excited. The lieutenant general who declared war with the villains in such a high-profile manner is very interesting and exciting.

After saying a word, Liu Xu withdrew to the side of the Warring States, and the inauguration ceremony that was destined to set off a bloody storm on the great route finally came to an end.

The inauguration ceremony was a bit rushed, and many key figures had not arrived yet, such as the representatives of the World Government, and the two generals of the Navy headquarters did not arrive, but this did not affect the effect of the inauguration ceremony.

Vigorous, such words are enough to describe it.

When most people were sighing at the inauguration ceremony, Liu Xu had already rowed a small boat to the waters outside the Navy headquarters.


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